These are all original graphics that I have made with the help of Adobe Photoshop and Kai's Power Tools. Feel free to use these graphics for your personal homepages - you CANNOT use them for commercial purposes. Since they are my original work, and not just a compilation of backgrounds, I would appreciate a reference on your page and a link to this page - the following text (or some variation of it) should be included in your html document. You can copy and paste the following line directly into your HTML document:

This background is one of
<a href=""> Electra's Backgrounds.</a>

Click on the small sample of the background to see a full page version.

To download:

1. Click on "Download" next to the background you want
2. Right mouse click on the picture
3. Click on "save this image as"
Note: You can save the small background pictures if you want to, but since they are a smaller version of the background graphic they will look slightly different than the backgrounds of the sample pages.

Download Download
Download Download
Download Download
Download Download
Download Download


The code for these backgrounds is:

<body background="filename.jpg" text="######" link="######" vlink="######">

text = Color of your text
link = Color of your links
vlink = Color of a visited link


With these backgrounds you have to be careful to choose a text color that can easily read. With most of these backgrounds it is best to use a bigger font than the default one, but don't use one that's too big - <font size=+1> is best in my opinion. You also have to take into consideration your overall design - a nice background is no good if it doesn't go well with the layout of your page, or your other graphics. If you're going to have a lot of graphics, and your page is going to be pretty busy, then it's better to go with a background that's plain rather than one of these.

plain | seamless | tiled | index

this page is a small part of electra's web

this page created and maintained by electra
copyright © 1996-98. All rights reserved

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