Again  Alone  Behind The Eyes  Behind The Eyes 2
Cleansing Of A Soul  The Cliche  X-Mas Wall
Demons  My Gift  Inside  Looking Back
Near You  The Raven  Twister

This is a poem I wrote to, in my own strange way, deal with my father's death. A lot of people say that I haven't dealt with it yet, and perhaps they are, at least partially, correct. I think what it really boils down to is that I did deal with it, just not in the conventional way. I have my reasons for why I did it the way I did. Only if you can get a look at my point of view, can you have any chance of understanding why. I have never let any one read this poem, and only one living, breathing soul (Lisa, you gave me the courage to include this!) has ever heard it. Maybe I should let you read for yourself, and I'll finish this at the end.

The Other Side

I love you, need you so;
Tell me please which way to go;
Over? Through? Or not at all?
I can't get past this Christmas Wall.
Should I aim for the Other Side?
Or should I just go run and hide?
When you left I'd just met you
A friendship had just broken through.
I built this Wall to keep me here;
To hold on to what I hold dear.
Now I'm stuck,
and must confide; I can't get to

©1994/K. M. Swanson

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Dedicated to Dale Steven Hansen(August 20,1947-September 4,1991)

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Every year at Christmas I have a problem with the untimely passing of my father. At 44 years old, he was in my opinion, in the prime of his life. Like every other teenager in America, I gave him nothing but grief until I graduated high school, and had only just learned of the knowledge to be gained from his insight. When I was finally ready to listen, he was no longer abailable. To add insult to injury, I was stationed overseas with the USMC at the time of his departuure. Needless to say, I sorta went off the deep end. I turned to any vice I could find so I wouldn't have to deal with, or even fathom the thought of what had happened.
I eventually wrote this poem, to keep myself from biting a bullet of my own. Believe me, the thoughts still run amuck throughout the year, but every time I need it (or him!), usually at Christmas, I pull this poem out to renew the reason I have to keep moving forward.

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