I am an American Staffordshire Terrier.

That is a larger than average kind of lap dog.

I do not like to sound immodest but my parents think I am the world's nicest dog. Whether they are right or wrong about that doesn't much matter since EVERYONE agrees I am the world's most spoiled dog. Those who know me best attest to the fact that I have an absolutely winsome way about me. I live with my two doting companion persons in a beautiful rural setting and I get my own way all the time. I have noticed that some people do not do enough for their dogs. A well informed canine population could change that very quickly. I thought I would be just the dog to offer advice on the subject. So if you are leading a dog's life, it is time to assess the situation and take charge. Remember:

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings." (Julius Caesar,Act I, scene ii)


You can read here about my genealogy.   You will notice I am much cuter than the dog pictured on the Amstaff home page. One of the reasons is that I have unaltered ears. I must sit down and fully expound on the subject of ears one of these days. Amstaffs can have their ears clipped or left natural. I am strong advocate of the natural look. It is the raising, lowering, and angling of ears that allows a dog to express herself. A dog whose ears have been clipped is rather like a person who has had his eyebrows shaved off.

It seems to me expression is what makes or breaks a model. See how coy I can look when I am tired of sitting or want to turn back from a walk.


I began my life as one of thirteen puppies born to a rather stunningly good looking brindle bitch. People say I look like her. I must have been the nicest pup in the family since I was claimed as the "pick of the litter" and taken to live with my sire, a handsome and outgoing dog named Oscar. We had to share a single owner. We lived on a twenty acre farm and Oscar and I enjoyed some wild times romping together. It was not a bad life but it did not give me the opportunities I needed to develop to my full potential.

 Oscar already had the young man we lived with tied around his little finger. He got to sleep with him. If I tried to butt in, he would nip my ears. He got to go places in the truck. I used to get left at home, tied up outside, simply because I tended to become disconsolate and chew things if left unattended. To realise how serious a hardship this was you must understand that we live in the Pacific Northwest and it frequently rains. (You will hear more of my feelings about rain as you get to know me better.)

From this humble beginning I have arrived in the position that I have today. I now reside with a well trained older couple who share their beds and their steaks with me. I am the only dog in the family and their lives revolve about me as they should. I am never left alone anywhere and certainly not out in the rain. I enjoy a very elevated social status since I am constantly seen out and about in all the most interesting places leading my companion persons on a leash.

I know you are wondering how I achieved all of this while still a young dog. I intend to share the secrets of my success in these pages so do continue checking in. You will learn about how to choose and train your companion people. I will give you tips so you will know how to conduct yourself with proper dignity and decorum in all situations. Finally, I will share stress reducing techniques with you.

My motto is, “Be all that you can be!” Remember, no one can treat you like a dog unless you let them!