I always wanted to learn to play one of these  Piano

To hear some of my favorite clasical pieces 'Right click' the music note
and choose 'Stop', then click on the Piano.

Grammaphone animated

Is this me? Cartoon Me 2 or this? Cartoon Me 1

When I was young I had a passion, this could have been me   Young Artist Me

When I was young I read lots of books, mostly autobiographies of famous ladies like Molly Pitcher and Florence Nightingale. I still read lots if I can find the quiet time, but now for inspiration I read the BIBLE, and
for the great escape I read  www.romance.comRomance

I do enjoy Bowling - it's fun and I get out of the house
Bowling Line

animated Pink Smiley Some Other Things I Like a Lotanimated Pink Smiley
You can check them out by clicking the graphics below, they are links

Love of God and Man

Fun & Humor

Games on the Internet

ABC daytime

Flying Hearts

Here is me now Cartoon Me in Front of PC

I design graphics and web pages but I like to play on the internet too.

Some Web sites of my Design

Joyce's Scrabble Mania   Banner Joyce's Holiday Pages   Designs By Joyce

Scrabble Tournament with Mary Poppins Theme  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Bidder's Choice Spades Tournament  pugmom's Bidder's Choice Spades Tournament
Bow button  Grumpygran's Homepage
Some graphics are mine, page design

Flying Hearts

I hope you'll remember to come visit often,
new things are added almost daily.

The animated lines came from 
Grammaphone animated

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The Gift
This Page is designed and © by me Joyce Porter 1999
Updated October 16, 2003

Please remember to visit the Love Page before you go
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Missing Children Java Banner

Displaying images of missing children has proven to be one of the most successful methods of finding missing children.  One in seven children is recovered as a direct result of NCMEC's photo-distribution initiatives.

This banner runs continuously and rotates 12 photographs of missing children.  The images are updated automatically to assure that only current information is displayed.   The banner links to NCMEC's web site,  providing more information on each child, child-safety information, and more.