Again  Alone  Behind The Eyes 2
Cleansing Of A Soul  The Cliche  X-Mas Wall
Demons  My Gift  Inside  Looking Back
Near You  The Raven  Twister

Behind The Eyes 2(Death Arrives)

Knock, knock, knock against my door.
These stone cold floors make echoes roar;
Inside my ruptured soul alone,
Even silence seems to moan.

Knock, knock, knock it sounds again.
Could this be my lost love and friend?
I take a peek out through the hole,
To find a sickle and hood slung low.

Knock, knock, knock still taunting me,
So down the hallway; Try to flee.
The darkness of my closet's safe.
How long will I have to wait?

No more knocks, just silence' moan.
Perhaps he's gone since I'm not home?
Too scared to move I wait some more,
For fear he lurks across the door.

Suddenly the silence shatters!
My soul is filled with worldly clatters!
The door swings open; There he stands
Holding out his boney hands.

He's come to take my only love.
My gift from Heaven up above.
For I cared not to gaurd and cherish,
Now its time has come to perish.

I plead to all who have this prize,
Within their soul; Behind the eyes,
Regard with caution, guard it well
Or "Welcome to My Little Hell!"

© 2001/K. M. Swanson

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