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CHAPTER XIII | (N:Thursday, January 19, 1998 - 9:35:26 AM) | ||
(R:Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 10:21:51 AM) |
Normans England Scotland Ireland
This chapter owes a lot of its shape to the work of the late John R. Mayer, who was the world's foremost researcher of theStrange and LeStrange surnames until his untimely death March 31, 1998. For some insights re this sadly missed researcher, go to: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page The page also contains references and assistance in obtaining access to his work.
Certain Latin translations set out here, right or wrong, were the inventions of John R. Mayer, "but they are nonetheless based upon documentary and literary precedents".
As John R. Mayer put it, "anyone wishing to suggest additions to the list, or to suggest particular styles in English, French, or Latin, is welcome to share ideas on the subject of naming families and building an outline of cognate families"...
"Fellow researchers, I would encourage you to use and further develop this listing of families, because family names can become a convenient, expedient means for speaking of large lineages and segments, such as phratries, moieties, septs, and clans. A list such as this at least provides everyone with some foundation for discussing cognate names"...
"Straughn, Straughn, Strahan, Strawn, and Strachan have a distinctly different etymology, and do not seem to be related or associated with the families listed above. (John R. Mayer) had never heard before of the names Straffen, Straffon, and Straffan," ... until joining the STRONG-List. (See the Strong Quest - including the STRONG-List Home Page.)
Abbreviated references, thus: "Extraneus", will be made in the text
below to certain manuscripts and publications by John R. Mayer,
described in part as follows:
The Annals Quinquepartite of Strange Lives. A Social and
Literary Chronicle of the Families Extraneus and le Strange of Knockyn,
with Essays on Alienage, Lineage, and Peregrinity in the Western
World, by John R. Mayer. ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by
John R. Mayer). This major work in progress was organized by John R.
Mayer into five volumes as follows:
Volume I: Le Strange of Britain and Aquitaine
Volume II: Le Strange of Anglia and Eire
Volume III: Strange of Balcaskie and the Alloway Strange
Volume IV: Strange Virginians Peregrine
Volume V: Strange Compendia
For a detailed listing of the Volume, Book, and Chapter Headings, see: Appendix - Outline of Extraneus, by John R. Mayer Note that "Extraneus" is the Latin word for "Strange", and according to John R. Mayer was used in the period 1000-1500 in many records concerning members of the leStrange family which were entered by Roman Catholic monks writing in monastic settings.
These Volumes have been printed in various parts and are available as follows:
First edition, San Francisco: Beaux-Arts Press, 1986 (single tome).
Second edition, San Francisco: Arapacana Press, 1992-1996
(Twelve Books were contemplated, either in manuscript or printed,
including, inter alia,
IX: Strange of Balcaskie
XI: Strange of Blisland,
XII: Strange of the Carolinas);
all in paperback.
These titles (Books IX, XI, & XII) were available from
Arapacana Press, of San Francisco, CA, a desk-top publishing
psuedonem of the late John R. Mayer. For information on purchase ordering:
Go To: Home Page of the late John R. Mayer
Selected titles (Books V: Strange of Eastern America, & X: The Alloway Strange) are available from Higginson Book Company 508-745-7170) in both paper and cloth.
Most titles should be generally available through interlibrary loan from the Library of Congress, New York Public Library, Family History Library, Allen County Public Library (Fort Wayne, IN), the Alfred Sutro Library, and several state libraries (Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland).
For additional information on purchase ordering: Go To: Home Page of the late John R. Mayer The Strong Family Association of America (SFAA) has published a five volume set of Updates to Benjamin Dwight's 1877 two volume reference set regarding the Descendants of "Elder" John Strong of Massachusetts. VOLUME V, STRONG FAMILY HISTORIES, includes discussion of many families not known to be related to Elder John Strong. A listing of those families appears in A Table of Contents for Volume V. The Update Series was published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. For ordering information, go to the following website: Strong Family Association of America.
Other references will be mentioned below. For further information regarding availability or location of these materials, it is suggested you contact the Researchers mentioned in connection with the particular lineage in which you are interested. It should be emphasized that genealogical charts concerning each of the families listed below are to be found either in John R. Mayer's various books , see Outline of Extraneus; the SFAA Update Series of five volumes (particularly see A Table of Contents for Volume V); or in the other books, websites, or in the possession of the various researchers listed. Certain Ancestor Charts have been prepared for some of the researchers listed below by Robert T. Strong, Jr., and are indexed at his Ancestor Chart Index Page
Visit our Researching Strongs in Britain and Ireland Home Page
and Table of Contents to the manuscript and this entire website!
You may also wish to visit our Links page for additional resources
which may be available on other web sites, or the |
Please! Help us build on this outline! Add your own charts and reference materials to the list; all contributions are welcome! Email Dave Strong, and/or register your Ancestor Chart at Strong Quest Guest Registry
The list that follows includes certain surname variants developed and translated for "Extraneus" by John R. Mayer. Readers should consult the Outline of Extraneus, provided by John R. Mayer for further details.
Scandinavian branches:
"Strange" from before the year 950,
containing the Danish Strangesen and
Strange, and additionally Swedish
Tiburtson-Strange families Researcher in Germany: Email: Bo Larsen Ancestor Chart: Ancestors of: Bo Juel Larsen NOTE: Bo Larsen has data re Strange Families in both Sweden and Denmark reaching back to the Middle Ages. .... there are two Scandinavian branches "Strange" from before the year 950, containing the Danish Strangesen and Strange, and additionally his own Swedish Tiburtson-Strange families... See also Researcher in Sweden: Email: Martin Casterud Note: From an email from Martin Casterud dtd Aug.7, 1999,"I have found a ancestor by the name of Hans Strang who is said to have been of Scottish origin. He lived in Sweden during the 16th century and died there in 1609, having served for some years in the Swedish military. I know nothing of him before he is mentioned in Swedish sources, but when trying to search for him on the web, it resulted in a huge amount of information concerning this family. This is how I found Your interesting site! I would be very glad if you could give me information about how to find this Hans (John) Strang in Scotland." See also below: Connection with Rev. Wm Strang, of Irving, Ayrshire, Scotland.
For a background discussion re the possibly Scandinavian origin of the Strange surname,
see: origin of surnames, and | |
...le STRANGE OF FRANCE | de Lestrange, d'Estreng, Strang: Extraneus
de Gallia (France in general)
Reference: Extraneus, by John R. Mayer. ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol.I, Books I and II. Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page |
de Lestrange of Limousin and Saintonge:
Extraneus de Aquitainia
(The family of Marquis de Lestrange, a
French remnant lineage of Fulk leStrange,
Seneschal of Aquitaine) Reference: Extraneus, by John R. Mayer. ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book II Researchers: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page Email: Jacques Earle LesStrang | |
d'Estreng of Gien,
Reference: Extraneus, by John R. Mayer. ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book II Researchers: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
d'Estreng of Gien: (The Huguenot Strang family of London) > NY, NJ;
Reference: Extraneus, Vol. I, Book II Researchers: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | >|
Strang of New Rochelle and Rye, NY:
(The Huguenot immgrants d'Estreng of
Reference: Extraneus, by John R. Mayer. ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book II Researchers: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
Jean D'Estreng
Birth: ABT 1598 >Henry D'Estreng
Birth: ABT 1620 -
Death: AFT 1680 >Daniel Streing
Birth: 1654/1656
Death: 1707, Rye,Weschester,New York Researcher: Email: Don Crowell Website with GED2HTML: Crowell Family Homepage Note: See Tracy Vicker's information immediately following: | >|
Note: I have, at long last, tied my lonely seafaring James Strang into the
family of the above referenced Jean D'Estreng!! Here's how the direct
lineage goes... [Reference Note: Most of the following information comes from "The Strangs of Westchester" written by Charles Alfred Strange - an amazingly detailed and thorough work which may prove useful to others researching these lines.] NOTE ABOUT SURNAME SPELLINGS: It has been remarked that "the variations that certain Frenchmen of the seventeenth century enjoyed in the spelling of their surnames. In the Paris documents concerning them, Daniel and his brother Jacques indulged in this caprice, the name being signed or appearing variously as String, Streng, Streing, Straing, Strain, and even Estrain and Estrang. In America however, Daniel's numerous surviving signatures are all written Streing, Although his wife's signature on her will is clearly Strieng. Daniel's sons spelled the name as both Streing and Straing. The thrid generation, as of the 1740s, agreed upon Strang, and, with few exceptions - such as that of the writer's (Charles Alfred Strange) family - it has been Strang ever since." 1. Jean D'Estreng b. abt 1598 2. Henry D'Estreng b. abt 1620- d. aft 1680; m. Marie BABAULT 3. Daniel Streing b. between 1654-1656 - d. 1707, Rye,Weschester,New York; m. Charlotte Le MAISTRE abt 03 Aug 1680; These are the immigrant ancestors having feld France for London and the New York as Huguenots. 4. Daniel Streing b. abt 1692 prob. in New Rochelle, New York- d. 1741 in either White Plains or Cortlandt, NY; m. Phebe PURDY 5. Daniel Strang b. abt 1715 in Rye, Westchester Co., New York- d. 25 Sep 1792 in Rye; m. Elizabeth GALPIN prob in the early 1740s 6. Gabriel Strang b. 1754-55 at the family farm on the Connecticut line at Port Chester, New York or in Cortlandt.- d. Bef 25 May 1826 (the date of the funeral) in Portland Parish, St. John Co., New Brunswick, Canada; m. Siscely DAVIDSON 7. Capt James Strang born in 1804 in St. John, St. John Co., New Brunswick, Canada.Died, Waweig (Charlotte Co.), 29 Nov 1870, Capt. James Strang, for many years one of the leading shipmasters out of the Port of St. John (Standard, 7 Dec 1870). It would appear that my James Strang was the youngest of 4 children. Dick Strang contacted me and said "My family bible was started in 1830 by Gabriel Strang b.5th July 1797 d. 1868 both at St John, NewBrunswick - the second of 4 children. Number four, James Strang, b. 9 Sept 1804..." James Strang is my 4x grt grandfather who I have been searching for since October 1996. I still have some further work to putting together the full story on his family. He appears to have had two wives, m. 1st Jane Connick d/o Samuel; There were children from this union that I still need to uncover. From Daniel F. Johnson's VITAL STATISTICS FROM NEW BRUNSWICK NEWSPAPERS we find: MARRIED Wednesday, Waweig (Charlotte Co.), by Rev. Dr. Thompson, Capt. James Strang, Saint John/Jane, d/o Samuel Connick (New Brunswick Courier 18 Feb 1832) This reference also lists a number of children dying and I suspect that Jane also died and that he remarried ca 1835/36. m. 2nd Margaret abt 1835-36; From census information, it appears that John Fielden (my 3x grt grandpa) and his sister Sarah were the only two children of this union. James Strang (written as Strong in some records) was a master mariner who sailed out of Liverpool, UK. He sailed the ship JOHN FIELDEN from 1847-1855. In 1848, during a tour on the cotton triangle route, his son, John Fielden Strang, was born in Charleston, South Carolina on 08 May 1848. John's mother appears to be Margaret Sarah. The 1851 census for St. Andrews Parish, Charlotte Co., NB shows at p. 93: James Strang, 50, b. NB, husband, mariner; Margaret, 40, b. NB, wife; Sarah 14, daughter; John 5, son; Daniel Sullivan, 32, Irish, hired man, laborer. I had previously identified Sarah as a sister of my John and Margaret is listed on John's death registration as the mother's name. John Fielden Strang is known to have had an older sister, Sarah Strang who was born in Liverpool, UK in February 1837. Sarah married Jeremiah Rogers (one of the first lumbermen in British Columbia), in New Brunswick in 1863. There are also photographic indications that John had a brother closer in age to himself, although no names have been identified. 8. John Fielden Strang grew up on and around ships, so it is no wonder that he choose ship building for his first occupation. He married Helen Margaret Carlow in St. Andrews, New Brunswick on Wednesday, August 23, 1872. Not long after (or was it before? - the records conflict) they produced my great great grandmother, Amanda Gertrude Strang. The Strang and Carlow families removed from New Brunswick to British Columbia over a period of a few years. John and Helen Strang lived first in Gastown (now a part of Vancouver, B.C.) before settling in New Westminster, BC in 1876. So, there you have it... I now have a STRANG past!! Researcher, Email: Tracy Vickers, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada Website: Captain James Strang | |
Ship Captains Strange Researcher,Email: Tracy Vickers WEB Site: Ship Captains Strange | |
Strang/String of Gloucester Co., New Jersey;
Reference: Extraneus, by John R. Mayer. ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book II, querying whether this lineage originated in France or in Sweden? Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page see also: re: Alice Strong, b.1780 New Jersey, d.3/25/1866 New Jersey: Email: Susan Winter re: Frederick Strong, b.Sweden? naturalized 1870, New York Email: Cheryl Strong re: String/Strang/Strong, Email: Lee Weller | >
....le STRANGE OF SALOP | Extraneus and le Strange of
Knockyn: Extranei de Britannia et
Aquitania (England and Aquitaine, in
Crusader times) For a background discussion, see:The LeEstrange's of Dol, and The LeEstrange's of Salop. |
View an interesting old Map of England circa 1660-1892, showing the various Counties of "Old" England. Note that the English Counties were re-aligned in 1972. All references in this Web Site are to the OLD counties, unless otherwise noted. Be aware that this map is large and takes some time to load; remember to use your browser's "Back" function to return here | |
Extraneus, le Strange,
Reference: Extraneus, by John R. Mayer. ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book I Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
Strange: Extraneus de Mercia
(central England, mainly Salop)
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book I Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
L'Estrange and Styleman of Hunstanton:
Extraneus de Hunstantuna (East Anglia)
Reference: Le Strange Records, 1916; by Hamon leStrange VI Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. II, Book VI Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
L'Estrange of England: Extraneus de
Anglia (England in general)
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book I Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
Estrange Family
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996; p. xii Researchers: Email: Martha F.B. Strong Website: Martha's World Email: Patrick Harris Webiste:L'Estrange Descendency Chart | |
L'Estrange family: Frederick J. L'Estrange > Lionel V.A. L'Estrange, b.1880, India-d.1949, India. Researcher in Australia: Email: Michael Quin-Conroy | |
L'Estrange family: Theodore Victor L'Estrange, b.~1893 d. ~1954. Connected with Loughton, or Woolston Hall, Essex, England. Researcher Email: Mike Gough | |
L'Estrange, Strange of Ireland:
Extranei de Hibernia
(Ireland in general)
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. II, Book VI Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
Strange of England and Ireland:
Extranei de Anglia et Hibernia (Norfolk >
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. II, Books VII and VIII Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
L'Estrange of Moystown:
(Members of The English ascendency
in Counties Westmeath, Offally (Kings),
and Dublin); le Strange,
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. II, Book VIII Researchers: Email: Patrick Harris Website:L'Estrange Descendency Chart & Research Documents Email: Jerry L'Estrange Email: John L'Estrange Email: Don Gregg Email: Janice McGlaughlin See Also: King's County, Ireland Strongs discussed below | |
Strange of Wessex
Note: Wessex includes roughly the following English counties,
and is the subject of a Rootsweb regional List (see
Berkshire, Bristol, Devon, Dorset,
Gloucestershire, Isle of Wight,
Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Somerset,
Reference: John R. Mayer: "Extraneus de Saxonia Occidentalis" (Strange of West Saxonia, mainly Devon, Somerset, Dorset); Vol. I, Book IV Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
Tymothie Stronge, b. Wiltshire, Eng.,
1635/36, of Little Barrington,
Reference: "History of Hertfordshire", by Robert T. Clutterbuck Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996: Timothy Strong of Wiltshire, England, pp.584-587 Researcher, Email: Martha F.B. Strong | |
George Thomas Strong, b. England ~1860,
m. Emily Clutterbuck
Researcher in England:
Email: Danielle Patricia Kiey Ancestor Chart: Ancestors of: Danielle Patricia Kiey | |
Speculation: Samuel B. Strong, b. NY 1795 > Valentine Strong, b. Sussex Co., NJ 1821 Researcher, Email: Janet Strong Graves | |
George Strange II | |
Strange of Devon: (The populous
Strange, Strang, Strong, and Stronge
families in Devon, PERHAPS of Irish origin ...
Were they Anglo-Irish or Scots-Irish?)
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book IV Researchers: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page Discussion: Strongs of Chard and Chardstock", by Martha F.B. Strong | |
Richard Strong of Devonshire, England (Four known individuals between 1585 - 1664) Researchers: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page Email: Martha F.B. Strong | |
Richard Strong of Dublin, Ireland and
County Wicklow
CHART (To be attached)......
Fassaroe Townland, County WICKLOW
References: Certain correspondance from Arthur Strong, (deceased 1974) Researcher, Email: David B. Strong For a background discussion, see: The Strongs of Fasseroe Townland, Co. Wicklow. | |
Michael Strong of Dublin, Ireland
CHART (to be attached) ....TANNERY ROW
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp.508-509 Reference: Alice Ellison Pitts, "Michael Strong", privately published 19__. Certain correspondance from Bechel Doil Strong, (deceased 1989?) Researcher: Minnie L. Pitts Champ, Dallas, Texas | |
George Strong of Chardstock, Dorset,
England, -d.1635
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, Update Series published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers,Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp. 629-639 Researcher, Email: Martha F.B. Strong Website: Martha's World Discussion: Strongs of Chard and Chardstock", by Martha F.B. Strong | |
Walter Strong, of Chardstock (son
of George Strong), b. 1579, d. 26 August
Reference: Sir Bernard Burke, "A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland", Vol. II, London, 1871, pps. 1333-1334: "Strong of Nether-Stronge, now of The Chase". Researcher, Email: Martha F.B. Strong | |
Reverend James Strong (son of Walter
Strong), of Curry Rivell, b.1618-d.1694 Researcher, Email: Martha F.B. Strong Discussion: Strongs of Chard and Chardstock", by Martha F.B. Strong | |
Thomas Strong, of Chardstock (son
of George Strong), d. 12 May 1663 Researcher, Email: Martha F.B. Strong | |
Jane STRONG (1615-1679) of Chardstock, daughter of
Thomas STRONG (1584-1663) and Joanna BAGGE (ca. 1586-1657).
m. John HOPKINS "of Cambridge, 1634" (his arrival date in MA);
Jane apparently had a second marriage, to Nathaniel WARD.)
Thomas STRONG is a son of George STRONG (1556-1636) of Chard,
which makes Jane a first cousin to Elder John STRONG. Researcher, Email: Diana Matthiesen | |
John Strong, of Chardstock (son of George Strong), d. 13 July 1612 Researcher: Email: Martha F.B. Strong Website: Martha's World | |
"Elder" John Strong of Chard,
Somerset, England; and Massachusetts,
USA (grandson of George Strong): Reference: Volumes I-IV and part of V, Strong Family Histories, Update Series published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. Researcher: Email: Robert S. Strong, SFAA Historian Elder John Strong Family Descendant's Website: Strong Family Association of America NOTE: There are a large number of descendants in this lineage. There are numerous researchers, and resulting GEDCOMs available on line. See the linkages on the Strong Genealogy Network Home Page, and the Strong Quest - Subscription List Home Page. Ancestor Charts for numerous researchers may be found at: Ancestor Chart Index Page: See Generally GED2HTML's for some descendants are on line at: Strong(e)-Strang(e) Roots Database See Also Website: Home Page of Stephen Beckler Email: Stephen Beckler See also Reference book: "Strong Women and Strong Men", a hard cover volume about 8 1/2" x 11" written by Jeanne Waters Strong who lived at 26969 Beaver Lane, Los Altos Hills, CA in 1988. Contact Email: Jeanne Waters Strong, The book is specific to her line of Strong descendants - from Jedediah Strong, son of "Elder" John Strong. But it also has some interesting maps, wills, and background info which would be of interest to any descendant of "Elder" John Strong. | |
William Strong of Chard, Somerset,
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, Update Series published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp. 640-642 Researcher, Email: Martha F.B. Strong Website: Martha's World Discussion: Strongs of Chard and Chardstock", by Martha F.B. Strong | |
Jone/Jane Strong of St.Mary's Church,
Taunton, Somerset Researcher in Australia: Email: Mary Morgan | |
"The Strong lot is on my side, coming from Blandford Forum in Dorset, England. " Researcher in Australia: Email: Geoff Humble | |
Strong of Cornwall or Durham:
siblings: Stephen Strong, b. 15 Sept. 1848, of Colstock, Cornwall, England > Durham, England > Gratztown, PA Susan Strong, b. ~1834, m. William Slade in England > Saugerties, NY Philip Strong, b. Jan. 1842 in England, > Saugerties, NY Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, Update Series published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp. 533-547 Researcher: Michael Moorman, Bethel Park, Pennsylvannia | |
W.S. Strange of Hanley Grange,
Worcestershire, before 1861 Researcher in Australia: Email: Rick Whistler | |
John STRANGE (Snr) was born in 1747, m. 1st: Jane DORMER in
Caversham, Oxfordshire on 3 January 1773;
she had been baptised on 26 November 1749; their son John (Jnr 1)
was baptised on 17 October 1773 and Jane was buried on the 18th.
John m. 2nd: Ann Husgate, 6 November 1775, again in Caversham,
They produced at least the following children:
In Caversham:
Sarah (bap. 1 November 1776 in)
John (Jnr2) and 4th great grandfather (bap. 17 April 1778) of
researcher, Mike Strange [below]
In Henley-on-Thames:
Elizabeth (bap. 28 May 1780)
Mary Anne (bap. 17 November 1784)
William (bap. 28 October 1791)
John (Snr) was a victualler (Kings Arms public house) and
bricklayer in Henley; he died 28 November 1809 in Henley;
Anne followed on 6 May 1820.
John (Jnr2) is the only child known to researcher Mike Strange:
his first wife was Mary Ann Copeland who was baptised 3 August 1771;
they married in St George the Martyr Church, Southwark London
on 12 October 1801 and produced the usual tribe, all in Henley:
Anna Maria (born 28 September 1802)
John Benjamin (born 3 December 1803)
William Copeland (born 4 December 1805, d. 3 October 1875)
[See below]
[Researcher Mike Strange's 3rd great grandfather]
Martha Sheppard (born 17 September 1807, d. 3 September 1810)
Adam Robert (born 7 June 1809)
William Copeland STRANGE, probably from Worcestershire, and his
immediate family: Researcher, Email: Mike Strange 141 Potton Road, Biggleswade, Beds SG18 0ED Tel - 01767-315075 For a discussion, see: William Copeland Strange | |
Thomas Strong m Hannah Pickard, 1/1/1759, Coventry, Warwickshire, UK I have traced my family tree back to the marriage of Great Great Great Great Grand Parents Thomas Strong to Hannah Pickard on 1.1.1759 in Coventry UK. My Grandfather came from Fosehill Coventry Warwickshire in England. I have made contact with a Strong in Canada and have descendants of Strongs still in Coventry UK. Researcher in"Sunny Australia", Email: Norma Griffiths | |
Strange of the Saxon Shore:
Extraneus de Litore Saxonici (mainly
southeastern England, but extending
north into Essex, and west into
Reference: Extraneus; Vol. I, Book IV Strange of the Saxon Shore Note: Sussex includes roughly the following English counties: Surrey, Kent, Hampshire and is the subject of a Rootsweb regional List: (see Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
James Strange, c.1780, London Researcher in England: Email: Helen Strange | |
Thomas Strong, b. England (possibly London)
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp. 551-552 Researcher: Barbara Richards Strong, Hudson, NH | |
William Strange, Sr., m.1816 at St. Botolphs, Bishopsgate, London Researcher in Africa: Email: Rita Robinson | |
George Strong, b.1825, Surrey,
Researchers in New Zealand: Email: Mrs. Lawson & Mrs. Parks, c/o Bill Strong | |
Stronge of Taranaki, NZ, a small
rural province on the West Coast of the North Island, New Zealand. I know very little about the "Stronge" name, family history, reasons for immigrating to New Zealand, etc. I am a 5th generation New Zealander, but only have limited knowledge of 3 generations back. Researcher: Email: Simon Stronge , New Plymouth, New Zealand | |
Thomas Strong, b.1766, East Sussex, England Researcher in England: Email: Lise Elliott | |
Francis Strong, b.1849, London, England > Bathhurst, New Bruswick Researcher: Email: Kitty McLaughlin | |
Thomas Strong of Oxford, England: b.~1855 Researcher in Australia: Email: Bill Strong | |
William Strong of Hampshire, England, m. Martha Brown, c.1800's> their son, Frederick Strong, b. 1828, m. Elizabeth Horn, Andover, Hampshire, 1850 > emigrated to Australia ~1850-1853; Frederick "lived to a ripe old age, and met his end being run over by a tram in Melbourne" (!) Researcher in Australia: Email Jane Nicholas | |
James Strong, Swallowfield, Berkshire and/or
Caversham, Reading, Berkshire, England.
"I have seven generations of Strong's; all from Berkshire
and Hampshire counties. I am stuck on the birth of James Strong of
Swallowfield, Berkshire. Also I have found a possible link to the
Webbs of Burfield, Berkshire. Can you please offer any help in this area?."
Researcher, Email: Antony Strong, 3155 Turner St.,
Vancouver, BC; 604-253-5119 | |
NEWFOUNDLAND: Ringwood, Hampshire? poss. George or William Strong > Nfld, his children: Solomon, William, Samuel, Elizabeth, and Harriet Strong, all of Twillingate, Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland | |
William Strong: Researcher, Email: Barbara Peterson Researcher, Email: Gerry Strong | |
Solomon Strong (b. September 12, 1811, Nfld,
d. ABT March, 1894, Nfld) m. 1836, Nfld, Jane Wells
(b unk, Nfld, d. April 13, 1888, Nfld)
[Jane Wells was sister of John Burge Wells, who
married Elizabeth Strong, sister of Solomon Strong.]: MIGRATION ROUTE: Notre Dame Bay area, Newfoundland, Canada > MA > MO during PERIOD: 1811 to present Researcher, Email (work): Charles "Chaz" Gordon Strong Email (home): Charles "Chaz" Gordon Strong ADDRESS: 2809 SW 14th St. Lee's Summit, MO 64081 WEB SITE: Strongs of Notre Dame Bay, NFLD Anecdotes: Web Page: Life in a Newfoundland Fishing Village, by John H. Strong | |
Note: There is also a Robert Strong, apparently in St. John's, Newfoundland, who is researching
one or another of the Newfoundland lineages. He claims to have researched the family back
into Hampshire in England. Unfortunately, the following email address, which is the only one
we have for him, does not appear to be correct: | |
John and Mary Strong of Old Perlican, NFLD: Researchers, Email: Jeff Martin Website: John and Mary Strong of Old Perlican, NFLD Email: Debbie Gerow Website: William J. Strong of Old Perlican, NFLD Email: Herb Adams Websites: Sorting out the links in the Old Perlican Newfoundland Strongs Old Perlican Newfoundland Strong Family Note: The family of John and Mary Strong of Old Perlican have no proven connection to the family of George/William Strong of Twillingate (which is located in the Notre Dame Bay area of Newfoundland). | |
Strange of Tunbridge Wells: (Kent, England) Strange of Tunbridge Wells, Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book IV Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
George Strong, b.1620, Kent, England >
VA > Kent County, Maryland Researchers: Email: Johnny Strong Ancestor Chart: Ancestors of: Johnny Mack Strong Email: Luis Granados | |
John Sylvester Strange, b.1745, Charles
Co., Maryland > d. Nelson Co.,
Kentucky 1795 Reference: Extraneus; Outline of Extraneus Researcher: Email: Sheri O'Brien Ancestor Chart: Ancestors of: Sheri Eastin O'Brien | |
Job Strong, b. Gersy, England Researcher in Nova Scotia: Email: Shane Strong | |
Strange of Waterford: (Ireland)
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. II, Book VI See Also: Richard Strange or leStrange, and Nicholas leStrange, of Hunstanton, above; as well as Richard Strong of Devonshire, also discussed above. For a background discussion: Nicholas leStrange | |
Strange of Virginia: Extraneus de
Virginia (Virginia Colony in general)
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. IV, Book XI Note, see also:Possible English Origins of Southern Strongs , an excellent historical research paper by Martha Strong. | |
Strange Virginians Peregrine:
Extranei Virginii Peregrini
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. IV, Book XI | |
Strange: Nancy Strange, ~1810, m. Peter Bowman, Patrick Co., VA Researcher, Email: Austin "Dakota" Holt | |
(Strange and Alloway Strange from
Blisland Parish) Strange of Blisland:
Extraneus de Terra Felicitas
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. IV, Book XI Reference: Extraneus; Vol. I, Book IV Strange of Blissland | |
(Saint Peter's Parish, New Kent County, VA) Researchers: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page Email: Linda Strange | |
John Strange
Year of birth: 1680- Year of death: 1745 Generation 02: James Strange b.1710, d.1775 Generation 03: Sylvester Strange b.1745, d.abt.1795 m. to Anastasia Generation 04: Ignatius Strange b.abt.1767 d. abt.1855 m. 5/8/1798 in Nelson County, KY to Milly (Melvina) Ash b.abt.1777 d.abt.1860 Generation 05: John Joseph Strange b.8/11/1806 in Elizabethtown, Hardin County, KY d.10/1/1858 in Martin County, IN m. 2/12/1831 in Bardstown, Nelson County, KY to Mary Bohannon (Polly) Scott b.11/11/1814, d.3/24/1860 Generation 06: Thomas A. Strange b.1834 IN d.11/20/1862 in Pleasant Point, VA m.10/26/1854 to Louisa Jane Faith Generation 07: Thomas Abraham Lincoln Strange b.3/10/1861 in Elnora, Daviess County, IN d.8/18/1915 Thrasher, MS m.10/20/1887 to Irella Jane Stites b.2/7/1871 IN, d.10/12/1949 Booneville, Prentiss County, MS Generation 08: D. Kress Strange b.1/8/1899 in Elnora, Daviess County, IN d.4/15/1954 in Coffeeville, Yalobusha County, MS m.8/14/1929 in Coffeeville, Yalobusha County, MS to Gertrude Olene Brassel b.11/16/1911, Coffeeville, Yalobusha County, MS Generation 09: Reba Camille Strange b.5/5/1938 in Coffeeville, Yalobusha County, MS m.3/23/1960 in Bonham, Fannin County, TX to J.Rodney Branson b.12/11/1937 Monkstown, Fannin County, TX I would love any information on the Strange family. I am particularly looking for information regarding John Strange b.1680, James Strange b.1710, and Sylvester Strange b.1745. Thanks! Researcher, Email: Rebecca "Becka" L. (BRANSON) CROFUTT, P.O. Box 746, Wylie, Texas, U.S.A. 75098 | |
Strange of Eastern America:
Extraneus de America Orientalis
(MA, RI> MA > IN)
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book V Reference: Extraneus; Vol. I, Book IV Strange of Eastern America Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
James Strange, b. abt. 1678? >
Lot Strange b. 4 Mar 1699 Freetown, Bristol County, Massachusetts d. 6 June
1786, Freetown, Bristol County, in Southeastern Massachusetts 20 minutes from Providence,
Rhode Island >
Marey Strange b. 14 Nov. 1725 Freetown, Bristol County, Massachusetts
d. in Hamden, Delaware County, NY Reference: John R. Mayer's "Extraneus", Book V,chapter "Strange Compendia" Strange of Freetown. Researcher, Email: Elizabeth "Beth" Lanord ; | |
Strange of the Carolinas:
Extraneus de Carolina Meridionale (VA and the South) Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. IV, Book X Strange of the Carolinas: Extraneus de Carolina Meridionale (VA and the South) | |
Alexander Strange, Sr., b.~1661, Devon, England, d. 1725, New Kent County, VA >
John R. Mayer was his 10th generation descendant. Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page GEDCOM: John R. Mayer see also: Strange Home Page by John R.Mayer | |
John Strong, Sr., of New Kent County,
Virginia Note: See: Possible English Origins of Southern Strongs , an excellent historical research paper by Martha Strong. Other References: "Strongs of Virginia and the South", (c. 1983) by James R. Rolff; Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp. 262-436 Introduction [by Robert T. Strong, Jr.] First Five Generations [by Robert T. Strong, Jr.] Researcher, the late Robert T. Strong, Jr. GEDCOM: "A STRONG HERITAGE", The Strong-Gossage Ancestral Database , by Robert T. Strong, Jr. See also: GEDCOM: Robert T. Strong, Jr. Note: The extended family of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA, is quite large, with many researchers. For the sake of brevity, interested persons should Go To: Strong Quest - including the STRONG-List Home Page, and check for addresses of other researchers of particular lineages. Ancestor Charts for numerous researchers may be found at: Ancestor Chart Index Page: See Generally Various sublineages include the following: Sherwood Strong; Mastin Strong; Robert Strong; Sherwood Strong; Johnson Strong; John Strong; John Strong, Jr., Hanover Co., Virginia; George Strong; Nathan Strong; William Strong;
Thomas Strong; | |
Edward Strong, of Norfolk County,
Virginia. b.~1730-40, d.before Aug.23, 1777. Probably of English descent. Note: See: Possible English Origins of Southern Strongs , an excellent historical research paper by Martha Strong. Other References: "Strongs of Virginia and the South", (c. 1983) by James R. Rolff. Chapter 19, p.397 ff; Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp. 47-78 Researcher in Brazil: Email:Maria Elisa Botelho Byington Webpage: Confederate Strong emigrants to Brazil , a reproduction of a Rootsweb Strong-List email message discussing the descendents of Henry S. Strong of Copiah, Mississippi, who emigrated with a number of Confederate veterans to Brazil, following the U.S. Civil War; by Maria Elisa Botelho Byington. | |
Strangman or Strongman or Strangeman Reference: Rita Hineman Townsend (1925-), "Hutchins-Hutchens, descendants of Strangeman Hutchins, born 1707, of the James River in Virginia and Surry (Yadkin) County, North Carolina. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1979-1992. Researcher: Email:Denis Strangman, Canberra, Australia Website: The Lamplough Name Index; Note: By implication, there is an intermarriage between the Hutchens family and a Strangeman family.... probably in England. | |
Strongman of England: George Strongman, emigrated from England to PEI, Canada Researcher, Email: Natasha Moxon | |
Strongman of Cornwall, England Phillip Strongman,b.~1781 in St. Columb (probably Major), Cornwall, England m. Susanna Yates > John Strongman, b. 10 Nov.1815 in St. Ervan, Cornwall, m. Jane Tollick > Phillip Strongman, b. 19 May 1839 in St. Ervan, Cornwall, m. Ellen Blacklar > Ellen Ann Strongman, b. 3 May 1883 in St. Mewan, Trewoon parish, Cornwall > Sarah Beatrice Strongman b. September 30, 1903 in Trelavour, St. Dennis parish, Cornwall m. ? Veale > William Frederick Veale Researcher: Email: Bill Veale, Taunton, Somerset, England | |
Henry Strongman, one of the
first settlers of Dublin, New Hampshire>
William Strong(man) of North Hero, Grand Isle, Vermont From Rootsweb Strong-List email from Judy Mott Strong: "(while researching my MOTT family in Grand Isle Co, VT... I discovered some interesting info on William STRONG of North Hero): William Strong died in North Hero on Mar 30, 1836. He served in the Rev War in Capt Joseph Parker's Company in July 1776 to reinforce Ticonderoga. It was in reading his Rev War Pension files that I gathered the following information: William was born in Colerain, MA on Sept 26, 1749. He had no records to prove his birth. He served in Rev War in the NH Line. His father was one of the first settlers of Dublin, Cheshire Co, NH. William had at least one brother named Richard. William married Mary Caldwell in 1773 in Dublin, NH. Mary Caldwell died in the Fall of 1789. The location is not stated. William lived in North Hero, VT since about 1792, and had three surviving children: Jeanette Strong Brownson of North Hero, VT in 1832. David Strong of North Hero, VT in 1832 and of Platttsburg, Clinton Co, NY by Feb 1848. Mary (Polly) Strong Payne of Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY (living with her son in 1848). Besides living in NH, during his life William lived in MA, Cambridge, NY, Hebron, NY and North Hero, VT. William's brother Richard has a son also named Richard. Richard II gave testimony about his uncle for the Revolutionary War pension application. William had a very difficult time getting the pension granted. No record could be found of his serving in the Rev War. Then the nephew Richard finally realized why! IN ABOUT NOV 1789 THE WHOLE FAMILY DECIDED TO CHANGE THEIR NAME TO STRONG FROM STRONGMAN. William served in the war under the name William STRONGMAN. His father was Henry STRONGMAN, one of the first settlers of Dublin, NH. After correspondence with the Town Clerk of Dublin, it was confirmed that William enlisted and served under that name and that he did later move to North Hero, VT. Only after this 1847/48 information was compiled was the pension granted. William had died 12 years earlier and the funds were shared among his three children. This is NOT my family. I hope that this information may be useful to some Strong researcher. I did not copy the pension file, but would be more than glad to do so for anyone who has an interest. It is not very clear to read." Researcher: Email:Judy Mott Strong, Orange, CA | |
Strangeways of Alne and Melberrie Sampford: (York > Dorset> Somerset (two
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. I, Book IV Researcher:John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page Anecdote: Major Strangeways (1610-1668); remember to use your browser's "back" function to return here. | |
Henry STRANGEWAY, born around 1820, perhaps in
Dublin. Henry came to US and settled in or near Valparaiso, Porter County,
Indiana. He reared the sons of his sister Mary (?) STRANGEWAY SCOTT and her
husband Henry SCOTT in Indiana. Henry and Mary Scott died in Ireland
between 1862 and 1871.
Henry STRANGEWAY died in Indiana in December, 1897. Researcher: Email:Deb Hunter | |
Strange and Alloway Strange of Virginia: | |
Alloway Strange of Virginia: Alva
Extrani de Virginia (The large
family from New Kent County, VA,
which can be traced separately and
distinctly Strange through the
recurrence the middle name or
compound surname: Alloway Strange)
Reference: Extraneus, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. III, Book X The Alloway Strange Researcher: John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page | |
John Alloway Strange, of Virginia
(Feb.1727-1811) Reference: The Alloway History of a Strange Family, by ______________ Alloway Researchers: Email: Juanita Alloway Email: Gwendolyn Kay Shields Ancestor Chart: Ancestors of: Gwendolyn Kay Alloway Shields Website: A Look into the Past - A Strange Alloway Family | |
Strong of Leicestershire:
Edward Strong, baptised 13 Sep. 1853
Leicester, UK d.1922 in Leicester, UK | |
Richard Stephen Strange, Lancashire, England, of undisclosed ancestry Researcher Email: Richard Stephen Strange 19 The Martindales Clayton-le-Woods Chorley, England PR6 7TD |
Strange of Balcaskie:
Strangus de Caledonia (Fifeshire,
Strange of Balcaskie,
Reference: Extraneus, Strange of Balcaskie, ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. III, Book IX Researcher:John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page For a background discussion re the origin of the Strange surname at Balcaskie, see: Exchange of Messages re Balcaskie |
....BALCASKIE, FIFESHIRE Researchers, Website:John R. Mayer Memorial Web Page Email: Kris Campbell - whose family is Strange-Mure, care of Helene Attrill . Discussion Note: Helene Attrill downloaded some info regarding Capt James Strange for Kris Campbell, who confirmed that he is definitely an ancestor of hers. Kris remembered the family crest and motto -- and details about Jamie Strange, of Madras civil service fame. Another relative was connected with the Tower of London in the Nineteenth Century. | |
....SHETLAND ISLANDS Vicar Henry Strang family of Fifeshire > Dunrossness, Shetland Islands Vicar Henry Strang is the earliest Strang or Strong found in Shetland. He dates from 1525. Stuart Baillie Strong has described Vicar Henry Strang and all the later Shetland Strangs/Strongs he can find in the Strange of Balcaskie chapter "Strong of the Shetland Isles" started by John R. Mayer and developed by his sister Barbara Way and by researcher in the upcoming 3rd Edition. Reference: Strang of the Shetland Isles Researcher, Email: Stuart Baillie Strong | |
Hans (Johannes/John) Strang, b. Scotland, > to Sweden around the year 1570. He died in
1609 having served in the Swedish military for 40 years. He belonged to the Scottish family Strang(e)
and he was related to the Reverend William Strang (1547-1588) in Irvine, Ayr. Researcher in Sweden: Email: Martin Casterud Note: From an email from Martin Casterud dtd Aug.7, 1999,"I have found a ancestor by the name of Hans Strang who is said to have been of Scottish origin. He lived in Sweden during the 16th century and died there in 1609, having served for some years in the Swedish military. I know nothing of him before he is mentioned in Swedish sources, but when trying to search for him on the web, it resulted in a huge amount of information concerning this family. This is how I found Your interesting site! I would be very glad if you could give me information about how to find this Hans (John) Strang in Scotland." Email info subsequently updated January 19, 2000, to include connection with Rev. Wm. Strang, above. | |
....THE ORKNEYS For a background discussion: Strang of the Orkney Islands | |
....TYNAN ABBEY STRONGES Stronge of Tynan Abbey, County Armagh, Northern Ireland For a discussion, see: Matthew Stronge of Strabane, and For a discussion, see: Stronge of Tynan Abbey , and View of Tynan Abbey | |
....CARLISLE/THE BORDERS ....DUMFRIES AND CUMBERLAND > Drake, Saskatchewan, Canada See: Cumbria Database Note: See the extensive IGI listings of Strong/Strang in Cumberland, Westmoreland, & Lancashire, England See also Rootsweb's Border-List and Cumberland-List Researcher, Email: David B. Strong | |
Joseph Strong (a butcher), b. ~1 Aug. 1789, d.?; m. Nancy Peel, 5 Feb 1820 in
Caldbeck Parish, Cumberlandshire. Their son, Joseph Strong, b.~ 14 Sept. 1834, Colby,
Cumberland, arrived in Auckland, NZ, in February 1860; d. ? in New Zealand. Ancestor of: Researcher: Email: Angela McCarthy Department of Modern History, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland Website: The New Zealand Ireland Connection | |
George Anderson Strang, and his twin
sister, Janet Grieve, ne Strang,
of Peebles, Peebleshire, Scotland Researcher, Email: Margaret Mitchell | |
James Strang of Carmunnock,
Scotland, b.1690 Researcher, Email: Ken Strang | |
James Strang of East Kilbride >
Carmunnock, Scotland,
> Robert Strang of Carmunnock >
Cadder > Rutherglen, Scotland
> William Strang of Cadder >
Rutherglen, Scotland > to place
unknown Researcher, Email: Jim Lang | |
Kevin Strang, undisclosed ancestry Of Scottish Heritage, born in Shelburne, Nova Scotia. Researcher, Email: Kevin Strang , Dallas, Texas | |
Maxwell Strange of Whitefield House,
Cambuslang, Kilbride Parish, Lanarkshire,
nr. Glasgow, Scotland, c.1763; of eight
children, 3 sons & 1 dau. > Albany,NY >
Kingston, Ontario Researcher, Email: Nancy Williams | |
Strong, of Scotland Researcher: Email: Ann Davis | |
Jabin/Gabin Strong of Scotland (a
ship-builder... query whether from
Glasgow area?) b.1794,-d. before 1874 in
Conneticutt; desc. > Ohio
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. "George Strong", pp.114-139. Researcher: Marjorie Ticknor Berkey, Austinburg, OH | |
Ralph Strong, Scotland, b. 1831; and William S. Strong, Scotland, b. 1830 Researcher, Email: Cynthia L. King | |
George Strong of Edinburgh, Scotland
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA 1996. "George Strong", pp.95-97 Researcher: Brenda Kellow, Richardson, Texas | |
John Strong/Strang of Clinton, Lincoln
Township, Ontario, Canada
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI. (c.) SFAA, 1996. "John Strong", pp.247-261 For a discussion, see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada | |
II (C) Scotland > County Antrim, Ire > SOUTH CAROLINA STRONGS | Christopher Strong of Scotland
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. For a discussion, see: Cameronians , and Christopher Strang Note: See also next entry re Strong of Chester and related discussion. |
Strong of Chester: (Strong of
Chester County, SC, and Dickson
County, TN, VA > SC > TN)
References: (Strange of Chester), ((c) 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997 by John R. Mayer); Vol. IV, Book X; Extraneus, Strange of The Carolinas "Strong and Allied Families, The Papers of Miss Esther Strong, ChesterCounty,SC", Privately Published by Virginia Draffin Waites Researchers: Email: Roger Dellinger Website GED2HTML: Descendants of John Strong and his wife Miss Wier or Thier Email: Lowry Betts Email: Tom Weir Email: Betty Blackwell Email: Robert L. Odom Email: Jim McCuller Email: Susan Strong Hall Email: Sonny Dixon See also: For a background discussion re the emigrant lineage of these Strongs, see: Antrim Emigrants to SC, and see: Marquis of Donegal see separate website re: Rev. William Martin's 5 shiploads of immigrants. The earlist date is 1772, and contains Christopher Strong only. |
PART III - VARIOUS STRONG(E)/STRANG(E) FAMILIES OF IRELAND Note that due to the unfortunate state of Irish records following the Four Courts Fire of 1922, many of the following families have been difficult to place in the above grouping of English and Scottish Families Strang/Strong. However, it is almost certain that they are indeed of either English or Scots descent. Note that wherever possible, certain families known to be found in Ireland have been geographically placed above with the family grouping in England or Scotland from which they are believed to be descended; see particularly, the Scottish Strongs of County Antrim, and English Strongs of Dublin, Wicklow, and Waterford; and the L'Estranges of Counties Offally (Kings), Meath, and Westmeath .
View an interesting old Map of Ireland circa 1600, showing various Gaelic Placenames. Be aware that this map is large and takes some time to load; remember to use your browser's "Back" function to return here. | ||
View a relief map showing the counties of the Republic of Ireland; unfortunately, while it shows Ulster in relief, it does not show the six counties of the north, viz., Antrim, Armagh, Down, Tyrone, Fermanagh, and Londonderry: Relief Map of Ireland . Remember to use your browser's "Back" function to return here. | ||
View a modern stylized map showing county locations, with Chapman's Codes included: Modern Map of Ireland . Remember to use your browser's "Back" function to return here. | ||
| ||
III (A)Counties Antrim, Armagh, Down and Londonderry | Note: There is a possibility the Strong/Sronge/Strang/Strange lineages of Counties Antrim, Armagh, Down and Londonderry are all related. With the exception of the Stronges of Tynan Abbey, most of these families are Presbyterian, and (including the Tynan Abbey Stronges) likely Scottish in descent. | |
County Antrim | County Antrim, see above | |
County Armagh | Stronges of Tynan Abbey, see above | |
County Down, Ireland: | Map of Parishes with Concentrations of
Strong Families:
County Down Parish Map. Note: The Presbyterian religion of the Strong(e)s of County Down probably places them with the Scottish Strong(e)s | |
Stronge/Strang(e) of County Down, Ireland, and Canada and the US Researcher, Email: Gord Stronge, Vancouver, B.C | ||
A Presbyterian Minister, of County
Down, father of John Strong, who > Morris
Co., New Jersey, and Grandfather of
Margaret Strong and Samuel B. Strong, b.
Morris Co., NJ, 1798 Researcher, Email: Kay Smith | ||
County LONDONDERRY ? | ||
Families Strong "From Cork" See NOTE RE:Faughan, County Londonderry, and see NOTE RE: Relationships between 1798 Rebels in Counties Down and Antrim, and see: Antrim Emigrants to SC | ||
Jacob Strong and Mary Servos Strong,
parents of John Strong, b. 14 Aug., 1835- d.
16 June 1910, in Stouffville, Ontario,
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp. 247-261 Researcher: Milton A. R. Strong, Hamilton, Ontario For a discussion, see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada | ||
Livert Strong of Gainsborough, Ontario,
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp. 481-482 For a discussion, see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada | ||
| ||
III (B) Counties CAVAN, LONGFORD and MONAGHAN, Ireland: STRONGS. See also Counties SLIGO and MAYO. |
Note: because of geographical proximity of
the parishes displaying concentrations of
Strong Families in each of these three
counties, they have been grouped
It is possible the families in the three
counties are related. Further, Philip B. Strong, of Belfast, Northern Ireland, who is descended from the Sligo Strongs has documented that the Strongs of Co. Mayo are part of the Strongs of Co. Sligo (resulting in part from a border change between the two counties); in turn, Philip hypothecizes that the Sligo-Mayo Strongs are in fact an off-shoot of the Strongs of Co. Cavan. Contact Philip B. Strong, Belfast, Northern Ireland for more information. All these Strongs seem to be of English descent: | |
...COUNTY CAVAN | Map of Parishes with Concentrations of
Strong Families:
County Cavan Parish Map. | |
John, William, and James Strong
from County Cavan, settled in Essa Twp.,
Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada, circa
1826 For a discussion, see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada Researcher: Ordella McIntyre Park, Caldwell, Idaho | ||
Susannah Strong m. Richard Callahan; >
their daughter, Mary, Co.Cavan before
1816; she m. William Ferris (b.~1800 Co.
Antrim). > Their daughter, Charlotte
Ferris was born 17 Dec 1830 in Tecumseh,
Simcoe Co., Ontario Researcher: Email Garth Watson | ||
...COUNTY LONGFORD | Map of Parishes with Concentrations of
Strong Families:
County Longford Parish Map. Map of Granard Area Townlands: Granard Area Townlands Map. For research notes, see: Longford Research, and Combined County Longford Strong Genealogy Chart, compiled by researchers Helen Godfrey and Barbara Strong (see below) | |
Henry Strong m. Ada Jane Greer, Parish
of Clonbroney, Co.Longford, 1856 >
their son, Henry Strong, b.1864 >
emigrated to Australia, c.1883;
descendants, Melbourne, Australia Researchers, Email: Barbara Strong, and Email: Victoria Strong | ||
John Strong, Carton Townland, Granard Parish, Co. Longford, b.~1777, d. 28 April 1864;
m. Eliza __?____, b.~1791, d. 21 July 1873; they had three children: > Henry Strong, b. 2 August 1821, d. ? George Strong, b. 7 July 1825, d. (before 1901 census) > George Strong definitely had two wives and possibly three. Probably married 1st Ella "Miscella" Darby; they had a son, John Strong b. 23-3-1865 died unknown Married 2nd Hannah Anderson, b. ~1845, d. 8 May 1869, aged 24; they had twin girls Jane Strong and Eliza born 15-12-1865 died unknown, and a son, William born 24 August 1866, died 21 May 1929 (see below *) Married 3rd Ann Arkins (b .~1843, d. 19 January 1919; they had 7 children: Robert Strong born 26 April 1871, d. ? George Strong born 15th December 1873, died Mullingar asyllum 30 May 1928 Oliver Strong born 19th April 1878, died 12 May 1950 Co.Longford Mary Ann Strong (possibly chistened Eleanor) born 23-Ocotber 1881, d. ? Eliza-Jane Strong born 15-May 1972 d. ? Thomas Strong born 4 May 1876 d. ? Henry Strong born 28 Jan 188? Elizabeth Strong, b. 8 August 1827, d. unknown *William Strong married Sarah Higgins on 16th February 1888; they had 9 children: Ellen Strong, b. ?, d. 23 March 1975 In New York, USA; unmarried George Strong, b. 19 Jan 1896, died 10 August 1980 - Staten Island USA; unmarried John Strong, b. 24 Jan 1901, d. ? - California USA, married Ellen Matilda Maloney (all desendants known) Hannah Strong, b. 3 Dec1891, d. ?, married Jack Mullens ( most descendants known) New York, USA Mary Agnes Strong, b. 15 July 1903, d. ?; married ____?___Morgan, USA Sarah Strong, b. 4 April 1898, d. 22 October 1957; family now live in Arizona, USA Hugh James Strong, b. 11 -July 1888, d. 1916 in Ireland - Not married William Strong, b. 16 December 1893, d. ?; married Minetta Schlueter - all desendants known (grandfather of researcher Bill Strong) Elizabeth Strong, b.17-Sept 1907, d. ?; only family member to remain in Ireland (grandmother of researcher Helen Godfrey) Researchers: Email: Bill Strong Email: Helen Godfrey | ||
...COUNTY MONAGHAN | Map of Parishes with Concentrations of
Strong Families:
County Monaghan Parish Map. Map of Townlands of Aghnamullen (Aughnamullen) Parish, County Monaghan, before division into East and West:AghnamullenTownlands Map. For a background discussion, see: Monaghan Strongs of Ballybay. For a background discussion, see: The English Garrison in Monaghan . For a background discussion, see: The Shirley Estate . | |
Clifton Strong of Ballybay, County
Monaghan > Michael Strong of Medonte
Township, Ontario, Canada
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996; Clifton Strong, pp. 9-24 Researchers: Email: William L. Strong GED2HTML: William L. Strong Email: Heather Colleen McPhail Silver Ancestor Chart: Ancestors of: Heather Colleen (McPhail) Silver For a discussion, go to Medonte Strongs For a background discussion, see: The Strongs of Medonte Township. | ||
John Strong of Parish of Ahnimullien,
County Monaghan > York Mills, York County
Ontario, Canada circa 1846.
For a discussion, see Bill Strong's
Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada View Headstone with discussion: John Strong Headstone | ||
Samuel Strong of Drumhammon Townland,
Donaghmoyne Parish, County Monaghan, d.
1835 > Barbara Sybil Strong, b. 19 March
1833 > Conneticutt, 1846 > married John
Linn Tweed, Lake Co., Illinois, 1856; d.
Lake Co., IL, 1910 Researcher: Email: Al Fischer | ||
Joseph STRONG m. 1845, Martha GILMORE, Donaghmoyne Parish, Co. Monaghan; their daughter, Sarah STRONG, b. 1853, Co. Monaghan, Ireland, m. 1874, Samuel HILL b. 1843, Londonderry, Ireland; they emigrated to Greymouth NZ before birth of their daughter, Letitia HILL, b. 1877; ancestor of: Researcher in England: Email: Cameron Gracey | ||
... COUNTIES SLIGO and MAYO, Ireland |
Philip B. Strong, of Belfast, Northern Ireland, who is descended from the
Sligo Strongs has documented that the Strongs of Co. Mayo are part of the Strongs of Co. Sligo
(resulting in part from a border change between the two counties); in turn,
Philip hypothecizes that the Sligo-Mayo Strongs are in fact an off-shoot of the Strongs of Co. Cavan.
Contact Philip B. Strong, Belfast, Northern Ireland
for more information. | |
Ireland, Thomas Strong; born 1744 & died 1809. He married Margaret; born 1756 & died 1835. > Their son, In all probability William Strong (b.1786), married Frances Burns in 1801 and died 1841 >Records of Philip B. Strong (some extracted from Church of Ireland parish records) show that his son, William Strong, was born in 1820 and married Margaret Strong in 1842 (she was born in 1821). William had the following brothers and sisters, namely; (1) Mary; born 1806 (2) John James; born 1808; married Mary Carroll 1846 and died in 1867. Mary (nee Carroll) Strong re-married. She married Henry McKay in 1872 and died in 1903. (3) Eloner; born 1809 (4) Henry ( great grandfather of researcher Philip B. Strong); born 1811; married Elizabeth Strong in 1837; died 1886. Elizabeth Strong was born in 1819 and died in 1893. She was the daughter of John Strong who married Elinor Peters in 1818 (on the 31st March 1818 to be precise). Now for the interesting bit, Elizabeth Strong (Philip's great grandmother) was the sister of Margaret Strong who married 'Elmers' William Strong (b. 1821; married 1842 and emigrated to Canada, and according to Elmer T. Strong letter to Philip B. Strong, died 1875) (5) Thomas; born 1813 and married Susanna (6) Jane; born 1816 and married Robert Barr in 1836 (7) Frances; born 1818 (8)William Strong's (b.1821)
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family
Histories, published for the
SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann
Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996; Tom,
William, John & Thomas Strong, pp. 622-626: | ||
See Also: Quebec, Canada:
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996; Tom, William, & John Strong, pp.588-595 Researcher: Corrie Lamers Dennis, Brantford, Ontario, Canada Researcher: Email: Mike Strong For a Discussion, go to: Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada | ||
| ||
III(C) County DONEGAL STRONGS | Note: it is probable that the Strong
families of Donegal and western Fermanagh are related.
These Strongs tended to be Church of
Ireland (Anglican) or
Methodist in religion at the time of
emigration; all seem to be of English
descent, although it is possible they are of Scots descent. See the geographical proximity of parishes with concentrations of Strong Families in each of the respective counties. Map of Parishes with Concentrations of Strong Families: County Donegal Parish Map. For a background discussion, see: The Strongs from Donegal. For a background discussion, see: Trinity College Lands, and Sir Francis Gofton.. For a background discussion, see: Hamilton of Brown Hall, Co. Donegal.. For a background discussion, see: Ffolliott/Folliot Family, Barons of Ballyshannon. For a background discussion, see: William Conolly's Ballyshannon Estate. | |
Hugh Strong of Drumhome Parish, County
Donegal, Ireland
Reference: "The Descendants of John Strong and Martha Watson of Drumhome Parish, Co. Donegal", privately published by Dale G. Strong, Cassatt, SC, USA Researchers: Email: Dale G. Strong Email: David B. Strong For a background discussion, see: William Conolly's Ballyshannon Estate. For a background discussion, see: Morgan County, Ohio Strong. | ||
Hugh Strong of Aghadowey Townland,
Drumhome Parish, County Donegal, Ireland
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp.107-113 Researcher: Email: Dale G. Strong, Cassatt, SC Ancestor Chart: Ancestors of: Dale G. Strong | ||
see also: Ralph Bernard Strong, b. May 1857 in Ohio; Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996., pp. 515-519 (possibly son of William James Strong, p.108 above) Researchers: Email: Thomas A. Strong, San Antonio, Texas Ancestor Chart: Ancestors of: Thomas Anthony Strong Email: Melinda Strong Note, From Email from Melinda Strong, dtd September 23, 1999, "I am still looking for the parents of my elusive Strong ancestor, Ralph Bernard Strong born May 1857 in Ohio, located in Collin County Texas for the 1880 Federal census, where he was married to Mary E. HALL, in Hopkins County, TX in 1900, and in New Mexico for the 1910 census. He and Mary had 8 sons, and I recently discoved Ralph had 4 brothers." | ||
James Strong, b. 20 Oct. 1782 in Ireland; Emigrated to New York with a brother (name unknown). Brothers
separated in NY; James > Wheeling, West Virginia, where he ran a pottery, but lived across the Ohio
River in state of Ohio; d. 8 May 1836 in Ohio. He m. Prudence Elliott in Ireland, or possibly in Ohio, USA,
just a few months before John was born. Query whether they emigrated together or at about the same time,
in a "chain migration" situation.
The 13 children of James and Prudence were: John - b. Dec. 24, 1809 in Ohio, d. in Glasgow, IA, 1866 (ancestor of Connie Corbett-Whittier, below) m (1) Sara THOMPSON, children, if any, unknown, m. (2) Julia Ann CARPENTER, May 14, 1846. Mary - b. ca 1811, m. James MC CULLOUGH William Elliott - b. 1813, m. Mary AULD (she burned the Strong family bible after a fight with William) Margaret - b. 1815, m. Henry MOLESWORTH Jane - b. 1817, m. James ROBISON Thomas Lee - b. 1818, m. Margaret TEMPLETON (ancestor of researcher Tom Strong, below) and (see reference below) Prudence - b. 1820, m. Elijah BILLINGSLEY Catherine - b. 1823, d. at age 19, unmarried Finley Ritchey - b. 1825, m. Orleans WRIGHT (father of Sherman Strong, note 1 below) Elizabeth S. - b. 1827, d. at age 15, unmarried James Harvey Strong - b. 1830, m. Rebecca TEMPLETON (see reference below) George - b. 1833 (died at 4 days of age) Note (1): The above information came from Sherman Strong, Henrietta, MO, a cousin to John Strong, nephew of James. It was found in an undated letter to Kate Strong; she died in her 90's, about 1974. Note(2): There were Elliotts in the County Donegal area co-existant with the numerous Strongs planted there in the 17th Century... this fact may indicate these Strongs are from County Donegal. Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. James Strong and Thomas Lee Strong, pp. 142-145: Researcher: Donald R. Strong, Seattle, WA Researchers, Email: Thelma L. Southern Ancestor Chart: Ancestors of: Thelma Louise Southern Email: Connie Corbett-Whittier, Topeka, Kansas Email: Tom Strong, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan Researcher?, Email: Brandy Alford Website: Brandy's Geneology Corner see also: James Harvey Strong, Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. p.141: Researcher: Mrs. James E. Strong, Fortuna, CA | ||
George Strong, b.Balintra, Co.
Donegal, 1890's > d.1969, Pittsburg,PA Researcher, Email: Thomas W. Strong,Jr. | ||
Researcher, Email: David B. Strong Map of Drumkeeran Parish, and portion of Templecarne Parish, County Fermanagh, showing various Townlands, which were home to some Strongs: Drumkeeran and TemplecarneTownlands Map. | ||
Thomas Strong of Durnish Townland,
Drumhome Parish, County Donegal, Ireland
> d. 1851 in Canterbury, New Brunswick,
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp.548-550 Researcher: Rupert Strong, (deceased) Email: David B. Strong | ||
Thomas Strong, b.29 April 1821 in County
Donegal, Ireland > d. 27 April 1892 in
Arran Township, Ontario, Canada
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp.559-580 Researcher: Elaine Galbreath Watt, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada | ||
Reference: "The Strongs From Donegal", privately published by Alec Strong, Byron Bay, NSW, Australian Researcher. Email: David B. Strong For a background discussion, see: The Strongs from Ardara. For a background discussion, see: Castle Rahan, Killybegs. For a background discussion, see: H.G. Murray-Stewart Estate. For a background discussion, see: Pakenham Estate in Killybegs.. View a Map of Inishkeel Parish, County Donegal, showing Shanaghan Townland, home of these Strongs: Shanaghan Townland Map. | ||
Researcher, Email: David B. Strong For a background discussion, see: The Strongs from Ballyara Townland. | ||
...COOLCOLLY Researcher, Email: David B. Strong | ||
...BALLYDERMOT Researcher, Email: David B. Strong | ||
...DRIMHORY & BALLYBULGAN Townlands, Drumhome Parish, Co.Donegal> Hugh Strong, possibly b. 21/3/1830, Drimhory Townland, Drumholm Parish, Co. Donegal, Ireland, migrated with brother, William Strong, and cousin Robert Strong to Canada in the early 1850's. Hugh Strong's descendants included Earl Strong of Hilton and later Toronto, ON; father of researcher Tom Strong Researchers, Email: Tom Strong, Brisbane, Australia Michael J. Strong, Oakville, Ontario David B. Strong Elizabeth (Strong) Fenix, married to Thomas Fenix. I believe they lived in Ireland. Their daughter Judith married my ggggrandfather Andrew Cassidy and died in Dundee Scotland in 1857 at the age of 69. Andrew Cassidy was originally from Ireland as well... with he and Judith both having gone from Ireland to Scotland... possible clue is an entry in Dale G. Strong's book, "The Descendants of John Strong and Martha Watson of Drumhome Parish, Co. Donegal, Ireland", at p.45, where is listed under Marriages performed in the Church of Ireland Parish of Drumhome, "20 September 1821: (Marriage of) William Strong, Ballybulgan (Townland) to Jane Cassidy, Mullinasoll (Townland)". Both townlands are in Drumhome Parish. It was often a practice for young workers to travel from Ireland to England and Scotland to work for a time (with the intention of returning to Ireland)... and it is quite possible Judith Fenix might have known Andrew Cassidy in Ireland before traveling to Scotland; further that after marrying, they stayed in Scotland. Regarding the name Heron: since the Cassidys originally came from Fermanagh and the symbol of the round tower on the Belleek mark is the one on Devenish Island in Lough Erne, Co. Fermanagh, where many 17th c. Cassidys are buried, I collect Belleek. I became friendly with an ex-manager of the Belleek factory named Séamus Heron who lives in the village of Belleek and has his own ceramics factory called Heron Ceramics. As you probably know, the border of N. Ireland and the South of Ireland (Donegal/Fermanagh) runs through the village of Belleek (which is why it was known as "bandit country" in the days when the IRA was running around). Researcher Email: Leslie A. Cassidy For background discussions, see: The Strongs of Hilton, Ontario. and see: Rev. John Hamilton of St. Ernan's. | ||
George Strong, b.Aug., 1852, in County
Donegal, Ireland, > Fenelon Falls, VictoriaCo., Ontario, Canada c.1860 >
Manitoba 1882, d. July, 1943 For a background discussion, see: The Strongs of Fenelon Falls, Ontario. For a discussion, see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada | ||
...Hamilton, Wentworth County, ON
Hugh Fraser Strong, b. 1865, in County
Donegal, Ireland, > Boston, MA., > Hamilton,ON before 1890. Sons George and
James > Detroit, MI For a discussion, see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada | ||
...Eastern Ontario Thomas Strong, from County Donegal, Ireland, > sons to Gorrie, Huron Co., Ontario, Canada For a discussion, see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada | ||
County FERMANAGH STRONGS | Map of Parishes with Concentrations of Strong Families:
County Fermanagh Parish Map. | |
Robert Strong, a Wesleyan Methodist preacher on the Enniskillen circuit
ride in Co. Fermanagh in 1810; probably married Jane Johnston of
Bonahawn Townland in the Church of Ireland Parish of Innishmacsaint, Co.
Fermanagh, on 13 Feb 1810. > Speculatively, they MAY have been the parents of
Robert STRONG, born in 1831 in Belfast, Co. Down, Ulster, North Ireland.
On 26 Apr 1851 when Robert was 20, he first married Jane ROBINSON. Jane
died on 26 Mar 1861; on 26 Apr 1862 when Robert was 31, he second married Jane TAIN.>
Descendants include researcher, Philip Strong. Researcher, Email: Philip D. Strong, Blue Mountains, Australia Note: the Parish of Innishmacsaint lies both in Donegal and Fermanagh, near the River Erne, draining lower Loch Erne. | ||
...Tuckersmith Township, ONTARIO
George Strong I, m. Mary Haron/Herron, Drumhome Parish, Church of Ireland,
Co. Donegal, 1820; d. 1839, County Fermanagh,(possibly Beleek Parish, Barony of Lurg);
widow and four children emigrated to Pickering Twp, Ont., 1842; she d.1858.>
Son George Strong II married Eliza McCullough, Toronto, ON 1863; migrated to
Tuckersmith Township, Huron County, Ontario; Daughter Ellen Strong m. Andrew Story, Pickering Twp; lived and died there; descendants Daughter Ann Strong m. another Andrew Story, Pickering Twp; migrated to Tuckersmith Twp, where they lived and died, leaving descendants Reference: "The Strongs of Tuckersmith Township, Ontario", privately published 1987, by David B. Strong Researcher, Email: David B. Strong For a background discussion, see: The Strongs of Tuckersmith Township, Ontario. | ||
...Pickering Township, ONTARIO
Jane Strong, probably a sister of George
Strong, above m. Matthew Devitt, c.1810,
resided in Tullylagher Townland,
Templecarne Parish County, Barony of Lurg;
emigrated to Lennox and Addington County,
near the Bay of Quinte, Ontario, 1827, >
Pickering Twp,Ontario, c. 1846 Researchers, Calvin Devitt, Rochester, MI; Bill Ferguson, Blackstock, ON; Isobel Hurlburt, Edmonton, AB; Email: David B. Strong; Email: Jeff Livingstone; Email: Jean Gibson; For a background discussion, see: The Strongs of Tuckersmith Township, Ontario. Map of Drumkeeran Parish, and portion of Templecarne Parish, County Fermanagh, showing Tullylagher Townland, which was home to Jane Strong and Matthew Devitt: Drumkeeran and TemplecarneTownlands Map. Note also that a family of Devitts located in Morgan County, Ohio, near the Donegal Strong family of Researcher: Email: Dale G. Strong | ||
...BOHO Parish | ||
...ROSCOLTAN Townland, Co. Fermanagh >
...HOWICK, ONTARIO For a discussion, see: Rev. Lord Adam Loftis, Marquis of Ely. | ||
John and Mary Strong, emigrated from
County Fermanagh, Ireland, 1840 > Gorrie,
Howick Twp, Huron Co. For a discussion, see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada Researcher, Email: David B. Strong | ||
III(D) Counties Dublin and Wicklow | ||
Dublin, County Dublin: | ||
Dublin, and County Wicklow: | ||
| ||
III(E) Counties Cork, Tipperary, Limerick, Waterford | ||
...KILL, ST.NICHOLAS, Co. Waterford | ||
County Waterford: See above. | ||
Co. Tipperary: | ||
John Strong, of Lehinch, Co. Tipperary, m. Margaret O'Meara; they had 6 children: William Strong, (a publican), m. Feb 1849, Mary Ryan. Their children were: Bridget (1849), Pat (1852), William (1855), Anne (1856), Daniel (6 July 1859; See below*) and Thomas (1861). Denis Strong married Bridget Kennedy and also lived at Lehinch. Their children were John (1852), Margaret (1853), Patrick (1857), Denis (1860), Elizabeth (1863), Patrick (1865) and Martin (1868). Charles, James, Patrick, and Margaret. Charles, James, and Patrick emigrated to the States *Daniel Strong, b. 6 July 1859 at Lehinch, Co. Tipperary, emigrated to NZ in 1883 and d. in 1951. Researcher: Email: Angela McCarthy Department of Modern History, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland Website: The New Zealand Ireland Connection Note: Angela McCarthy has no genealogical connection to him but Daniel forms part of the study she is currently undertaking re Irish migration to NZ. | ||
Families Strong "From Cork" See NOTE RE:Faughan, County Londonderry, and see NOTE RE: Relationships between 1798 Rebels in Counties Down and Antrim, and see: Antrim Emigrants to SC | ||
John, Michael and William Strong, brothers "from Cork", were involved in the Emmet
rebellion in 1798 in Ireland.> Escaped to Philadelphia, PA 1799 >
Michael and William separated from John, disappeared; John to Cumberland County, KY >
John Strong had three children: I. Rev. William Hardin Strong. II.
Prince Alfred Strong. III. Jane Strong
For a discussion, see:
Strong of Cork Reference: Benjamin Dwight's 1871 genealogy of the descendants of John Strong, 1635 immigrant to Massachusetts. This info appears in an appendix about John Strong of Cumberland County, Kentucky. The article entitled "John Strong of Albany, KY" is found on Pages 1534-1535. Quoted is the first paragraph about John, together with certain updated information about his three children. "John, Michael and William Strong, brothers, were involved in the Emmet rebellion in 1798 in Ireland. When that collapsed the three brothers escaped secretly and landed in 1799, in Philadelphia, and after tarrying in that city for a few months they separated from each other, and John Strong never afterwards heard either from them or of them. He located at last in Cumberland, Clinton Co., Ky. [sic], on a farm near what is now Albany. In 1808, he married Elizabeth Williams. He died in 1820, and she married a second husband (name not given) who was living in 1868 in Woodson, Illinois. He had three children: I. Rev. William Hardin Strong. II. Prince Alfred Strong. III. Jane Strong." I. Rev. William Hardin Strong. Born 26 AUG 1809. Campellite [Disciples of Christ] preacher. Married 1832, Josephine Dawson of Danville, Kentucky. Resided in Winchester, Illinois; Morgan County, Illinois; and Girard, Illinois. Apparently living in 1871 when Dwight published his genealogy. 10 children named. II. Prince Alfred Strong. Born 1811, Cumberland, KY; died 18?? in Spokane, WA. Married Frances Renfro at Lexington, Kentucky in 1838. Relocated to Illinois in 1838 and subsequently to California via the Isthmus of Panama and vessel "Nevada" to San Francisco, arriving June 17,1867. Migrated in 1879 to Five Mile Prairie, near Spokane, WA in 1879. Had nine children: Martha Francis, Martha Ann, Mary Elizabeth, Mary B., Prince Jerome, Laura, William Alfred, Prince William Jerome, and John Franklin Strong (the last being the ancestor of researcher Judy Shinn Kunz below). III. Jane Strong married Harvey Burnett of Lancaster, Kentucky. Moved to Alton, Illinois in 1842. She died there in 1848 or 1849. Seven children named. Note(1) Thomas Addis Emmet (1764-1827): born in Cork; educated at Trinity College, Dublin... called to the Irish Bar, 1790; arrested, 1798 (during the "Rising of 98", when widespread rebellion broke out in Ireland in coordination with an abortive French invasion); exiled, 1799; attempted to interest Napoleon in a renewed invasion of Ireland, 1802; sailed for New York, 1804... (from a foot note at page 265, "Modern Ireland, 1600-1972", by R.F. Foster) Note (2): It appears that Clinton County was probably formed out of Cumberland County after 1820. Albany in 1871 was in Clinton County and still is. Albany is near the Tennessee State line, north of Overton Co., TN. Clinton County, KY, is east of Monroe and Cumberland Counties, KY. Note (3): The validity of the story about the three immigrant brothers cannot at this point be verified, but there may be passenger lists or other records that will verify the story. Dwight did not cite his sources. Note (4): It is possible the "massacre" mentioned in this story refers to the efforts made by Lord Londonderry to suppress the rebellion in the area of Co's Down and Antrim. If so, the three immigrant brothers may have been from that area, and merely escaped through Queenstown, Co. Cork. Researcher: Email: Judy Shinn Kunz, Beaverton, Oregon. | ||
see also | ||
John Strong of County Cork, Ireland,
and Albany, Kentucky
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996. pp.194-196 Researcher: Joan Gentile Fields, Shawnee, Kansas | ||
...George Washington Strong,
supposed to have sailed out of Cork about the time of
the famine. His son was John A. Strong, born in the Baltimore, Md. area
about 1870-80; grandfather of researcher. Researcher: Email: Luisa Tschetter, Salem, Missouri | ||
Lorin/Loren/Lorenzo Strong, said to be
of "Skibbereen", Co. Cork, Ireland, and
Joaquin, Texas Researcher, Email: Cherry Strong Hicks | ||
William STRONG, possibly born in 1811 in Cos. Cork,or Antrim
IRELAND, married Anne RAMSAY; their daughter Mary b. 1853, married James
ABERNETHY and died in KINGSTON, ONTARIO, CANADA. A relative informs that Mary Strong's parents (William Strong and Anne Ramsay) were from Ireland but more likely from Antrim than from Cork. Researcher, Email: Pam Thomson Website: Town Square Network | ||
Lydia LaStrange b County Cork, Ireland. m David L. Brigham . One child, George
David Brigham b 1867 in Holly Springs, Mississippi, USA. Lydia died when George was an
infant. George moved to Forest City, Arkansas, when he was about 3, then to Johnson
County Ark. At some time David L. Brigham married Louisa Looney. This
information was given to me by my grandfather, George David, in the 1940's.
Years later, one of George's daughters said that Lydia was 15 when she married.
If her child was born within two years--1867--then she would have been born
around 1850. But the information about her age conflicts with something else my grandfather told me--that his mother was a nurse during the Union Army and his father was a Confederate soldier and they met during the Civil War. I know his father was a Confederate soldier because he is in a group photo that hangs in the Clarksville Ark. courthouse. But Lydia LaStrange remains a mystery. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to trace her? I would greatly appreciate any help. Researcher, Email: Muriel Millwood Santa Cruz, CA | ||
| ||
III(F) County Offally, aka King's County; County Meath, County Westmeath: | ||
James, Martin, and Patrick Strong, bros.,
from Kilcoony Townland, Parish of Raheen,
near Portarlington, Offally, Ireland >
to Essex County, Ontario ~1823 For a discussion, see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada Note, these Strongs are Roman Catholic, as are certain of the L'Estrange family, which may indicate a relationship. Researcher: Email: Trish Howell See Also: , King's County, Ireland discussed above | ||
III(G) Various unlocalized Anglo-Scots-Irish Families Strong/Strange: | ||
Not yet geographically placed. | ||
John Strong, b. Ireland, 1799 >
Upper Canada (Ontario) > dau. Mary
Strong b. 6 Jan 1843, Upper Canada Researcher, Larry Schneider | ||
Thomas Strong m. Rose __?__ in Ireland.
Their son, William Strong, b.~1850, m.
Margaret McGowan, > New York City b.1870 Researcher, Email: Janet White | ||
Annie E. Strong (1872-1937) m.
Leonard Bannister in Ireland and
emigrated to Australia Researcher, Email: Steve Brew | ||
Leonard Oliver Strong, b. 18 Aug
1894, Palmerston North, New Zealand Researcher, Email: P. Pakes | ||
III(H) Various CANADIAN ANGLO-SCOTS-IRISH Strongs: | For a discussion of some of the following Strong Lineages see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada | |
...KINGSTON ...STREETSVILLE ...BRANTFORD ...BRADFORD ...COBOURG: Note, these Strongs are descended from "Elder" John Strong, see above. ...NEBRASKA/ALBERTA | ||
...PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND WEB Site: Dave Hunter's Island Register | ||
III(I) Various Possible AMERICAN IRISH STRONGS: | ||
James "Schim" Strong or Strang, of York County,
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Ar- bor, MI, (c) SFAA, 1996, pp. 148-193 These Strongs may be of Irish Descent; For a background discussion, see: The Strongs of York County, Pennsylvania. Researchers: Gladys E. Strong Smith, Ravena, Ohio Leah M. Strong Miller, Elkhart, Indiana Janet V. Strong Rosenberry Fredric R. Strong, Mountain View, California Susan Strong Bailey, Tucson, Arizona Elizabeth A. Pierson Shorner, Berwin, Illinois Marlene A Rosenow Jones, Manuta, Ohio Frances Strong Helman, Tavares, Florida Researcher, Emmett W Bratt 151 Lansdowne Drive Moon Twp, PA 15108-3027 Email: Emmett Bratt ; Website and GEDCOMs: Emmett Bratt's Home Page GEDCOM: Emmett Bratt Researchers, Email: Christie Sheffe, and Email: Pat Manzur, and Email: Kimberly Knutson Website: Kimberly Knutson's Home Page | ||
Note: Apparently, one of the descendants of James "Schim" Strang was James J. Strang,
also known
as Jacob Strong, who was an early convert to Mormonism. Reference: "The Descendants of Jacob Strong", published in Salt Lake City, Utah, by the Jacob Strong Family Organization in 1980. The following Website seems to relate to a doctrinal dispute within the early Mormon church, in which James J. Strang apparently played a central role: Origin of the Plates | ||
Samuel Strong of Mifflin County, PA c.1700s
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) 1996. pp.526-532. Researchers, Email: Russell G. Strong Website: Russell Strong's Home Page Email: Karen (Strong) McKellar | ||
John Strong of Chester County, PA Researcher, Email: Megan Scott | ||
John Strong of Ireland, c.1700s, >
Scott Co., VA > Daniel Strong >
William Strong > North Fork, Kentucky
River, KY 1800/1801 Researcher, Email: Bill and Lisa Taul? | ||
John Strong of Ireland, 1700s Researcher, Email: Lisa Taulman Website: Wonderdove | ||
Thomas Strong of Virginia
(possibly related to John Strong of Ire-
land, above)
Reference: Volume V, Strong Family Histories, published for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, (c) 1996. pp.581-583. | ||
re: Thomas Strong, see also pp.444- 480 Researchers: Edwin E. Nickels, Blountville, Tennessee Avon Duane Doty, Kingsport, Tennessee Lois Doty Hipps, Anniston, Alabama Lyle A. Doty, Morristown, Tennessee Jane Stephenson Fairburn, McCormick, SC Mildred Strong Strayer, St. Petersburg, Florida Karen Jones Simpson, Kingsport, Tennessee Phyllis Saulsbury Stokes, Omaha, Nebraska Kathleen Large Ringley, Appalachia, Virginia Janett Jessee, Big Stone Gap, Virginia | ||
re: Samuel Strong, see also pp.437- 443 Researchers: David C. Strong, Carmel, Indiana | ||
Strong Family, principally Thomas
and Samuel Strong, above:
Reference: Strong Family Papers, 1823- 1855: Virginia State Library and Archives, Richmond, VA- Accession No. 29587 | ||
Strongs of Scott County, VA
Reference: James Robert Rolff, "Strong Family of Virginia and other Southern Strongs", c.1983 | ||
James Robert Strong, b.1816, Ireland; >
Landgrove, Vermont, before 1844; >
Haysville, Wilmot Twp., Waterloo Co.,
Upper Canada (Ontario) c. 1850; > returned
to Vermont 1856. Descendants Iowa and
California Researcher: J.R. Strong, El Cajon, CA Researchers: Email: Judy Hansen, and Email: David B. Strong Email: James Hall Strong Website:Landgrove, Vermont partial descendency (Click on "Strong" in contents) For a background discussion, see: The Strongs of Landgrove, Vermont; and see Bill Strong's Miscellaneous Strongs of Canada | ||
...NEW YORK: Patrick Strong, of Irish Origin > son Thomas Strong was born 1859, in Conesus, NY > descendants, in Florida... Researcher: Email: Thomas J. Strong, | ||
...BRAZIL: 1) Unknown Strong, possibly born in Ireland, >emigrated from Ireland (according to an old relative of researcher) to the USA in the nineteenth century. 2) Harris Strong,great grandfather of researcher, married Genoveva (Italian?) Strong. He was a farmer in NY. Some of the family then moved to Waukeesha, Wisconsin. 3) Meyer David Strong; grandfather of researcher, married a Brasilian woman. 4) David Abe Strong, born in USA Jun 9 1920; father of researcher, who "went to Brasil to visit researcher's Grandmother´s family". 5) Henry Dantas Strong , born in Brasil , Aug.30 1951 seeking further information re this family. Researcher, Email: Henry Dantas Strong | ||
Fortier ? (French for Strong)
Burt Strong of Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Researcher, Email: Suzanne Clement Note, this "Anglising" of the French word "fortier", (meaning "strong") into the English Surname, "Strong" seems to be rather unique. It should be contrasted with the evolution of the French words "le Strange" (meaning the foreigner, or the stranger) into our modern English surnames of Strong and Strange. | |
Alexandervitch "Alex" Strong, apparently born in Russia, married my (now deceased) Grandmother
Marie Stevenson Jefferson in Grenwich Village, New York, in the 40's. He
was a handsome full-blooded Russian. They had an interesting life together
and they had a son Michael Strong, who is is a dispatcher for the Long Island Railroad.
My Step-Grandfather Alex died this year (1998)
and we got some family history info that directly linked him to the late
Czar of Russia. The name Strong was to them
something like "Straum" or similar in Russia. Alex was very smart and cut
stones (lapidary work) and loved Art and history. Researcher, Email: Linda Carver Clark Researcher's Uncle, Email: Michael Strong Note: A number of researchers, including Robert T. Strong, Jr., and William L. Strong, have reported encountering Strongs who seem to trace their name from an "Anglising" of the Germanic names "Strom" or "Straum". |
Strain: descendants > Western Pennsylvania and Southern Ohio Researcher, Email: HI Arnold | |
Straughan: Richard Straughan, b.
1680, Scotland > descendants >Virginia
> North Carolina > Tennessee Researcher, Email: Vickie Roach Website: ACGS home page | |
Straughan: b. Sunderland, Durham, England, Researcher, Email: David Peters | |
Strachan: William Strachan,
before 1864 , Durham, England, Researcher, Email: Dave Cooke | |
Straughan: John William Straughan,
b. 20 Dec. 1842, England, to Virginia Researcher, Email: Norma Straughan Russie | |
Northumberland, Eng.> South Africa Researcher, in South Africa Email: Straffen S. Short | |
Straughn: Robert (or Rueben?) Newton Straughn,
b. 1839 in North Carolina or Tennessee, d.
1918, Dyer Co., TN Researcher, Email: Patsy L. Risner | |
Straughn: Nancy Straughn, b. Dyer
Co., TN Researcher, Email: Sheila Simpson | |
Straughan: Virginia to Kentucky, c.1760s Researcher, Email: Jim Straughan | |
Straughan: Green Straughan, b.~1790 Researcher, Email: Buddy Murchison | |
Strachan Researcher, Email: ? Sangella | |
Strahan: PA > KY > IN Researcher, Email: Thomas Strahan | |
Straughn: Rebecca Straughn,
m. Reason Hawkins, 1815, Hamilton Co.,
Ohio > Marion County, Indiana, 1826 Researcher, Email: Lou Ann Corrigan | |
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David B. Strong
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