| Welcome to the Corvette Doctor's Corvette Page
Welcome to information on Corvette email lists, Corvette racing,
restoration, vintage racing, buying Corvettes, Corvettes in the movies, other technical tips,
racing photos, and Corvettes I own
or owned.
The picture is of my '68 427 convertible, taken the summer of 1977 where my parents' 26' x 44' garage was built. The grass in the foreground later became the 14' long pit.
I've updated these pages since several of my articles were on the VetteNet Home Page and it moved. The links should work now. Many of the VetteNet articles are now under my control again so I can keep them updated and revised as needed. Once they were color-coded as to what was current on the VetteNet and what I had as updates, but that is no longer true. Most blue backgrounds are those developed through the Corvette Doctor and yellow ones through Procrastination Racing.
Articles and Information
Corvette Mailing Lists
- VetteNet
- The VetteNet Home Page
- The VetteNet Email List - General discussion on all aspects of Corvettes - racing, repairing, showing, modifying. Instructions for subscribing on their Home Page.
- The Corvette Restoration and Preservation List - A list dedicated to the issues of restoring Corvettes to Bloomington Gold and NCRS standards. This is the list for the purists. You can contact the owner John C. Broman, Jr. at jcbroman@earthlink.net
- The Vette-L List - This list is officially gone now. After many years of
service, it was removed
in March, 2000 by its owner.
Corvette Information Articles
- My Articles for the VetteNet
- CE Blocks - CE Block Survey. New information
has surfaced and you can find it here. Help build information on these mysteries. They may be some of the rarest of cars.
- Corvette Cam Specifications
- Corvette Race Car Registry - You can help build the registration of old Corvette race cars.
- Corvettes in the Movies and TV - A collection of movies and TV shows that featured Corvettes. It keeps getting updated.
- Dealer Number and Zone Number Survey This is a survey to collect the dealer and zone numbers and compile a database for the CRPL email group. This database will be available for all on the WWW to use. Please fill out the survey with any information you may have to help build this record.
Photos of Corvettes and Corvette Racing
Vote for us on the Vette Top 100
The Serious Stuff
Copyright © 1995-2005 The Corvette Doctor™, Procrastination Racing, and all authors as listed. Earlier copyrights are listed on each article as it applies. Use of this material is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America.
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Updated 05/23/05
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