Because the early Assemblies of Yeshua (Jesus) considered the Septuagint (LXX) to be Divinely Inspired (and there are exact quotes from It in the original Manuscripts of the Greek New Testament!), it has become necessary to present passages from the LXX on this page.

As may be already known, the Text that is used in Bibles today for the Older Testament, including the King James Version (KJV 1611, et. al.), is the Hebrew Masoretic Text (MT) , and not the Septuagint, which the early Assemblies, indeed, as previously the entire Jewish world also, had Reverenced as G-ds' Inspired Word for centuries before the First Advent. There is much evidence that the Hebrew Text was not in general use by the vast numbers of Jews world-wide, but they did use the Septuagint. Jews spoke and understood Greek. Greek was without question the "universal language" in the First Century A.D., and the Books of the Greek Septuagint represented the Old Testament Scriptures for the early Church. The obvious presence in Jewish tradition of Greek should make even the most stubborn admit that Greek was used extensively by Jews from old-time. For instance, "synagogue" and "afikomen".


There was a different Manuscript in use in the 1st Century A.D. It was found within the Greek Septuagint (LXX). We know the LXX was considered authoritative by Jews, as said before, because quotes from it appear in the Greek New Testament Manuscripts and also at Qumran.

The Hebrew Masoretic Text, on the other hand, came many centuries later. It is from the Middle Ages: about 800-1200 A.D. It was not just "one text" as some have been led to believe, but rather a "family of texts" of which no two agree 100%. Todays' "Masoretic Text" is a combination of Manuscripts rabbinically edited which was then introduced as "the Masoretic Text".

Was the Septuagint (LXX) then not also a pre-Yeshua Fulfillment of this verse?

"For with stammering lips and another tongue will I Speak to this people, to whom He said, 'This The Rest, You may cause the weary to Rest.' And, 'This The Refreshing', yet for all that they would not hear." Isaiah 28:11,12

The Jewish people did hear the Septuagint (LXX) before Yeshua Arrived, but the rabbinists in the 2nd Century A.D. rejected it because it was used extensively to witness for Yeshua.

Yeshua Quoted the Septuagint (LXX), and the Apostles were Led to write the New Testament using direct quotes, and the Disciples and early believers witnessed directly from it.

The Masoretic Text, on the other hand, was assembled in the Middle Ages, between the 6th and 10th Centuries A.D., under rabbinical supervision. These rabbinical authorities did not believe in Yeshua. There are several key differences between the older LXX and the MT as we shall see.

The Septuagint (LXX), according to Josephus, Philo, Aristobulus the High Priest and many others, was from about 260 B.C., AND from an entirely different Hebrew Manuscript (MS)! That Hebrew MS no longer exists today. All that we have is the Septuagint (LXX) which was translated from much earlier Hebrew Manuscripts. The early Church used the Septuagint, as there was no Hebrew Text used during the early centuries. Augustine used the LXX, which as Oswald T. Allis states in his book Prophecy and the Church, the fact that the LXX adds nearly 1500 years more to the time between Adam and Abraham than the Hebrew Text has!

The LXX was found also in fragmentary form at Qumran among the Dead Sea Scrolls, proving its use by the Jewish people. The Assemblies used the LXX for many more centuries, even after the Jewish authorities had banned the original LXX at about the time of the Bar Kochba revolt. There are many, many differences between the LXX and the Masoretic Text. In fact, because of additions and subtractions, it seems one is reading an entirely different Bible! In some verses, the very opposite meaning!

According to these many ancient authorities, the Hebrew MSS from the Holy Temple in Jerusalem were Approved by Eleazar the High Priest in Jerusalem and transported to Egypt for translation into Greek for King Philadephus I in Alexandria. Greek was also widely spoken by Jews world-wide two centuries before Yeshua. See History of the Septuagint for verification.

Others insist that the Hebrew Scriptures were never Approved to be written in Greek at all, but such a thing would be "Hellenization". This is not true as you can verify from the Talmudic Ruling on Greek. The Jewish authorities themselves Approved of the Holy Scriptures being translated into Greek.


Still others argue that the LXX was only the first five books of Moses, which they say was ONLY called "the Law". In opposition to this, The New Testament declares that the Prophets and Writings were also called "the Law".

In John 10:34, Yeshua refers to the Psalms (grouped with "the Writings" or K'tuviim) as "the Law", and also the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 14:21, refers to the Prophet Isaiah (grouped with the Nu'viim) as "The Law". This affirms that the ENTIRE Older Testament (the TaNaK, including the Prophets and the Writings) WAS known as "The Law" in the First Century A.D., and NOT just the Torah (the first 5 Books of Moses). There is no evidence that any Jewish authorities questioned these statements at the time.


What I am about to say may shock some, but here it is:

The separation of the Believers in Yeshua from R" Judaism at the time of the Bar Kosiba (renamed Bar Kochba) revolt was not based solely upon the proclamation of Bar Kosiba as "messiah" by R" Akiva, but also the rejection of the ORIGINAL Septuagint (LXX) for another "Septuagint" produced by one Aquila, a Jewish proselyte [no relation to the Aquila of the New Testament], about 126 A.D., and the rejection of the real Septuagint that had been considered G-ds' Inspired Word for centuries by the Jewish people, and now the Assemblies of Yeshua too. This was done because the real Septuagint showed clearly that Yeshua WAS the Moshiach of Israel, and there was too much evidence to allow it to continue as Canon, and that the Believers in Yeshua used It exclusively to witness with.

This "Septuagint" from Aquila the proselyte, approved by R" Akiva, and substituted FOR the ORIGINAL Septuagint (LXX), then combined with Bar Kosiba proclaimed as "messiah", led to even further separation.

More and more verses will be added as necessary. Be sure to follow along with your own Bibles and note the differences. Here are the first verses. (some Capitals added) This page is updated regularly. More Following Soon! Lets' see the Scripture!



"And G-d said, Let Us Make man in Our Own Image and Likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the flying creatures of the heaven, and over all the cattle and all the earth, and over all the reptiles that creep upon the earth."


"And the L-RD G-D having seen that the wicked actions of men were multiplied upon the earth, and that every one (of those ones) in his heart was intently brooding over evil continually, then G-d laid it to heart that He had Made man upon the earth, and He pondered [it] deeply. And G-d said, I will blot out man whom I have Made from the face of the earth, even man with cattle, and reptiles with flying creatures from the sky, for I have Thought (or Reasoned) concerning Making them."

[NOTE: Here we do not see any reference to the L-RD G-D "repenting" or "grieving".]


"And G-d blessed Noe and his sons and said to them, 'Increase and multiply, and fill the earth and have dominion over it'."

[NOTE: No mention whatsoever of Noe (Noah) and his sons having "dominion" over the earth in the MT.]


"But do you increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and have dominion over it."

[NOTE: There is no mention of Noe and his sons having "dominion" over all the earth in the MT here either. Having dominion means the Rule of Righteousness according as G-ds' Word was Given to Noe and his sons to establish Righteousness in all the earth. This is a clear Mandate to Noe and his sons.]

The Noachide Laws of Judaism allow the Gentiles (sons of Noe) to "establish courts of justice", but clearly not like having dominion over the whole earth using Gods' Word applied to every area of life as G-d Commands here.


"And Arphaxad begot Cainan and Cainan begot Sala."


"And Arphaxad lived a hundred and thirty-five years, and begat Cainan."

[NOTE: The two passages above agree with the New Testament in Luke 3:36 listing Cainan as the son of Arphaxad. The Masoretic Text leaves him out completely. Proving that the New Testament followed the Septuagint, and not whatever text the Masoretic Text drew from.]

[FURTHER NOTE: The fairly recent discoveries at Qumran also reveal that the New Testament and the LXX are correct in this place. From the Book of Jubilees 8:1,2, the son of Arphachsad is also Cainan, not Salah.]


"And Sarrha laughed in herself, saying, The thing has not as yet happened to me, even until now, and my lord is old."

[NOTE: There is no reference here to "shall I have pleasure.." The Hebrew word found here is "ednah" which means "to have pleasure". It comes from the root word "edan" which means "to live voluptuously, to delight self". It is not found this passage in the LXX. The Geneva Bible (based on the Masoretic Text) correctly translates it as "lust" in this passage. We strenuously disagree with the Masoretic Texts' assigning "lust" to Sarahs' statement.]


"And Abraam called the name of that place, 'The L-rd hath seen'; that they might say today, 'In the mount the L-rd was seen.'"


"After this Abraam buried Sarrha his wife in the Double Cave of the field, which is opposite Mambre, this is Chebron in the land of Chanaan."


"And the virgin was very beautiful in appearance, she was a virgin, a man had not known her; and she went down to the well, and filled her waterpot, and came up."

[NOTE: This passage concerning Rebecca gives the word for "virgin" (parthenos) and defines what it means all in the same verse. This is helpful for the "a virgin (parthenos) shall conceive" passage.]


"And Jacob took to himself green rods of storax tree and walnut and plane-tree; and Jacob peeled in them white stripes; and as he drew off the green, the white stripe which he had made appeared alternate on the rods."

GENESIS 32:24-32

"And Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the morning. And he saw that he prevailed not against Him; and He Touched the broad part of Jacobs' thigh, and the broad part of Jacobs' thigh was benumbed in his wrestling with Him. And He said to him, Let Me go for the day has dawned; but he said I will not let Thee go except Thou Bless me. And He said to him, What is thy name; for thou hast prevailed with G-d, and shalt be Mighty with men. And Jacob asked and said, tell me Thy Name; and He said, Wherefore dost thou ask after My Name? And He Blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of that place, The Face of G-d; for [said he], I have seen G-d Face-to-face, and my Life was Preserved. And the sun rose upon him, when he passed the Face of G-d; and he halted upon his thigh. Therefore the children of Israel will by no means eat of the sinew which was benumbed, which is on the broad part of the thigh, until this day, because [He] Touched the broad part of the thigh of Jacob - even the sinew which was benumbed.

[NOTE: The "sinew" on the "broad part" of the thigh gives every indication of being the inner leg muscle and tendon from the back of the hip joint to behind the knee joint. There is no mention of "hip socket", or dislocating the hip-joint, but instead the leg muscle and tendon or hamstring was "benumbed".]


"A Ruler shall not fail from Juda, nor a Prince from his loins, until there Come the Things Stored Up for Him; and He Is the Expectation of the Nations.

[NOTE: There is no mention of "Shiloh" found. From this term, "Shiloh" it is believed that the Moshiach is "Shiloh", all the while "Shiloh" does not appear!?]



"seventy-five" souls came with Jacob down to Egypt.

[NOTE: The Masoretic Text has "seventy" souls. This appears to be an obvious alteration to make the Torah align more with kabbalistic gemetria but still more, to disgree with the New Testament testimony of Stephen before the Sanhedrin: "Then sent Joseph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred, seventy-five souls" (Acts 7:14) KJV. The Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q Exod-a) also agrees with the LXX in this place that "seventy-five" souls, not "seventy" (as the rabbis have it) came down to Egypt.]

EXODUS 22:18

"You shall not protect sorcerers."

[NOTE: There is nothing in this passage resembling the Masoretic Text: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". The sorcerers mentioned in the New Testament were within Israel, and yet there is no reference to their being apprehended or sought after as were the Apostles!]

EXODUS 23:1,2

"Thou shalt not receive a vain report: thou shalt not agree with the unjust to become an unjust witness. Thou shalt not associate with the multitude for evil; thou shalt not join thyself to a multitude to turn aside with the majority so as to shut out judgment."

EXODUS 34:26

"The First-Fruits of thy land shalt thou put into the House of the L-rd thy G-d: thou shalt not boil a lamb in its' mothers' milk."

[NOTE: In this passage it is not "kid" but "lamb". Specific, not general.]



"And on the eighth day she shall circumcise the flesh of his foreskin,"

[NOTE: Here it states that the mother is to circumcise her son on the eighth day. This would explain why Zipporah circumcised Moses' son. (Exodus 4:25)]


NUMBERS 21:14-16

"Therefore it is said in a book, a war of the L-rd has set on fire Zoob, and the brooks of Arnon. And He has Appointed brooks to cause Er to dwell; and it lies near to the coasts of Moab. And thence [they came to] the well; this is the well of which the L-rd said to Moses, Gather the people and I will give them water to drink."

[NOTE: In the verses above, there is no reference whatsoever to any "Book of the Wars of the L-rd". It appears the sentence was reworked to "produce" a so-called "lost book". Also there is no reference whatever to the "Red Sea".]

[FURTHER NOTE: The Roman Church paid very high prices for any "lost books" or "discovered manuscripts" in the Middle Ages when the Masoretic Text was assembled.]


"And their seed shall perish Esebon to Daebon; and their women have yet farther kindled a fire against Moab."



"And ye shall Write them on the lintels of your Houses and on your Gates."

[NOTE: The "lintel" is the horizontal top bar of the door frame that sits upon the tops of the vertical doorposts, and is supported by them. One passes under the lintel, "going out and coming in".]


"And He afflicted thee and straightened thee with hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thy fathers knew not: that He might Teach thee that man shall not Live by bread alone, but by every Word that Proceeds out of the Mouth of G-d shall man live."

[NOTE: This is the verse that Yeshua uses against the devil in Matthew 4:4. The Hebrew Masoretic Text has "L-RD", (Y""H, the Tetragrammaton, and not "Elohim" (G-D) but the Septuagint has "Theou" (G-D) not "Kurios" (L-RD).

This establishes that Yeshuas' Words in His confrontation with the devil as recorded in the New Testament also AGREE with the Septuagint in this very same place, demonstrating that the Quote Attributed to Yeshua is FOUND in the Septuagint (and REPEATED in the New Testament), but NOT in the Masoretic Text.

What does this do? Essentially, the Masoretic Text has Yeshua MISQUOTING Deuteronomy 8:3 in Matthew 4:4 (Saying "G-D" instead of "L-RD"), should we believe the Masoretic Text, after all, Yeshua Said. "IT IS WRITTEN..."! So who is right? Yeshuas' Own Words in the New Testament that AGREE with the Septuagint?, or the Masoretic Text?]


"Also in the burning, and in the temptation, and at the graves of lust, ye provoked the L-rd."


"At that time the L-RD said to me, Hew for thyself two tables as the first, and come up unto Me in the mountain, and thou shalt make for thyself an ark of wood. And thou shalt write upon the tables the Words which were on the first tables which thou didst break, and thou shalt put them into the ark.


"Therefore ye shall circumcise the hardness of your heart, and ye shall not harden your neck."


"And if the L-rd thy G-d shall utterly destroy the nations to whom thou goest in thither to inherit their land, from before thee, and thou shalt inherit it, and dwell in their land; take heed to thyself that thou seek not to follow them after they are destroyed before thee, saying, How do these nations act towards their gods? I will do likewise."


"Ye shall Follow the L-rd your G-d, and Fear Him, and ye shall Hear His Voice, and Attach yourselves to Him."


"Thou shalt tithe a tenth of all the produce of thy seed, the fruit of thy field year by year."


"And whatever man shall not hearken to whatsoever Words That Prophet Shall Speak In My Name, I Will Take Vengeance Upon him."


"When the Most High divided the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the boundaries of the people according to the number of the angels of G-d."

[NOTE: The Masoretic Text substitutes "children of Israel" where the LXX nas, "angels of G-d" in most texts. This has been generally agreed to be a deliberate change by the rabbis. James C. VanderKam Finally, the Dead Sea Scrolls do agree with the LXX in this place that "the nations were divided according to the number of the angels of G-d".]


"Rejoice Ye Heavens, with Him, and let the angels of G-d Worship Him: Rejoice ye Gentiles, with His people, and let the Sons of G-d Strengthen themselves in Him; for He will Avenge the blood of his Sons, and He will render Vengeance, and Recompense Justice to His enemies, and will Reward them that hate Him; and the L-RD shall Purge the land of His people.

[NOTE: The first part of the verse does not appear in the Masoretic Text. Also see LXX Psalms 97:7 and Hebrews 1:6, I Peter 3:22.]


JOSHUA 10:13

"And the sun and the moon stood still, until G-d executed vengeance on their enemies; and the sun stood still in the midst of heaven; it did not proceed to set until the end of one day."

[NOTE: There is NO REFERENCE to any "Book of Jasher" in the above verse in the Septuagint (LXX) whatsoever.]



"And the angel of the L-RD appeared to him, and said to him, 'The L-RD is with thee - The Mighty L-RD of Hosts'."

[NOTE: There is no reference here to the angel calling Gideon "thou mighty man of valour".]



"And Arphaxad begot Cainan, and Cainan begot Sala, and Sala begot Eber. [Alexandrine LXX.]

[NOTE: This also agrees with Luke 3:36; Cainan was Arphaxads' son, not Sala]


I SAMUEL 4:13 (I KINGS in the Septuagint)

"And I Told him that I Would Be Avenged on his House Perpetually for the iniquities of his sons, because his sons spoke evil against G-d, and he did not Admonish them.

I SAMUEL 17:43 (I KINGS in the Septuagint)

"And the Philistine said to David, 'Am I a dog, that you come at me with staff and stones?' and David said, 'Nay, but worse than a dog.'* And the Philistine cursed David by his gods."

[*NOTE: not found in Masoretic Text]


II SAMUEL 1:18,19

"And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son. And he gave orders to teach it the sons of Juda: behold it is written in the book of Straight [or Right].

[NOTE: There is no reference here to any "teaching the chidren of Judah the use of the bow". The only thing that was commanded by David to be written was the lamentation which follows: vs. 19-27. It is suggested the children of Judah already knew how to use the bow.]

[NOTE: There is no 1 and 2 Samuel in the Septuagint. There is 1,2,3 and 4th Kings. 1 and 2nd Kings in the Septuagint (LXX) were renamed 1 and 2 Samuel in the Masoretic Text.]



"And the king, and his concubine that sat next to him, said to me, For how long will thy journey be, and when wilt thou return? and [the proposal] was pleasing before the king, and he sent me away, and I appointed him a time.


"And I went forth by the gate of the valley by night, and to the mouth of the well of the fig trees, and to the dung-gate: and I mourned over the Wall of Jerusalem which they were destroying, and her Gates were devoured with fire."



"And Mardochaeus was viceroy to King Artaxerxes, and was a great man in the kingdom, and honored by the Jews, and passed his life beloved of all his nation."

[NOTE: There follows in the Septuagint a recounting of a prophetic dream regarding Israel and G-ds' deliverance recounted by Mordechai (Mardochaeus). In recounting his dream Mordechai DOES speak of G-d. The Book of Esther from the Septuagint therefore DOES include passages with L-rd AND G-d in Them!. Here are some passages:]

"But my nation, this is Israel, they that cried to G-d, and were Delivered: for the L-rd Delivered His people, and the L-rd Rescued us out of all these calamities; and G-d Wrought such Signs and Great Wonders as have not been done among the nations. Therefore did He Ordain two Lots, one for the People of G-d, and one for all the nations."

[SECOND NOTE: It ends with this historical statement:]

"'In the fourth year of the reign of Ptolomy and Cleopatra, Dositheus, who said that he was a priest and a Levite, and Ptolemy his son, brought in the published letter of Phrurae, which they said existed, and Lysimachus the son of Ptolemy, interpreted.' End [of the Book] of Esther."


JOB 42:16,17

"And Job lived after affliction a hundred and seventy years: and all the years he lived were two hundred and forty: and Job saw his sons, and his sons' sons, the fourth generation. And Job died, an old man and full of days: and it is written that he will rise up again with those whom the L-rd raises up."

[NOTE: The Masoretic Text also leaves out the direct reference to the Resurrection at the end of verse 17. There also follows in the Septuagint after verse 17, lengthy geneology of Job, Eliphaz and the others, as well as geographical and historical data. Of Job, it says, "his name before was Jobab", from Esau.]



"Be ye angry, and sin not; feel compunction on your beds for what ye say in your hearts."

[NOTE: The Masoretic Text has "Stand in awe", or "Tremble" instead of "Be ye angry". The New Testament in Ephesians 4:26a quotes this part of the verse from the LXX. The MT again does not agree specifically with a NT citation from the LXX.]

PSALM 13:6

"I will sing to the L-rd who has dealt bountifully with Me, and I will sing Psalms to the Name of the L-rd Most High."

[NOTE: See Matthew 26:30 and Mark 14:26. In the Geneva Bible, 1599 edition, under the Notes on this passage: "When they had made an end to the solemn singing, which some think was six Psalms, beginning at the 112th to the 117th." On the basis of this passage, People of G-d Ministries does encourage everyone not only in the Messianic Movement but all the Assemblies to more fully return to our Jewish Roots, and once again incorporate these six Psalms at the close of the Pesach (Passover) Seder and Formal Communions. Also Note that Psalms 112 -117 as well as many other Psalms have "Hallelujah!" at the beginning of these Psalms in the LXX, which the Masoretic Text leaves out entirely, or places at the end of the Psalm instead of the beginning.]

PSALM 18:43-45

"Deliver Me from the gainsayings of the people: Thou shalt Make Me Head of the Gentiles: a people whom I knew not served Me, at the Hearing of the ear they obeyed Me: strange children lied to Me. The strange children waxed old, and fell away from their paths through lameness."

PSALM 21:6

"Now I know that the L-rd has Saved His Christ: He shall Hear Him from His Holy Heaven: the Salvation of His Right Hand is Mighty."

[NOTE: In several passages below, the Septuagint (LXX) reads, "G-d my Saviour", not "G-d is my Salvation" as in the Masoretic Text assembled centuries later. The Septuagint affirms that G-d Himself, in the Person of Yeshua (Jesus), Is our Saviour.]

PSALM 24:5

"He shall receive a Blessing from the L-rd, and Mercy from G-d his Saviour."

PSALM 27:1

"The L-rd is my Light and my Saviour; Whom shall I Fear? The L-rd is the Defender of my life: of whom shall I be afraid?"

PSALM 27:9

"Turn not Thy Face away from me, turn not Thou away from Thy servant in anger; be Thou my Helper, forsake me not; and, O G-d my Saviour, overlook me not."

PSALM 29:1

"Bring to the L-rd, ye sons of G-d, bring to the L-rd young rams; bring to the L-rd Glory and Honour."

PSALM 33:14-16

"He Looks from His Prepared Habitation on all the dwellers of the earth; Who Fashioned their hearts alone; Who Understands all their works. A King is not Saved by reason of his great host; and a giant shall not be Delivered by the greatness of his strength.

PSALM 35:15-17

"They rejoiced against me, and plagues were plentifully brought against me, and I knew not: they were scattered, but Repented not. They tempted me, they sneered most contemptuously, they gnashed their teeth upon me. O L-rd, when wilt Thou Look Upon Me? Deliver my soul from their mischief, Mine Only-Begotten One from the lions.

PSALM 40:6

"Sacrifice and Offering Thou wouldest not; but a Body Hast Thou Prepared Me: whole-burnt-offering and [sacrifice] for sin Thou didst not Require.

[NOTE: This passage is found in Hebrews 10:5,6. The writer of the Book of Hebrews drew from the Septuagint (LXX). What do other sources say about this?

"10:5 'a Body You have Prepared for Me'. The Hebrew text of Psalm 40:6 reads, 'My ears You have opened' (cf. Is. 50:5), [The Book of] Hebrews follows the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) translation of the verse, speaking of the readiness of the whole person ('the body') and not only a representative part (the ears). The 'body...prepared for Me' is the humanity assumed by Christ in the course of His full obedience to the Father (2:14, 5:8). The New Geneva Study Bible, KJV, Nelson Press, 1995, p. 1948, notes.]

PSALM 62:1,2

"Shall not my soul be subjected to G-d? for of Him is my Salvation. For He is my G-d and my Saviour; my Helper, I shall not be moved any more."

PSALM 62:5,6

"Nevertheless, do thou my soul be subject to G-d; for of Him is my patient hope. For He is my G-d and my Saviour; my Helper, I shall not be moved."

PSALM 65:5-7

"[Thou art] Wonderful in Righteousness. Hearken to us O G-d our Saviour; the Hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them on the sea afar off: Who Dost Establish the mountains in Thy Strength, being Girded about with Power; Who Troublest the depths of the sea, the sound of its' waves."

PSALM 88:10

Wilt Thou Work Wonders for the dead? or shall physicians raise [them] up, that they shall Praise Thee?"

Psalm 87:4

"I will make mention of Raab and Babylon to them that know Me; behold also the Philistines and Tyre, and the people of the Ethiopians: these were born there."

[NOTE: There is no reference to "Rahab" here, but Raab as a geographical location. See also note Isaiah 51:9}

PSALM 89:10

Thou Hast brought down the proud as one that is slain; and with the Arm of Thy Power, Thou Hast Scattered Thy enemies."

[NOTE: There is no reference to "Rahab" here whatsoever. See Note above.]

PSALM 95:1

The Praise of a Song by David

"Come, let us Exult in the L-rd; let us make a Joyful noise to G-d our Saviour."

PSALM 95:10

"Forty years was I displeased (or indignant) with this generation, and said, they do always err in their heart, and they have not known My Ways."

NOTE: There is no reference here to G-d being "grieved". The New Testament KJV in Hebrews 3:10 follows the Masoretic rendition and has "grieved" also in this place. The Greek word, proswxthisa, however, means to be "indignant" or "displeased"; not "grieved".

PSALM 97:7

"Let all that worship graven images be ashamed, who boast of their idols; worship Him, all His ye angels.

[NOTE: The verse does not agree here with the Masoretic Text. Also see LXX Deuteronomy 32:43, Hebrews 1:6, I Peter 3:22.]

PSALM 110:1

"The L-rd said to My L-rd, sit Thou on My Right Hand until I Make Thine enemies Thy Footstool."

[Note: The Septuagint records both instances of "L-rd" as "Kurios" with a capital "K" meaning Deity. Both of these Titles of "Kurios" would have been the Hebrew Tetragrammaton (Y""H) in the Hebrew original from which the Septuagint was translated. G-d the Father Speaking to the G-d the Son, designated by Two Tetragrammatons. The Masoretic Text here has the first "L-rd" as "L-rd", but the second as "Adonai" as a "lesser lord" which is sometimes interpreted as David the king.]

PSALM 112:7

"He shall not be afraid of evil report: his heart is Ready to Trust in the L-rd."

PSALM 112:10

"The sinner shall see and be angry, he shall gnash with his teeth, and consume away: the desire of the sinner shall perish."

PSALM 113:9

"Who Settles the barren [woman] in a house, [as] a mother Rejoicing over children."

PSALM 115:12-18

"The L-rd has Remembered us, and Blessed us: He has Blessed the house of Israel, He has Blessed the house of Aaron. He has Blessed them that Fear the L-rd, both small and great. The L-rd Add [Blessings] to you and your children. Blessed are you of the L-rd, Who Made the Heaven and the earth. The Heaven of Heavens to the L-rd: but He has Given the earth to the sons of men. The dead shall not praise Thee, O L-rd, nor any that go down to Hades. But we the Living, will Bless the L-rd, from Henceforth and Forever."

PSALM 116:16

"O L-rd I am Thy Servant; I am Thy Servant and the son of Thine handmaid; Thou hast burst My bonds asunder."

[NOTE: Psalm 137 has this title: "For David, a [Psalm] of Jeremias (Jeremiah)."]

PSALM 138:2

"I will worship toward Thy Holy Temple, and give thanks to Thy Name, on account of Thy Mercy and Thy Truth; for Thou Hast Magnified Thy Holy Name Above everything."

[NOTE: See Ephesians 1:21]

PSALM 119:165

"Great Peace have they that love Thy Law: and there is no stumbling-block to them."

[NOTE: This verse in the LXX is vastly different than the MT. The MT has "Great Peace have those who love Your Law, and nothing causes them to stumble." Who is the "stumbling-block"? The "stumbling-block" of course, is Yeshua, referred to here in the LXX. The verse means true followers of G-ds Law do not finf Yeshua a "stumbling-block" at all.]

PSALM 144:15

"Men bless the people to whom this lot belongs, [but] Blessed is the people whose G-d is the L-rd."

[NOTE: Psalms 146, 147 and 148 all start with the statement, "Hallelujah, a [Psalm] of Aggaeus and Zecharias."]

PSALM 145:3

"The L-rd is Great, and Greatly to Be Praised; and there is no end of His Greatness.

PSALM 150:1-7 (all)

[NOTE: You will not find this Psalm in your King James Bible, because it is left out of the Masoretic Text, yet they still came out with 150 total! How did they do this?. They divided Psalm 113 into two Psalms! Here is the last Psalm (150) from the Septuagint, including the introductory note:]

"This Psalm is a genuine one of David, though supernumerary, when he fought in single combat with Goliad.

"I was small among my brethren, and youngest in my fathers' house: I tended my fathers' sheep. My hands formed a musical instrument, and my fingers tuned a psaltry. And who shall tell my L-rd? the L-rd Himself, He Himself Hears. He sent forth His angel (messenger), and took me from my fathers' sheep, and he annointed me with the Oil of His Annointing. My brothers were handsome and tall; but the L-rd did not take pleasure in them. I went forth to meet the Philistine; and he cursed me by his idols. But I drew his own sword and beheaded him, and removed reproach from the children of Israel."

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