I've lived my entire life in Southern Ontario, Canada. I grew up and went to school in Guelph, got a job and worked downtown for a few years.
I then changed jobs and moved to Toronto. I was here for about five years, living and working, working and living. Although I did meet some nice people, Toronto's just so big and everyone just seems to do their own thing.
At the end of August 1997, I moved to Windsor, where I became a student at the Univeristy of Windsor. After being out of high school for over ten years, going back was quite a shock ... and a lot of hard work. A lot more than I thought it was going to be anyways. *smile*
My second year is now complete as of April of 1999. ... and just in time too ... because in May I became a mommy. So now I'll be taking a little time off from school to enjoy being a mommy. And I may go back to school in January of 2000, but chances are it'll only be on a part-time basis *smile*
Well, let's see ... I've covered where I have lived, worked and that I'm now back in school ....
About the only thing I haven't covered are my hobbies, but one look at my website should give you a pretty good idea of what they are *smile*.
That's right, gardening, computers and of course my daughter ... which means I don't get quite as much of the first two done, as I did before she was born.
Since I moved into my new home in the Heartland Community in March of 1998, I've learned quite a bit about designing a website, and had a lot of fun with it too. This summer I started creating background sets, if you're looking for something a little different, please stop by and check them out ... you never know, there might be something there you like. *smile*
I have enjoyed my on-line life so much, I decided to become a Geocities Community Leader. I am now the Community Leader for Heartland/Farm/ 2000-2499, 3000-3499 and 7000-7499. In addition to helping people figure out the HTML coding for their own pages, and checking each and every home in my blocks to ensure that that Heartland remains a nice family community, I belong to the Heartland Hospitality Committee, where we help to welcome all the new homesteaders moving into the entire Heartland Community.
Well, that's all I about me, so please use the keys below to continue touring my webpage.
And if you would take a moment to sign my Guestbook, I'd really like to know you stopped by. Thanks.
Page Last Updated 22 August, 1999
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