
"Paint the Sky With Stars" by Enya

Welcome to my place!
Hi! My name is Cosmo, & this is my little home on the Web. I was adopted from a shelter on September 16, 1998. I was just a little kitty then, but I'm a big boy now! I had a lot to learn when I first came to live here, and sometimes I got into trouble. I kept a diary,during those first few months, so you can read it to learn about my adventures!
I'm a big boy!
I don't mean to be a bad cat, but being good is very difficult. My mom says that the only time I'm not causing mischief is when I'm asleep. I try really hard to do the right thing, but it's hard to know what the right thing is. Being a cat is not easy.

sleepy boy

I'm so glad you came to see me & I hope you'll enjoy your visit. There's just one small favor I'd like to ask of you though. I've been in a shelter, & believe me, it's not a fun place to be. The only way to empty all the shelters is to stop unwanted births, so PLEASE spay or neuter your pets! Why not think about adopting a shelter pet, too. You'll find some wonderful animals at your local shelter...I'm living proof!


Exciting News!!!! My big brother Tigger & I have a LIVE Webcam now. It's on his HERE and maybe you'll see ME!
Go look around, but please come back & sign my guestbook before you go. If you do, I promise to visit you too!
Are you a purroud orange cat? Click HERE to find out how to win my new award! My award!
Did you arrive here through a ring? Click HERE to continue.
Pet Site of the Week, 1-3-99 Blue Ribbon Award
Thanks, Petsburgh Community Leaders!
Burb Award
I'm so proud of this! Thanks SuSue! Realm of Spoiled Pets
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Visitor since 9-18-98.
e-mail background sets by Mom & Me!

{HOME} {From the Heart} {Free Background Sets} {Mom's Page}
{My Diary} {My diary, Part II} {Clubs & Awards}
{My Family} {My Photo Album} {WebRings}
{Our Live WebCam} {My sister, Xena} {Candid Cosmo}