Greetings all! I'm
pleased to say I'm the first PRO of the DoK and couldn't
be happier. I hope you are all OK and not looking me up
to complain about something. (Psst...It's not about those
overdue library books is it? =0 )
Just kidding, seriously for a minute
(and only a minute), as your PRO I'll be happy to take
any suggestions, questions, concerns, and
yes,....*shudder* complaints. =) I'll also be responsible
for announcing some public messages and will handle all
recruiting information.
As for my personal life, I'm 19 years
old and therefore the youngest Ranking Druid of the DoK.
And yes ladies I'm a bachelor. =) BUT, I'm also Eri's RL
boyfriend - but Ssssh! It's a secret. As you've probably
guessed by now, Eri, Tyve, and I all know each other in
real world and all of us attend the prestigious
University of Alberta in Canada!
Myself, I spend my time taking the CLXT
program there. Combined Lab&X-Ray Technician in long
words. If you ever have an accident, I'll be happy to
help too! And just think, if my service is
unsatisfactory, I can take your complaints too! =)
In my spare time I enjoy reading,
drawing, (doing things with Eri)!, spying on Karchan
personalities, making buddies with all the Deps, GMing
Battletech, DragonLance:Fifth Age, and a few others. I
also enjoy a good game of Magic:The Gathering, and a good
friend (who IS in the DoK) is attempting to gather my
interest in Werewolf aka. Rage in some countries.
I enjoy reading mainly Sci-Fi and
Fantasy (which attracted me to Karchan in the first
place). I also greatly enjoy Anne McCaffrey's books about
Pern. TIP for you guys. If you want to get in friendly
with Milady, TALK ABOUT PERN! (just how I got buddies
with her.) I really like dragons and often do alot of
artwork on/about them. I also draw Link, gryphons, name it. I also like Nintendo's PokeMon and I
ADORE STAR TREK. Heh. Just about every day I wear a Star
Trek pin to the U. Just call me Captain. =)
I guess that's all about me, so I'll
impress you with some pics now...
on the big guy to the left will take you to???
First pic, is of course Link, the
Legendary Hero of Hyrule, second is a Charmeleon from
PokeMon and last (shame if you didn't know) is the United
Federation of Planets logo from Star Trek. Thanks for
reading my humble write-up and I hope to see you all on
QUOTE: "They say I'm
crazy, but I know better. It is not I who am crazy, It is
I who am INSANE!"
Karreio Bitra,
The PRO of the DoK,
High Priest of Cyrion,
Cute `lil Weyrling of Pern,
Heir to Pern's Bitra Hold,
AND a Starfleet Lieutenant Commander.
PS: Friend to Karn too! and Milady, and
Blackfyre, and Furchie...and...Manatoba too! etc...(`cept
Zahnos! He's too mean and grumpy!)
So I lied. One last pic. Cya!
BTW: So I don't get sued. PokeMon and
Link (Legend of Zelda) are registered trademarks of
Nintendo of America, Star Trek and all related material
are trademarks of Paramount Pictures, Inc. Pern and all
related items, names et al. are a copyright of Del Rey
Publishing in tandem with author: Anne McCaffrey.