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Shirt T- t- t- Tales! Hey gang it's me Rick! Welcome the Shirt Tales Zone of the All Stars Power Team Power Site! This is the home of our ongoing Shirt Tale Power Mini Series which will be coming back online soon! Hopefully we'll be able to wrap up this adventure soon! In the mean time look around and keep checking back as we make updates! With that said, it's Zoom Time Shirt Tales!
Shirt Tales Power Update Finally!!Thurs November 18, 2004
Well I finally decide to forgo the main menu updates and such and just went ahead and updated the rest of the Shirt Tale Power Zone. Still no new comics yet because of the work I've been putting into the OVA. I'll have something eventually though so keep watching!
Shirt Tales Power UpdateThurs July 27, 2004
The Information Zone and the Profile Zone have been reformatted to the current format. It may be a while however before I get to reformatting the others though since I haven't linked the main menus yet.
Shirt Tales Site ReformattedThurs July 27, 2004
As you may have noticed the Shirt Tales site is under reconstruction. All the links will still
be working but in the next couple of days All Star Comics will become the All Stars Power Team, a
new site that incorporates more of your favorite cartoon and live-action heroes! Keep in touch!