Heartland Gardener's Webring

Guidelines Join Edit An Existing Site Images

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The site must be in the Geocities Heartland Community.

Your site must meet all Geocities Guidelines.

Your site must be gardening related.

You must agree to use logos and html codes as provided by the Ring Owner.

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Edit An Existing Site

If you already a member of the Heartland Gardener's Webring, then you can use this form to edit your site.

Site ID No:

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Please select one of the following graphics for the image on your webring.
Kindly save the image to your own hard-drive, then upload the image to your own website.
Please do not link to any of the images on this page. Thanks. *smile*
You'll also have to edit the Image Name, as well as the Width & Height information on your Webring Image Tag.
If you require any assistance with this, please let me know. I'd be happy to help out.

Image of Daisies Image of Purple Cone Flowers Image of Monarch Butterfly
Image of Primroses Image of Pink Roses Image of Red Tulips

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This Heartland Gardening Web Ring
site is owned by
Click here to join the
TheHeartland Gardening Web Ring.
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I personally designed the background and the related buttons on this page.
Please do not use this background or these buttons on any of you own pages.
Thank you very much!!

Page Last Updated: 30 November, 1998

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