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of Robotech | Macross Saga | Robotech
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Crystal Dreams | Home | Links
"In the year 1999, high above Macross Island in the South
Pacific, a phenominal event occured in the skies which altered the course
of human history"
January 08, 2000
well, well. I have finally updated this site after more than 2 years.I
have mainly been concentrating a lot of my effort towrds school and other
things in my life. I will try to update this as much as I can. This quarter
I seem to have a pretty nice schedule and classes aren't too hard so I
should have more time to do my web page here and create some new ones.
As you will see not much is changed. Just mostly my little commentary here.
Also I have updated the info on the Robotech game that was to be for the
N64, but alas, was not meant to be. I'll put the link here Robotech:
Crystal Dream but its not much, so why bother checking it out. I have
been looking at other Robotech sites and I must say that they are really
good. Blow my site out of the water, but thats cool. This isn't too bad
for someone with no web experience or anything. I'll link to one that is
really GREAT. Thanks and hope to make this site a little bit better =)
September 17, 1997
Well, all the pages are up and running with
the exception of the Picture Gallery and Links pages. I'm still looking
for some good links that will put up links to my page. The new Music
page is up with some songs from the Robotech Perfect Soundtrack. Check
it out.
August 25, 1997
Today I finished construction on many of the
pages. The Robotech Masters page is up along
with the New Generation page. Both pages have
a brief description of each saga and character profiles. Also up is the
Guide with a one line description of each episode.
August 23, 1997: Today the Macross
Saga Page is up and running with character profiles with some pictures.
Also up is the History of Robotech Page
is now available. This page is under MAJOR CONSTRUCTION so keep
checking back.
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