
Music playing is "All Four Love"

BulletHello, I would like to take a few minutes of your time to discuss Asthma. It has been a major part of my life the last 22 years. I first noticed that I was having trouble breathing at about the age of 20. I was on vacation with my husband and 2 year old daughter. We were in Branson, Missouri, at Silver Dollar City, and I noticed that I could hardly breath, or keep up with my husband while walking the hills of Branson. I had never had problems like this before. Several years went by and the problem got increasingly worse. I also started to suffer from bronchitis quite frequently. As much as 3 times in a 2 month period. It was at this time that my doctor decided to send me for further testing. I went to the hospital and went through the breathing tests. After they were finished with me, my husband had to practically carry me out of the hospital! Then came the results,Asthma! I didn't have it as a child so this was a shock to me. Then testing at an allergist reveled that I was allergic to almost everything, trees, grasses, arachnids, molds, cat and dog dander. I was told that I could take allergy shots for 5 or more years, but that they probably would not help me because my asthma and alllergies were probably environmentally caused. It was also suggested that I remove all carpeting, draperies, and anything else that can trap dust. The allergist also told me to get rid of my cats and dogs. I am an animal lover, so to me that was out of the question! Don't get me wrong, I like fish and aquariums, but you can't pet a fish, and it won't cuddle up on your lap and purr. So I kept the animals and like a fool suffer...lol!

BulletOver the years I have been on just about every type of medicine available.Theopoline, Theador, Proventil pills, Vancerill, steriods, you name it and I probably have used it at one time or another! I do pretty good most of the time, but I do get occasional flare ups. About 4 years ago I had pneumonia, I thought that I was going to die! I was stupid and refused to go into the hospital, so I had to go to see my doctor everyday for over a week. I was out of work for almost 2 weeks, and it was another several weeks before I felt like I would get back to some type of normal stamina. Since then I do what my doctor tells me to do. I take a yearly flu shot, and I take a pneumonia shot when it is time to. I had to get a nebulizer machine for at home to help me breath when I have trouble. I was joking with my doctor several years ago, when she asked me how I do it ( breath) and I told her that it is sometimes very hard to and I sometimes feel as though I have the lungs of a 67 year old woman. She looked at me and with all sincerity in her voice she said," Joann you do have the lungs of a 67 year old."

Bullet With my Asthma I get by okay most of the time, I use my proventil inhaler ( rescue inhailer ), and I use my Azmacort inhailer. I have a very good doctor, she takes care of me, even when I don't take care of myself! I honestly feel terrible for children that have this disease. As an adult I can cope with it, but it must be hard on children. My oldest grandson shows signs of possible asthma. I hope that someday they will find a cure, or at least a treatment that will help everyone suffering from this terrible lung disease. Until then all we can do is stay aware of the latest treatments available. I have listed below some links with all types of information on Asthma. There are many others out there. But the best line of defense is you and your doctor!


BulletAsthma: American Lung Association

BulletAlergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics, Inc.

BulletAmerican Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI)

BulletAllergy, Asthma & Immunology Online

BulletNational Asthma Campaign

BulletAllergy and Asthma Magazine: Spring & Summer 1999

BulletPatricia Wrean's Asthma and Allergy WWW Resources Page


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