To view older updates, Click Here Fall 2005

The picture from above is at the Colorado Springs Balloon Festival about 2 years ago. It's my favorite photo, so, your stuck with it! Ha! Micki is maturing a little bit every day. She grows more beautiful everytime I look at her. She still has her "issues", but don't we all? We are getting lots more help now. "Ms. Alisha" is her CNA, and she gets to go to "Zach's place" for respite care. We refer to it as her spa vacation. She gets to do everything she likes to do the entire time she is there. She plays with a gigantic red ball, wanders about, eats all her favorite food, and gets as many baths as she needs/wants. One weekend they bathed her every 2 hours! She loved it! Currently we are focusing her communication program arond PECS (picture exchange communication system) and she gets it to a certain point. I don't know. Anyway, I gotta go right now, Micki's acting up.

See ya!


Fall 2001

Micheala grows every day! She is constantly learning new things. Currently she is attending school as a big first grader! She is learning how to communicate using pictures. She can sign "eat", "drink", "more", "want", "bath", "cookie", and "cracker". She has also been known to vocalize "Rand-ma" whenever her Grandma Mayo comes up to her. Micki is very lucky to have both sets of grandparents living near by (and spoiling her like crazy). There is a trampoline at both grandparent's houses and at micki's house. Micheala is now an expert jumper! She is very talented at jumping. Some of her other favorite activities are sliding, swinging, climbing, and throwing balls. Balls are her favorie toys. She also likes musical instruments.

We officially adopted Micheala on August 7th, 2000. She signed the paperwork when she tryed to grab it with her hand that was covered in orange cheeto goop! The official adoption certificate actually has her cheeto fingerprint on it. We thought that it was rather fitting. Grand parents and aunts and uncles were there to share in that special day. It all happened so fast, kind of an anti-climax after what we went through just to get to that day.


Soon we should have a bit of a gallery of micki pictures. Sorry for the wait!


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