Where Has All the Glory Gone?

In this area, I will detail an adventure that I devised for Twilight 2000. It is best suited for a group of players numbering about 3-8. The adventure is set on the Northern coast of Poland, during the flight of Allied soldiers to safe lines in the country of Germany.
If you are a player and NOT a gamemaster, you may only want to read the Introduction and the Background. If you read anything else, you may spoil it for yourself.

"The journey has been long and hard for us. We haven't seen friendlies for almost 3 weeks now, and the amount of enemy patrols seem to be increasing. Our supplies are beginning to run short, and the biting chill of fall is in the air.

"In the months that we've been travelling, we've run across things that would make your blood turn to ice! It's scary the things that some people do to others when law ceases to exist. I used to think that nothing could be worse than a Soviet trying to kill me. That was, until I had a run-in with some marauders. At least the Soviet soldier had training and a shred of discipline. The vile, marauding scum of Europe had no such checks ingrained in them. They killed and tortured people for the sheer pleasure of it. And due to the lawlessness of war torn Poland, these marauders had acquired weaponry on par with troops. That made them deadly even to trained soldiers.

"Anyhow, we're on our way North. We heard some local scuttlebutt that there might be some friendlies up on the coast. The journey's been long and hard, but just the other day, we smelled something in the air that we hadn't smelled in a long time. The smell of the ocean. We know we're close, and our point man just radioed that he's spotted the ocean ahead. It's almost dark now, so I think the Sergeant will call a halt to the day's march. Can't wait to get this pack off.

"The point man has come back to camp, and is spreading some cockeyed story about seeing lights down by the water's edge. The Sergeant is taking it with a grain of salt. We haven't seen any signs of electricity in this country for almost 6 months now. He figures it's just the guy's vivid imagination, and doesn't want to get anyone's hopes up. He says we'll check it out tomorrow.

"Sun's set, and the stars have filled the sky. Looks like it's gonna be another chilly morning. Having this insulated sleeping bag is finally worth all the trouble it's been to pack it all over the bloomin' countryside. The fire's dyin' down now, and there's nothing to do but catch some shut-eye. One of the guys got all excited about seeing a shooting star, but none of the rest of us find that all too interesting. Boy, I hope there are some friendlies there. I could use a good meal rather than these cold MREs.

"I'll be glad when this war's over."

Table of Contents
Storyline Locations Factions People
Polish with
General Stehnkov
Nuclear Power
Colonel Goranovich
Underground Mine
Mr. Fixxit
Marauder Camp
Leftenant Mitchell
Gunnery Sgt.
General Info
Surrounding towns
Polish Army
Pirate Chiefs

Back to Main Page

Check out these other links to Twilight 2000 pages:

Links to other sites on the Web

Orrin Ladd's PBEM page
Loonz's Twilight page
Daniel Cooper's page "Stumbling Around Poland
Ken's Twilight:2000 page
A Merc 2000 page
Antenna's Twilight Website
T.R.'s Twilight web site
Climax's Twilight web site
Aaron's World War 2 webpage
Ed the Coastie's Home page
Twilight Armories

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