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Entries 260-269

[319-310][309-300][299-290][289-280][279-270][269-260][259-250][249-240] [239-230] [229-220] [219-210] [209-200][199-190][189-180][179-170][169-160][159-150][149-140][139-130] [129-120] [119-110] [109-100] [99-90] [89-80] [79-70] [ 69-60] [59-50] [49-40] [39-30] [29-20] [19-10] [9-1]

05/30/98 02:33:56
269 Name: polukin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country?: spain

Well, i am a new neighbour in the area, and even i like your page very much, i just don't know how to get started getting a cool paper portrait as you. I would like something fool of tongues, from the rolling stones logo. and inside include photos of my t avels with some commentaries, but i don't have any clue can you give me a hand, sending me an e-mail. thanks

05/30/98 00:39:20
268 Name: Tina Straub My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Browser?: netscape
Country?: usa Dive Certification Agency?: none

Great page. Hey, would really like to chat with you. similar interest. this dive thing is something we would like to investigate.

05/28/98 14:08:23
267 Name: Paulo Pereira My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Browser?: Ie4 Country?: Portugal Dive Certification Agency?: Don't have
Last Dive Was?: last Weekend Favorite Dive Spot is?: Berlengas in Peniche Portugal

Nice page, See You in the sea

05/27/98 02:51:32
266 Name: Jeff R. Layton My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Browser?: Communicator Country?: USA Dive Certification Agency?: PADI,NAUI
# of Post Certification Dives?: 164 Last Dive Was?: Nov. 1997 Favorite Dive Spot is?: Kwajalein, M.I.

One excellent site.

05/25/98 18:26:35
265 Name: Mark Geiger My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Browser?: microsoft
Country?: USA

how do you put sound on your page?????

05/20/98 17:56:06
264 Name: mike watkins My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Browser?: explorer Country?: USA Dive Certification Agency?: NAUI
# of Post Certification Dives?: 1000+ Last Dive Was?: California Favorite Dive Spot is?: PNG


05/19/98 23:32:55
263 Name: Surf-Doggy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Browser?: Both Country?: Aussie Last Dive Was?: Saturday Night
Favorite Dive Spot is?: Bed

Hi There Just Passing Through......Checking out Pages Of friends and signing Guestbooks...


05/19/98 19:13:50
262 Name: JW My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Browser?: Internet Explorer
Country?: USA Dive Certification Agency?: PADI

Neal - great site. Have enjoyed visiting and will be back! JW

05/11/98 11:16:38
261 Name: Brenda Kato My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Browser?: Netsape 3.01? Country?: USA Dive Certification Agency?: PADI
# of Post Certification Dives?: 3000 Last Dive Was?: April 25 Favorite Dive Spot is?: Cozumel

Found you from the Deep Diversions page. Great looking site. The Scubadillo Dive Club out of Dallas is still working on our webpage. Hope to have it looking as good as yours someday. The 'Dillos are one of the largest and most active dive clubs in the Dallas area. Hope to top 200 members again this year. Check us out at and look us up if you're ever in Dallas Brenda Kato

05/09/98 09:12:05
260 Name: KL Lim My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Browser?: IEexpl 4.0 Country?: Malaysia Dive Certification Agency?: Naui
# of Post Certification Dives?: over 1000 dives Last Dive Was?: March 1998 Favorite Dive Spot is?: Sipadan/Roach Reefs

Great Site!!! lots of interesting diving information. Keep up the good work! HAPPY DIVING!!!

[319-310][309-300][299-290][289-280][279-270][269-260][259-250][249-240] [239-230] [229-220] [219-210] [209-200][199-190][189-180][179-170][169-160][159-150][149-140][139-130] [129-120] [119-110] [109-100] [99-90] [89-80] [79-70] [ 69-60] [59-50] [49-40] [39-30] [29-20] [19-10] [9-1] or Go Back

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