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Mischief's Playground

Last Updated: March 31, 2002


Welcome to Mischief's Playground! I see that you were able to safely reach my dimension. This site is about all me--my family, hobbies, interests, and the like. So if you came here looking for "Mischief", you've come to the right place!

Ou wow! It's already April! Ouuuush! And Ami is in town! Whahahahah! Happy Easter guys..or rather, belated Easter! But it's a great picture, so don't complain! You know you love us! ^_^ But..ah...back to the web-site...

I call this haven "Mischief's Playground because...

1)I am "Mischief"--it's one of my nicknames. I sure do live up to that name...so I've been told. *heheheh* I'm not quite a trouble-maker or a "negative" influence so to say. Just "sly" and "creative". Oh yes, and "Unineek" (that's "unique with a k"). I have the tendency to be just a tad bit whacky, but not quite psychotic. I guess you'll just have to meet me in person to see for yourself!

2) I guess I chose "playground" because I'm such a child at heart. *smiles* I think in every one of us is that child "innocence" and we just don't spend enough time letting that inner side out. So think of my site as a "playground" where you can just have fun around and be stress free.

On your way out, don't forget to sign the guestbook!

I've had visitors so far!

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This site is created and maintained by Mischief.
All content on this page is copyrighted by Mischief©
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webmaster in order to obtain permission for use of
content, leave a message, ask questions, comments,
send fanmail, switch links, blah blah, please e-mail
her at: krzy_mischief@hotmail.com