No Frames


Well, to start, I'm 34, but there are alot of times that I still have the heart of a child!..*grin* I was born in Arizona and spent most of my life there and only about four years ago moved out to Arkansas..and is QUITE a difference! I'm married with two children. I tend to keep busy with my family and when I have free time, I enjoy surfing the net and playing with my homepage.

Alot of people ask me what I like. If you take a look around these pages, I think you'll see the types of things that I like. I enjoy playing with my graphics programs, both PaintShop and PhotoShop. I also enjoy finding neat things (ie programs) on the web that can make computer life a bit more fun. There's nothing that quite compares with the feeling you get when you find something that very few people know about, and then you help spread it around and watch the trend grow =)

When I'm not playing on the computer, I get great enjoyment out of reading. Nothing wisks me away from bills and work faster then a good book. I prefer fantasy and mysteries of all the genre of books. No romance novels here. Hey, no hate mail on that one ladies =) I've tried them and they just couldn't keep my attention that long.


You can follow the links here and meet the rest of my family

    DARYL my husband of 12 years

    KARA my 11 year old daughter

    BRANDON my 9 year old son

If you'd like to take a few minutes more and read something that I wrote up, as a dedication to our forgotten child, Stephanie

I also can't forget about the four felines that we have running around the house... or is that running the house..?


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Images found in the Realm are for the express purpose of these pages and no others.
Free images and backgrounds may be found in Eve's Background Shoppe.

This site created and maintained by 
Eloquent Vision Enterprises
Copyright ©1996-98 All Rights Reserved. 

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Images found in the Realm are for the express purpose of these pages and no others.
Free images and backgrounds may be found in Eve's Background Shoppe.

This site created and maintained by 
Eloquent Vision Enterprises
Copyright ©1996-98 All Rights Reserved.