Want to Join the Stray Cats Webring?
Are you a cat that has been homeless at one point with your own homepage or a page at your humans website. Or does your human support the adoption of cats from animal shelters. Have you adopted your human by demanding that you become a part of their household..Well if any of these apply. This is the ring for you!!

Now onto the Rules!!

1. Your site must be appropriate for all ages. No adult links, profanity.

2. Your site must not depicte cruelty to animals in anyway.

3. Your site must support the adoption of homeless animals in some way.

4. Ok last rule !!! Your site should in someway support spay and neuter !!! I put this in because their are way to many of us stray cats and we want to try to help educate people....


1. First Fill Out This Form

Submit site to A Stray No More
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

2. Copy Both of these graphics

3. The html code will be sent to you through e-mail.

4. E-Mail Me once you get the html code and graphics up on your page so I can add you to the ring.

This is what the ring will look like once you have it up.

This "A Stray Cat No More" site is owned by
Lee Ann.

Want to join the "A Stray Cat No More Webring"?
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Ring Mistress Ring

This Ring Mistress Ring
site is owned by
Lee Ann.

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