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Here is a collection of funny Simpsons facts that don't warrant whole a page of their own.

Bart, Lisa & Maggie's First First Words

    Bart: Ay Caramba!
    Lisa: Bart!
    Maggie: Dad-Tee

Words People Wanted Maggie to Say As Her First Word

    Get Bent!
    Bee Bop (?)
    Shove it!

Signs From the Simpsons

    Springfield Auto Show. We salute the American worker. Now 61% drug free!
    Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. As seen on 60 minutes.
    Blood donors needed. We buy blood. Turkey day special $12.00.
    The Lucky Stiff funeral home. "We put the fun in funeral"
    Stinking Fish Realty. With a name this bad. We've got to be good.
    Toxic Waste. Do not eat.
    Happy Hour: 5:00 to 5:30.
    Grandma's World. For the old lady in all of us.
    Merry Widow Insurence Co.
    Ye Olde Off-Ramp Inn. We're now rat free!
    I can't belive it's a law firm!
    Ladies night. Unescoted ladies drink free.
More to come
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