Hi, welcome to my gardening page.This past summer was a new experience for me. It was the very first time I've ever had a garden that was all mine.
In the past I've grown herbs in containers and I've had a few containers filled with flowers, but I've never actually had a whole yard to play with. *smile*
Over the course of a weekend in the fall, I planted quite a few spring bulbs, and am now that I can see how they all look, I know I'll have to make a few changes for next spring *smile* ... We're suppose to have a wonderful weekend, so I'm going to try and get the camara out and take some pictures now that my flowers are blooming *grin*.
If you have a website, in the Geocities Heartland Community, and it contains gardening information, you may want to join the Heartland Gardener's Webring. *smile* .. Come check it out!
If you arrived at my site through a webring, there is a link below to All of My Gardening Webrings, so that you can conveniently continue along your tour, without too much mishap. *smile* Thanks for stopping by.
My gardening page here includes:
Information about Moonlight/Midnight Gardens
Well now that you know what I hope to include on my page, I do hope you'll stop by again soon.
Please email me if you have any suggestions or comments about my webpage.Page Last Updated 28 April, 1999
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