Do you have or know of a fantastic website which is quilting or gardening related? Do you think it deserves an award? If so, please apply for my award.
Please choose which Award you wish to nominate a site for:
- Quilting Sites
- Gardening Sites
This is an award offered by Jan's HideAway to sites who meet the following requirements:
Award Rules:
1. Please specify which award you are applying for. Only one award will be given to any given site. And the must contain either quilting or gardening information.
2. No offensive sites - no x-rated content.
3. The nominated site should be attractive and creative.
4. The sites pages must load within a reasonable time limit .. remember not everyone has 33.6k or 56k modems.
5. Site should be established with No "Under construction" signs!
6. All links and images must be working properly. This excludes counters and guestbooks, as they are not always reliable.
7. Images must not be directly linked to the images on other sites! Well, with the exception of some webrings, which provide their url for the site images.
8. The first page must have an end. In other words, don't put your entire site on one single page, spread it out over a few more.
9. The site must contain some information, and be made up of more than just a Links Page.
10. I would like for you to link the award graphic back to my homepage.
11. I must like your site. Please remember that these are my awards and they will be awarded to those site I believe meet all of the above requirements.
To nominate a site, please send an e-mail to me with the subject line as: Gardening Award Nomination or Quilting Award Nomination. In the body of the email please include:
If the site you are nominated isn't your site, please include:
I would appreciate it if everyone who applies for my awards takes a moment and signs my Guestbook located on my homepage. Thanks ever so much!
For Gardening Sites
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