06/04/99 21:06:26
Name: Nick Rucci | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Brookline |
State: MA | Favorite River: Saco |
05/31/99 01:27:34
Name: JJ | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
State: Texas | Country: USA | Favorite River: not sure |
Favorite Campsite: not sure |
Beautiful page. Nice poems. Come see mine if you get the chance.
Sam Spade - 05/28/99 12:08:44
"http://www.thenetdetective.com">Net Detective
05/28/99 06:49:21
Name: William Hefernan | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Tacoma | State: Wa. | Country: Pierce |
Favorite River: Saco | Favorite Campsite: Belfair St. park Wa. |
I used to launch my boat just below the rapids in saco and take the river trip to the mouth of the Saco river when I was 15 years old back in the 1940s.I would go approx. two to three miles past the breakwater at Camp Ellis and fish for mackeral and usual
y would have a pail full in a half hour. I loved fishing but I think the most enjoyable part was the boat trip back & forth with the beautiful scenry.
05/26/99 14:47:54
Name: Erin Haye | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Wells |
State: ME | Country: United States |
I took your class on Front Page 5/26/99. Just thought I would sign your guestbook.
05/20/99 19:58:06
Name: Debra Barnes | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: polo | State: mo | Country: america |
Favorite River: sac river | Favorite Campsite: stokton camp site |
the song is done in such harmony it is a gorgous song
05/20/99 18:11:22
Name: Kenneth Stern | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Redwood City | State: CA | Favorite River: Cheat |
Favorite Campsite: Allegheny Trail |
05/18/99 15:44:28
Name: Brian Segool | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Billeric |
State: MA. | Country: USA |
05/11/99 19:37:52
Name: A. Buckingham | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Camden | State: Maine | Favorite River: Saco |
Favorite Campsite: can't remember |
Thank you for setting up this web site. I love canoeing down the river and camping out. I am looking to set up a trip this year for a small group. Family and friends. I do not remember where I have camped in the past and I want to set the trip up in a
vance. We r planning an August 6-8 date trip with about 6 adults and 2, 7 yr old boys. We would like to camp on a site Fri. eve. before we set sail. Then we would like to camp along the river Sat. night. Not sure how to go about setting this up. plea
e advise. i really appreciate some direction here. Thank you.
05/10/99 02:17:16
Name: maureen sullivan | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: brockton | State: ma. | Favorite River: saco |
Favorite Campsite: lafayette |
hope to see you on the river this summer. Thanks for all of the useful information. Glad we found you. Have an inspirational summer.
05/10/99 02:11:51
Name: maureen sullivan | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: brockton | State: ma. | Favorite River: saco |
Favorite Campsite: lafayette |
hope to see you on the river this summer. Thanks for all of the useful information. Glad we found you. Have an inspirational summer.
05/07/99 11:25:08
Name: Donna | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: NY |
You have a wonderful site here, I can see it took a lot of time and probably if your like me tears too! ~LoL~
04/29/99 04:16:29
Name: Cyndie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
04/28/99 23:29:05
Name: maddmom | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: MADDland | State: CA | Country: USA |
Favorite River: ? ? ? ? | Favorite Campsite: i HATE camping now... |
This is a very lovely site. It's very peaceful.
{{hugs}} n' ~luvs~
04/28/99 13:24:51
Name: Steph | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: Ontario |
Country: Canada |
Hey there I stopped by to welcome you to RAOK. I hope you enjoy the group. I have never been rafting before, but hopefully soon. :-) Keep up the great work on your site. Luv always, Steph
04/28/99 12:36:22
Name: Lacy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Minoa | State: NY | Country: USA |
Favorite River: any:) | Favorite Campsite: any:) |
Welcome to RAOK! We're so happy to have you with us:) I've enjoyed my visit to your site...it's very unique and interesting! I especially enjoyed your writings...the Tribute to your Dad was very moving and beautiful, the music perfect:)
I invite you for tea at my place sometime...look forward to seeing you:) Hugs, Lacy
04/28/99 07:06:50
Name: SueCat | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: NYC | State: NY 11357 | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Susquehanna |
Nice pages...very relaxing! Welcome to RAOK. I am glad you have joined us.
04/28/99 02:52:42
Name: Cyn | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Baltimore | State: Maryland | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Patapsco | Favorite Campsite: Deep Creek Lake |
Hiya !
I really enjoyed your site and your written work !
Yes you DO have a natural talent !!
04/28/99 01:56:20
Name: Ishaah | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Faith | State: Hope | Country: Love |
Favorite River: ALL Rivers...*s* | Favorite Campsite: Anywhere under God's stars! |
Dropping in to extend another BIG, warm welcome to R.A.O.K. along with the rest. I'm so happy you have joined our wonderful group. You're site is great (love the Saco), and the music is awesome!
~Out of all the treasures in the world there is nothing more precious than giving someone a piece of your heart~
04/28/99 00:47:41
Name: Lisa(Josie) | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Ottawa |
Country: Canada | Favorite Campsite: Presquille Point |
Hi there...your site is beautiful :)
Welcome to RAOK
04/27/99 21:56:34
Name: Lady Amethyst | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country: USA |
Welcome to RAOK. I hope you will enjoy being a member as much as I do.
04/27/99 21:10:19
Name: Kind Soul |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
River Queen, I wanted to stop by to welcome you to RAOK and to enjoy your website. If you have any questions about RAOK please
feel free to email me. Have a great day! :)
04/27/99 20:27:00
Name: Ladywolf in Mo | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: Missouri |
Country: USA | Favorite River: Current River |
Hi Welcome to the Random Act of Kindness Web Ring. Nice place you have here keep up the good work. *S*
04/27/99 19:03:02
Name: Shauna | My URL: Visit Me | City: Nanaimo |
State: BC | Country: Canada | Favorite River: Montreal River, Sask. |
Favorite Campsite: Tofino, BC |
04/27/99 16:52:24
Name: Joan | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: Maine |
Country: USA | Favorite River: Piscataquis |
Welcome to Random Acts of Kindness. I enjoyed my visit here very much. Maine is my favorite place so I will come back again. Have a wonderful week.
04/27/99 15:32:57
Name: Sandee Beach | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country: USA |
WELCOME TO RAOK Webring!!!!!
04/27/99 15:08:24
Name: Jo | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
State: Florida | Country: USA | Favorite River: Gulf of Mexico :-) |
Favorite Campsite: Big Pine Key Florida |
Welcome to the Random Acts of Kindness Webring! Your site is wonderful and have bookmarked it to come and visit again!
04/27/99 14:36:46
Name: Lisa-Willow | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Lafayette | State: Indiana | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Wabash or Tippecanoe River | Favorite Campsite: anywhere on the banks of Wabash or Tippecanoe Rivers |
I just stopped by to welcome you to Random Acts of Kindness and leave you a little welcomeing gift I hope you like being a part of this group as much as I do and we are so happy to have you with us.
04/27/99 14:12:46
Name: Heather |
My URL: Visit Me |
Welcome to RAOK!!
04/27/99 14:04:24
Name: Jean | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: LaSalle | State: Colorado | Favorite River: Big Thompson |
Favorite Campsite: 7 mile trail up along the Poudre Canyon in Colorado |
04/26/99 14:26:42
Name: Candi/ RAOK Founder |
My URL: Visit Me |
If you have any questions or comments
feel free to contact me at
04/21/99 18:12:52
Name: Sheri | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Keene | State: New Hampshire | Country: United States |
Favorite River: Duh.. THE SACO RIVER | Favorite Campsite: Hmm.. Anywhere along the Saco River.. also, in Big Rock in the White Mountains. |
What a nice website MOMMY...
I learn from the best..hahahaa
04/21/99 15:19:13
Name: Mary Lou | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Biddeford |
State: Me | Favorite River: Saco |
Hi its been a long time getting back to you. The baby is 1 years old and a girl. I really like your sites and hope to see more this summer. Write when you get a chance I have something to ask you. Miss you. Bye
04/14/99 12:43:03
Name: Tony Guilbault | My URL: Visit Me | City: Tamworth |
State: New Hampshire | Country: U.S. | Favorite River: Saco |
Favorite Campsite: colman state park |
Hi how are you this is interesting because i am doing a project on the saco river and the history for school.
04/14/99 12:39:15
Name: Tony Guilbault |
My URL: Visit Me |
04/12/99 16:21:10
Name: Biarne | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country: Stockholm, Sweden |
Favorite River: Donau |
Howdy, Just surfing around looking at other peoples pages. I been here before and I have a link to it from my own site. I enjoyed your pages very much. Keep up your good work. Regards, Biarne
04/12/99 00:40:13
Name: sonny lash | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: w. swanzey | State: n.h. | Country: usa |
Favorite River: saco | Favorite Campsite: all sand |
you did a great job, we loved it. maybe we will see ya this forth of july .good luck on the saco!
04/11/99 23:47:32
Name: sonny lash | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: w. swanzey | State: n.h. | Country: usa |
Favorite River: saco | Favorite Campsite: all sand |
you did a great job, we loved it. maybe we will see ya this forth of july .good luck on the saco!
04/06/99 20:44:24
Name: Marjorie Mensman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Lafayette | State: Louisiana | Country: Lafayette |
Favorite River: Mississippi |
I enjoyed viewing your winter pictures. As I'm sure you know we don't get to see such beautiful winter scenes. Thanks for the tour.
04/02/99 13:08:34
Name: Jesse Piper | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Tamworth | State: N.H. | Country: North America |
Favorite River: Saco River | Favorite Campsite: The One On The Saco River |
Keep up the great work
03/31/99 17:07:54
My URL: Visit Me |
03/26/99 01:56:50
Name: John Lewis | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Somers | State: CT | Country: usa |
Favorite River: Saco | Favorite Campsite: near rt 160 Brownfiels |
Love you website. I'll make it a regular stop and pass it along to my friends.
03/13/99 07:37:45
Name: Anders | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Trollhättan | State: SWEDEN | Favorite River: Göta Älv |
Favorite Campsite: Öland |
Hello !!
Great place,i love it :)
I coming back here soon again.
Have a nice day :)
03/09/99 05:47:56
My URL: Visit Me |
03/01/99 21:16:31
Name: Winterhawk | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Greencastle | State: Pennsylvania | Country: Unites States |
Favorite River: Gunnison and the Colorado | Favorite Campsite: White River National Forest , Colorado |
Halito!(Hello in Choctaw)
I am Winterhawk. I have viewed your pages and must state I did enjoy them! Your work is wonderfull. It makes me happy to see others whom care about our Great Mother, and show she the proper respect she deserves. Thank you for creating a page so full of
life and joy of our
great mother. I have been through Maine several times and although I was not able to stop and fully enjoy the natural beauty there, you have opened a part for myself and many others to enjoy.
Thank you again.
Peace to you and your family! AHO!
02/26/99 14:48:10
Name: Gail and Bob akaFlowers and Thumper | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: Massachusetts |
Country: usa |
02/18/99 15:15:06
Name: Gail and Bob akaFlowers and Thumper | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: Massachusetts-usa |
02/17/99 03:10:47
Name: Ken Partlow | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Cocoa | State: Fl | Country: USA |
Favorite Campsite: White Mountain State Park |
Just stopped by to say hi and visit for a while. I like the trip. It is very beautiful up in Maine. I especially like Sebago Lake. Keep up the good work. God Bless.
02/10/99 20:10:52
My URL: Visit Me |
02/05/99 00:34:37
Name: Russell D. Hooper | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: york | State: New York | Country: usa |
Favorite River: saco |
01/24/99 02:58:16
Name: Spoons | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: Maine |
Country: U.S.A |
Nice page. Im from Maine also. Never fished the Saco river though.
01/23/99 20:03:51
Name: john and nancy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: biddeford | State: maine | Country: usa |
Favorite River: saco |
nice web page..your getting real creative there kid....maybe you can teach us to some of that
01/16/99 17:21:13
Name: Sherri | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Pecos River | Favorite Campsite: Possom Kingdom Lake |
Hi, you have a nice homepage!
12/22/98 22:06:47
Name: Katherine | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Bonita | State: California | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Colorado | Favorite Campsite: Eh.. ? |
~* Hello! *~ I've one the Extrordinary Woman Award! I just wanted to say hello! *smile* I hope I'll be able to meet you soon! :o) ~* Katherine *~ |
12/19/98 03:56:33
Name: Paul Drowns | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Nice | State: Alp Maritime | Country: France |
Favorite River: Rhone | Favorite Campsite: Misery Gore |
Are there bass in the Saco (catch & release only)
12/17/98 21:04:07
Name: Lis Yaung | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Menomonie |
State: WI | Country: USA |
Your pictures are beautiful!!!!
12/16/98 19:00:29
Name: Eugene - Qdive® | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country: Singapore |
You've got a great site with lots of information !
12/14/98 14:51:26
Name: Jasbir | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: singapore |
Country: singapore | Favorite River: S'pore river (hehe) |
i think u hav a wonderful homepagie....
i like the bkgrds and also the whole theme...
i think it's reallie wonderful to be so passionate abt something...
i feel that u r a warm and peace loving person...
all the best....cyah, jas...
12/11/98 13:26:00
Name: Paul Drowns | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Portland | State: Maine | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Rapid River @ Middle Dam | Favorite Campsite: Charlie's camp @ Misery Gore |
It's good to meet other people that love rivers.
12/05/98 05:18:07
Name: ccarter | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: Maine |
Favorite River: Saco | Favorite Campsite: any on the river |
Your site is awesome. I LOVE the music you chose! You'll have to show me how to get such nice tunes.
I thoroughly enjoyed the journey! Thanks for a nice time.
12/03/98 18:47:20
Name: Paul Demers | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Harrison |
State: Me | Favorite River: Crooked |
11/30/98 20:25:37
Name: "Henry" | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Aglasterhausen | State: B.W. | Country: Germany |
Favorite River: Neckar | Favorite Campsite: Karlsruhe |
Your pages are great.
I whish I could do something like you, but I 'm only a beginner.
Go on in this way, so that many people can enjoy your work!!!
Aglasterhausen, 30.11.98
11/28/98 05:28:11
Name: Bill Berry | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Concord | State: CA | Country: 94519 |
Favorite River: Saco River | Favorite Campsite: Bank of River in Hollis |
My folks still live on the bank of the river in Hollis, Maine.
11/25/98 15:01:51
Name: Kendra Morrell | My Email: Email Me | City: colorado springs |
State: Co. | Country: USA | Favorite River: the only river I have been on is the green in Desolation canyon |
Favorite Campsite: rock creeck in Deso canyon |
wow I like you site alot. I'm working on a webpage of my own about a week rafting trip I took this last summer with the environmental club at school
11/21/98 15:40:13
Name: Brian and Debbie Smith | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Pittsburgh & Lewiston | State: PA & ME | Country: US |
Favorite River: Saco, Allegheny | Favorite Campsite: Its a secret |
Thank you for providing a beautiful site. My uncle and aunt just built a house at the mouth of the Saco River (Camp Ellis side) My wife and I have canoed down the Saco several times and just last summer we took our friends from Louisiana on a canoe trip
own the Saco. They just loved it!!! Moon River is the perfect song for the Journey down the Saco.
Thanks again,
11/16/98 17:32:24
Name: David Lovejoy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: O.O.B. | State: Maine | Country: U.S.A. |
Favorite River: West Branch, Penobscot | Favorite Campsite: Allagash Gateway |
Great site! My daughter, Michele is one of your students at Andover. I worked with Sheri at Taco Bell and she sends me all kinds of interesting (!)Email from Keene! Her and Bryan popped in and visited us at Taco Bell, Saco last Friday evening! She's fu
and great to work with/for!
11/05/98 00:33:48
Name: wphollow13 | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: r.i. |
Favorite River: use to do saco |
great site and goodluck with your ongoing education!
11/02/98 00:08:37
Name: Bob Varney | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Biddeford | State: Me | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Allagash | Favorite Campsite: Big Brook East |
Great views of the Saco. It's a fun trip early Spring, Late Fall, and week days. Hope to see you there next year.
10/30/98 01:54:45
Name: Michael | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Wellington |
State: FL | Country: USA |
Coming up to Maine for the summer and I am in the discovery mode. Will be on Hancock Pond, Denmark. Nice music....
10/28/98 20:16:50
Name: Jill Preston | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Biddefor | State: Me | Country: USA |
Favorite Campsite: Sabego Lake St. Park |
This is incredible! I find this web page "stuff" so interesting. I am excited to make my own.
10/11/98 02:01:15
Name: angel newcomb | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: bidd | State: me | Country: usa |
Favorite River: saco...of course |
Excellent job, Glena!!!
10/10/98 02:21:49
Name: steven talley | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: bremerton | State: wa | Country: usa |
Favorite River: nooksack north fork | Favorite Campsite: nooksack/deming |
I was just cruising around lookng for river pictures to add to my web page. I found yours to be very inlighting keep up the great work. if you have any ideas of jpg i could use please contact me.
10/10/98 02:17:49
Name: steven talley | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: bremerton | State: wa | Country: usa |
Favorite River: nooksack north fork | Favorite Campsite: nooksack/deming |
I was just cruising around lookng for river pictures to add to my web page. I found yours to be very inlighting keep up the great work. if you have any ideas of jpg i could use please contact me.
09/29/98 15:09:34
Name: joy |
My URL: Visit Me |
09/25/98 12:24:35
Name: Donna Desper | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Favorite River: Allagash |
Favorite Campsite: in the wood with no one around |
Nice job Glena, I thought you did a great job setting this site up
09/23/98 03:07:34
Name: Mike | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
State: TN | Country: USA | Favorite River: The Brazos (it's where home truely is) |
Favorite Campsite: Sleepy Grass (I think is it's name) Cloudcroft, NM |
Nice site, I've never been to many rivers, but I've driven over a lot of them LOL. I am usually to scared to look at them because I'm afraid of hights so I just drive as fast as I can til I'm over the river LOL.
09/22/98 02:50:25
Name: The Big Chief Jinks | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Saco | State: ME | Country: York |
Favorite River: Kennebec | Favorite Campsite: My back yard |
Go Chiefs,
love the sight,
thanks for the e-mail, have a good one,
09/15/98 19:24:11
Name: Alicia Wulff | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Stauffer | State: Alberta | Country: Canada |
Favorite River: North Saskatchewan | Favorite Campsite: Aspen Campground |
White water rafting is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09/13/98 03:01:27
Name: Caryn Robart | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Lowell |
State: MA | Country: USA |
Friends and I will be taking the journey of your
beautiful river on kayaks the weekend of October 11th. Please inform me of any special event happening as we may be coming overnight also from
the 20-21 of Sept for just my husband and myself
09/12/98 04:16:47
Name: Ray | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Eliot | State: Maine | Country: York |
Favorite River: Saco | Favorite Campsite: any place under the stars |
08/31/98 01:08:42
Name: CP | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Bishop | State: California | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Colorado | Favorite Campsite: Lundy |
Glena.....Still looking good here just as it did on my first visit to you almost a year ago when I had troubles figuring out how to just move in....LOL Now I can do all sorts of things :) I have had your site bookmarked all this time too...I love all t
e pics you have here, then again, if it's the beautiful outdoors...I love it.
Talk to you soon....Cheryl :))
08/25/98 15:47:11
Name: Steve Bryant | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Portland | State: Maine | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Saco (Of Course!) | Favorite Campsite: Rattle River Shelter (boyish memories) |
Thanks for this wonderful site on the Saco River. Besides being one of the only free sources of good info, the love you have for the river shows through and ups the excitement I have for future trips. Keep floatin'!
08/21/98 14:09:59
Name: Sioux | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Biddeford | State: Maine | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Saco | Favorite Campsite: Hastings |
Heideeeeeeeeeee hoooooooooooooo
Just stoppe dby
08/21/98 14:03:06
Name: Don | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Kennebunk |
State: ME | Country: USA |
Just dropped by - GREAT page!!
08/21/98 13:57:32
Name: Claudette Carter | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Hollis | State: Maine | Country: US |
Favorite River: Saco | Favorite Campsite: none |
I simply love the pictures of the river. I've gone canoeing on the Saco - from Swans Falls to Brownfield. It's so wonderful!
08/21/98 13:57:00
Name: chris gorman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: yawwk beech | State: me. | Favorite River: shits creek,temagami forest,Canada |
Favorite Campsite: Temagami National Forest,Canada |
Where is that waterfall Glena,
08/21/98 13:53:55
Name: S. Richardson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Sanford | State: ME | Favorite River: Isinglas |
Favorite Campsite: Saint John,New Foundland |
This site looks great!!!!!!
08/16/98 13:38:31
Name: Sheena | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Sydney | State: NSW | Country: Australia |
Favorite River: Wentworth Falls | Favorite Campsite: Wentworth Falls |
*grin* So I came back and signed.... I love your page. your river is most beautiful..... If I am ever around (I wish) I will drop in on you!!!!!
Talk soon
08/11/98 00:31:10
Name: Tim Carroll | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Chico | State: CA | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Klamath | Favorite Campsite: ? hard to say |
Your web site is beautifully done.
08/10/98 13:02:11
Name: Dan | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Green Lane | State: PA | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Deleware | Favorite Campsite: I don't camp...=) |
Nice lookin page...alotta info. I liked the writing...=) Thanks for informing me about the award...=)
08/06/98 00:29:19
Name: Ali Rumarkhi | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Sidney | Country: Austrailia | Favorite River: The Outback |
Favorite Campsite: The Outback |
Truly amazing page. I stumbled on it quite by accident. No wonder you have received so many awards, yu deserve them I hope to someday visit your beloved river. Cheers to you and best of luck with your site. I will stop back again.
07/28/98 20:26:21
Name: B Carmel | My URL: Visit Me |
City: Boston | State: MA |
Country: usa | Favorite River: SACCO |
The best time I've had was when I went camping on the Sacco River!!!!
07/28/98 14:42:00
Name: Luke McKnight | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Valdosta | State: Ga | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Swannee | Favorite Campsite: My Place on the Swannee |
Really enjoyed surffing your page it is Beautifully laid out and flows like the beautiful river that you have it upon..
07/28/98 04:04:56
Name: Eduardo J. Fabian | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: New York | State: New york | Country: USA |
Favorite River: All New England's rivers |
07/27/98 18:53:39
Name: Kathy Gully | My URL: Visit Me | City: Charlton |
State: ma | Country: usa | Favorite River: Saco |
Favorite Campsite: they are all great!! |
07/27/98 16:15:22
Name: Kathy Gully |
My URL: Visit Me |
07/18/98 04:25:40
Name: Russ Keene | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Favorite River: Upper West Branch Penobscot |
Favorite Campsite: Salmon Island - Moosehead |
Couldn't send you e-mail.
But you did a good job with this web site.
Is there any more history ?
07/15/98 10:59:43
My URL: Visit Me |
07/09/98 12:34:04
Name: Phil Alger | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Silver Lake | State: NH | Country: USA |
Favorite River: SACO | Favorite Campsite: White Lake |
Well, here I am. I signed your guest book as requested. I'll try to be a bit less reserved about myself in my next message. Nice site by the way. Bye for now
07/08/98 22:37:03
Name: Carrene | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Cumberland | State: Maine | Country: U.S.A. |
Favorite Campsite: Steep Falls off the Saco River |
I love this site River Queen!!
It's the best site I've ever seen, I love the pictures, Garth Brooks is awesome!
07/08/98 22:13:33
Name: Amy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Portland | State: Me. | Country: USA |
Favorite River: just try an guess | Favorite Campsite: Little Rock, Barmills |
Love your website. Let's just hope it dosn't cause much more conjestion on my river!!! :)
07/08/98 16:26:17
Name: Jason Quincannon | My URL: Visit Me | City: Portland |
State: ME | Country: Cumberland | Favorite River: Saco |
Favorite Campsite: n/a |
07/08/98 16:26:11
Name: Diana L. Reaney | My URL: Visit Me |
City: Bath | State: Maine |
07/08/98 16:25:30
Name: April Brown | My URL: Visit Me |
City: Naples | State: Maine |
07/06/98 01:33:06
Name: Rick Blake | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Portland | State: ME | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Narraguagus | Favorite Campsite: 2 mi. from the mouth of the 'quagus... |
The Saco is indeed a wonderful river. If only the salpon would return.
07/06/98 00:29:31
Name: Danny Sieg | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Killington | State: VT | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Susquehanna |
07/03/98 03:29:59
Name: beth gaulin | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: attleboro |
State: ma | Country: bristol |
excellant info- we will be canoeing the saco
again this aug with several boy scouts
our 2nd year (my first) thaks for the info
06/17/98 21:22:03
Name: Tina H & Angel N | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Biddeford | State: ME | Country: usa |
Favorite River: Saco |
Hey!!!! How are you doing? We saw the news. Just letting you know we support you! 100% !!!!!
Keep your chin up! See Ya' Tina Hamel and Angel Newcomb
06/17/98 09:20:34
Name: Chris Lawler | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
State: Queensland | Country: Austrailia | Favorite River: Any that aren't polluted |
Favorite Campsite: Girraween National Park, Queensland, Australia |
Just your friendly neighbourhood Community Leader stopping by to see how things are going.
06/12/98 05:36:37
Name: Krista | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Flagstaff |
State: AZ | Country: USA |
I found you through Poetry Empire (I Just Joined) and have really enjoyed reading your work :-). I would like you to stop by my place. I am in the process of creating a webring for parents who write about being a parent....
06/11/98 21:36:09
Name: RaySutton | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Eliot |
State: Maine | Country: USofA |
nice to see you again, hope your feeling better
06/11/98 07:07:50
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
very nice
06/08/98 16:01:05
Name: DAN KELLEY | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: KENNEBUNK | State: MAINE | Country: USA |
Favorite River: GALLY IN WV | Favorite Campsite: OLD BOY SCOUT CAMP IN NY secret |
06/04/98 22:42:39
Name: Harry Tinker |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi Glena.... hows it going? Nice page but how did you get the picture to work with the moving water?? Hehheh if it is to long of a response, thats ok I was just curious.
06/03/98 20:30:21
Name: Shontelle Spencer | My Email: Email Me |
City: London | Country: England |
Favorite River: ?? | Favorite Campsite: ?? |
What a beautiful home you have here. I will be coming to Maine in the fall and will certainly check out your area, it looks wonderful!
06/02/98 07:03:29
Name: Wesley Clark | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Starkville | State: MS | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Nile | Favorite Campsite: n/a |
Cool Page!
05/31/98 22:34:28
Name: Steve | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: Texas |
Favorite River: Little Miami in Ohio |
Found your site while surfing (not sailing). Please visit my site when you have a chance.
05/28/98 20:26:24
Name: Keith Bickford | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City: Newmarket |
State: NH | Country: USA |
Let me know when you start up your web authoring classes. (was in your outlook class at yctc for Watts on 5-29-98)
05/25/98 17:13:03
Name: Deena Myers | My URL: Visit Me |
City: Raymond | State: Maine |
Favorite River: Saco | Favorite Campsite: Cupsuptic |
05/23/98 16:41:03
Name: Ron (Knightyme) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Baton Rouge | State: Louisiana | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Mississippi ('cause of 'Huckleberry Finn' ; )) | Favorite Campsite: Hmmmm...have to mull this one over |
Greetings from 'Cajun Country'!! You have a gorgeous site here....one to be genuinely proud of. I really enjoyed my visit. Keep up the super work and in the meantime...'Laissez les bon temps rouler!!' (Let the good times roll!!)
05/20/98 01:46:10
Name: zev | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Modesto | State: CA | Country: USA |
Favorite River: the Tuolumne | Favorite Campsite: hmmmm... there's a really desolate one on Chowchilla Mountain Rd (eastern Mariposa County) |
your page is neat. i got here from a link that another GeoCitizen (Forestal) set on his page.
you've probably read it all ready, but if you,
or anyone else, haven't read John Muir's
My First Summer In The Sierras, do it.
my site is about a lot of stuff and in my Page One Zoundoff column, this month's sound off is a short clip from Muir's book that will probably amuse you.
05/18/98 23:19:03
Name: Danielle | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Thornton | State: Colorado | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Colorado River | Favorite Campsite: Anything in the wilderness |
Nice page with beautiful background images and pictures, nice page and keep up the good work...
05/17/98 19:24:18
Name: Fiddler | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: doh | State: of mind | Country: US |
Favorite River: Allagash | Favorite Campsite: backyard |
Nice Job Hon! I love it..... Glena.. ya have to teach me the java script for those gif's :)
thanx hon, bye xo
05/17/98 18:41:02
Name: Rachel | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: billings | State: montana | Country: usa |
Favorite River: yellowstone | Favorite Campsite: racine |
i like your page
05/17/98 01:44:58
Name: Lynn Bergeron | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Lewiston | State: Me. | Country: USA |
Favorite River: "yet to be discovered" |
Hi Glena!
Loved your site! Couldn't hear the music though?
See you at your E-Mail.
05/16/98 14:28:05
Name: Jo | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
City: Columbus | State: Wisconsin | Country: USA |
Favorite River: Wolf River | Favorite Campsite: Devil's Lake |
Want to exchange votes?
Comments: Hi! I just dropped by to see how your page is coming along. Keep up the great work! I hope you'll drop by and visit mine, too. I've been making lots of changes recently! Don't forget to sign the guestbook! Have a terrific day! *
A DEssence has landed on your site.
Hello! She says,
Comments: Magic & Luck! To a great site! This little fairy is soo happee she found thee! flies around The Saco River all the time! In fact she lives by it! She's frollicked
in it! Neighbor Wishing you luck in Here's a spirit stick To lights your path!
I am here on official business
05/15/98 23:01:00
Name: Willy Wonka
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: saco
State: of mind
Country: africa
Favorite River: saco
Favorite Campsite: little lake osippee
very very nice work your great and derevse a prize
:) :) :)
05/14/98 16:23:43
Name: Sabrinhalyn Seiders
My URL: Visit Me
City: Windham
State: Maine
Country: U.S.A.
Favorite River: Moose River
Favorite Campsite: Manards
I will see you next Friday when I have your book.
I will call you when I have a date on the book fair.See you later Sabrinalyn
05/14/98 16:08:16
My URL: Visit Me
City: Sanford
State: Maine
Country: U.S.A
Favorite River: Nonesuch River
Favorite Campsite: backyard
Hi Glena! Just wanted to visit your beautiful site to say hello. Hope to see you again sometime soon.From your dedicated student-Karla Hogge
05/13/98 20:41:29
Name: Fabio Catena
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: North Yarmouth
State: ME
Country: USA
Your site is owesome
05/12/98 23:49:50
Name: Tina H & Angel N
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Biddeford
State: ME
Country: usa
Favorite River: Saco
Favorite Campsite: not yet
Hi! Just stopped in to check it out. Looks great!!! We love the moving water.
See you in school
Bye, Tina H. & Angel N.
05/12/98 03:19:52
Name: Lindsay Jones
My Email: Email Me
City: Waterborough
State: ME
Country: USA
Favorite River: Kennebec
Favorite Campsite: Acadia National Park
What a wonderful home you have here! One of the best sites I have seen yet, and it's a Maine one! Keep up the great work! I'll be sure to come back often.
05/11/98 10:58:10
Name: Kaori Tsuda
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Nishiwaki
State: Hyogo Pre.
Country: Japan
Favorite River: Sugihara river
Favorite Campsite: Kami-cho
I saw your beutiful homepage. Someday I would like to see beautiful river in your town. Thanks!
05/10/98 23:34:42
Name: Andrew
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Seattle
State: WA
Country: USA
Favorite River: Saco
Favorite Campsite: Ocean Coast
HI im in the the site fights and i need help with voting alot
so if you could help id be happy
ill vote for you if you need help
Good Luck in the site fights!
05/08/98 00:56:04
Name: Biarne
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Stockholm
Country: Sweden
Favorite River: Klarälven
Hi there, really fantastic your page. SUPER!!! I enjoyed my visit here.The journey on your beautiful river was a wonderful experience. Best regards, Biarne.
05/06/98 17:53:30
Name: Erika Lynnette Oliphant
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Versailles
State: Indiana
Country: US
Favorite River: I don't have much river experience.
Favorite Campsite: I don't know the exact name of the site but it's on the coast of Lake Erie.
You have a beautiful home page. You've done a lot of neat things with it. My advanced computer applications teacher liked it so well he insisted we all visit!
05/06/98 15:22:49
Name: Randa
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Madison
State: Indiana
Country: U.S.
Favorite River: Nile
Favorite Campsite: Versailles State Park
Nice Page, I like your background really well. This is a Advanced Computer Applications assingment.
05/04/98 05:25:45
Name: Melissa
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
State: Michigan
Country: US
Cat and I just wanted to drop off some spirit!!!
Good luck in the Site Fights!!!!
05/03/98 13:19:04
Name: Fairy Irish Eyes
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Sanford
State: Maine
Country: USA
Favorite River: Saco
Favorite Campsite: Lower Basin (White Mountains)
When Fairy Irish Eyes is smiling
Sure t'is a lucky thing.
In the fairy dust she sprinkles,
You can hear the sitefight teams sing.
"We have the team spirit and are happy,
All the team members are bright and gay.
Because when Fairy Irish Eyes is smiling,
Sure, t'is our lucky day!"
OOOHHH!! You've just been
dusted by a spirit fairy from the D'ContendA's team:
Fairy Irish Eyes!! May the luck of the Irish
be with you in the Warzone and don't forget to
post a cheer in "SHOUT IT OUT" and let the
Cheers begin!
05/01/98 01:47:07
Name: Janelle
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
I know how much work is put into a website, wether for a beginner or not....
After all, I have one myself *smile*
Good luck in the site fights
And no matter what, let your spirit shine brightly..
like mine right now
Take care!
04/30/98 19:55:59
Name: Wee One Airie
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Favorite River: ummm....
And her name is
And tells you to
your own self be true.
And fight for the Soaring Eagles,
through and through!
it out and spread DSpirit!
Shout it louder so I can hear
04/30/98 00:41:10
Name: Sandy **Wee One Tweetiebird
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Schaumburg
State: IL
Country: USA
Guess what? You've just been tickled
by Wee One Tweetiebird ~*~* isn't that cool?
Just passing by with a wave and a smile,
Good luck in the SiteFights today and
Shout it out and keep the spirit alive!
04/28/98 15:53:02
Name: ~DFairy
My URL: Visit Me
**~~*~*~~Flapping and a flitting,fluttering and a floating,
a spirit fairy alighted on your site to spread the fairy dust of spirit !!!! Sprinkles~*~*Did you feel it? My,my this fairy dust get's everywhere~~ I hope it's flown to all corners of your site to bring good luck~*~*
Good luck in The Site Fights!
04/28/98 13:29:16
Name: Sir Laugh-A-Lot
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Cocoa
State: Fl.
Country: USA
Favorite River: Colorado
Favorite Campsite: White Mountain Lake State Park
I am voting for you all the time and we are going to get you into the Dome.
04/28/98 08:37:22
Name: DLight
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
DLight from The Realm of the Spirits here to
wish you goodluck in the Warzone! let the rays of Spirit shines and always spread
friendship and cheers *smile* goodluck and have fun!! keep the Spirit Strong & Alive! share the Spirit with smile on your face :),
and let the essence of Spirit and friendship fills your heart!!
May the rays of the Spirit shines on You!
04/28/98 04:16:51
Name: Zeeby
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Favorite River: Moon River
Favorite Campsite: Clown Camp!
Congratulations on making it to the WARZONE!
I can certainly see why!!!
Come see us – anytime! Good luck!
04/27/98 23:35:38
Name: Flowers and Thumper
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
State: Mass
Country: USA
Favorite River: Merrimack
and tada here we are
What a wonderful home you have..Thanks for sharing..:)
04/27/98 13:36:12
Name: Debbie Fletcher
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Rutland
State: Vermont
Country: USA
Debbie/Lady Joiya
04/27/98 13:35:30
Name: Puffball Elf
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: DClouds
State: DForest
Country: DRealm of DFairy
r>Tinkle ...
Tiddle-dee-ee ...
Who just popped in to see you?
Tis Puffball! Tis me!I live in DForest.
I just love to help
With my paints and my brushes
I'm Puffball the Elf!
04/27/98 13:34:40
Name: Lady Glitterdust
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Country: DCap's Soaring Eagles
We come among you to raise your SPIRIT high! Let it shine bright for all to see! Go post a CHEER to show your SPIRIT! Then take these Spirit Sticks and share the SPIRIT with all!
04/27/98 11:11:29
Name: Fairy Keystone
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Clarksburg
State: WV
Country: USA
Fairy Keystone here to say,
hope you win the fights today,
here to give your site a "spirit check"
and make sure you sites is one of the best!
Post a Cheer in
"Shout it Out"
and let your spirit shine way out.
Fairy Keystone sprinkled luck on you,
Enough to last the whole year through!
~~sprinkle, sprinkle~~
04/26/98 21:27:41
Name: Jodi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Simi Valley,
State: California
Country: US
Favorite River: Mojave
Favorite Campsite: Lake Cachuma
Congratulations on being named Community Leader of the Month! *SMILE* Just thought I would stop by and take a look around. You have a beautiful homepage, Lots of interesting reading. Beautiful layout of the pages. I have enjoyed my visit, and I am sure
to return. Have a wonderful day!...Come visit me at
And while you are surfing about, why not race by my other site.
I'll be(.)(.)watching for you at my
Thank You
04/25/98 21:53:27
Name: Marilyn Sarty
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: kennebunkport
State: Maine
Country: U.S.A.
I finally made it onto the internet.
Had my speaker blasting while looking and listening to your site. Thought it was great.
See you in class on Monday.
04/25/98 06:38:02
Name: DEssence of Odette
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: site figghts
Country: singapore
Softly and gently,
She flutters her wings,
And tidies up her hair.
This is DEssence of Odette
I have come to your site,
To share DSpirit with you!
smiling she carries on..
Don't forget to post your cheer at Shout it out!
And spread a about!
*spirit huggs*
I know you can do it!
04/22/98 19:17:50
Name: R K Puma
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Willoughby
State: VA
Country: USA
Favorite River: Cry Me One by Joe Cocker
Favorite Campsite: My Condo
Really great page! Hope you visit me and hURL your kewl URL at my homepage above... best thoughts, RK
04/21/98 16:08:40
Name: Tompa
My Email: Email Me
City: Segersta
State: Helsingland
Country: Sweden
Favorite River: Ljusnan
Favorite Campsite: Orsa
Thax for visiting my page, you liked it, i don't.
I'm building a new one so...
eh, great page...
04/21/98 16:04:00
Name: Jonathan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Country: Brazil
Great page.
04/21/98 04:23:04
Name: Fairy Angel Heart
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Country: USA
04/20/98 18:12:15
Name: Rob Protz
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Brackenridge
State: PA
Country: USA
Favorite River: Youghiogheny
Favorite Campsite: Ohiopyle PA
Thanks for the marvelous river journey on the
web. Really love it. SYOTR Rob Protz
04/20/98 14:12:31
Name: Soprano
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
State: Florida
Country: USA
Favorite River: Rainbow
In your guestbook today
Before I go back on my way
I'll leave this wish without delay
And this is what the wish will say
Blessings to you in the site fights today!
04/20/98 13:29:49
Name: Rick (farmer)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
State: Wyoming
Country: US
Favorite River: Missippi (grew up near it)
Favorite Campsite: The mountains here
Really nice page. You should be a CL or even train CL'S hehe
04/20/98 10:16:29
Name: Joe Schwab
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Salem
State: Ore
Country: USA
Favorite River: Mollola River, Oregon
enjoyed your site...looking into becoming a community leader...but want to built up my site a little more first.... (gorge/2995) thanks for all you do.
04/19/98 14:06:17
Name: E.T.
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Hot Springs
State: Montana
Country: USA
Favorite River: ClarkFork in Montana
Favorite Campsite: Any Wilderness site
I have Floted the Saco, and am looking forward to Kayaking it. Remember to stress safety First Please. We have had to interupt too many trips to pull people out of the rivers.
04/17/98 19:27:01
Name: Ian Asselin
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: lewiston
State: me
Country: usa
Favorite River: penobscott
Favorite Campsite: hermits island
your class is very fun and exciting thank you so much for teaching us the internet
yadda yadaa yadaa
04/17/98 19:21:37
Name: Rhonda Hutchins
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Kennebunk
State: Me
04/17/98 19:20:43
Name: Rhonda Hutchins
My URL: Visit Me
04/15/98 03:38:36
Name: Chris Gorman
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Yawk Beech
State: ME.
Country: U.S.A.
Favorite River: Kennebec
Favorite Campsite: Tamagami National Forest ,Canada
Nice web page Glena, I can appreciate your feelings as I spent a 28 day, 300 mile canoe wilderness trip in the Temagami National Forest a couple hundred miles north of Toronto, I've also camped the Pine Barrens of N.J., Pennsylvania,Wisconsin, Minnesota,a
d of course the Moosehead region. Canoe and raft camping is the BEST!!!! Chris from LAN
04/13/98 23:44:38
Name: Marilyn Sarty
My URL: Visit Me
04/13/98 16:54:09
Name: TyFairy
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
State: MN
TyFairy did stop this day *~*~*~
~*~*~* Long enough to say
Good luck to you *~*~*~
~*~*~* On your journey through
The Site Fights, hooray. *~*~*~
~*~*~* Remember to Shout it Out
For all to hear *~*~*~
~*~*~* Tell them what it's all about.
Spirit, fun and friendships found *~*~*~
~*~*~* More than enough to go around.
You've been dusted by TyFairy!!!!!
04/13/98 07:22:36
Name: Lady Crystal
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: somewhere in
State: Fl
Country: USA
Favorite River: Ohio
Favorite Campsite: Buck's Run
04/12/98 22:44:54
Name: Robert L. Jimenez II
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Sanford/Orlando
State: Florida
Country: USA
Favorite River: Amazon
Favorite Campsite: n/a
I really love your site its real kewl!!!
04/12/98 17:49:17
Name: Charlli
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Favorite River: White River/Mo and Ark
I had such a good time on your site.....nice work.
04/12/98 11:52:12
Name: Lisa Feeley
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Santa Rita
State: Guam
Country: USA
Favorite River: Saco-of course!
Favorite Campsite: one of the beaches along the river :)
Great page! Brought back alot of memories. I'm originally from MA-I canoed the Saco with my husband & friends in 1991 and 1992 (when I was 5 months pregnant!) had great weekends both times-with a few surprises! Nothing like going down the Saco on a Su
day morning :)
04/12/98 00:18:54
Name: Kim
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Taastrup
State: DK
Country: Denmark
Hello from Copenhagen…Denmark. What a lovely site - great job you have done with your homepage.
I really enjoyed my visit. I hope you will Take a trip to Copenhagen and visit my new page - and sign
my guestebook.
04/12/98 00:11:49
Name: Veronica
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Cherry Point
State: Nc
Country: Us
Favorite River: Big South Fork or Cumberland Below the Falls
Favorite Campsite: Everywhere I ever camped with my dad.
Nice page...a lot of information..Surfed on to check it out after you took the time to come by my site...Thanx for signing guestbook.
04/11/98 13:53:01
Name: Tomas Östlund
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Segersta
State: Helsingland
Country: Sweden
Favorite River: Ljusnan
Favorite Campsite: Orsa Camping
Great Site you got here :)!
04/10/98 20:05:21
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
State: OKLA
Favorite River: Cumberland
Favorite Campsite: Lake Texahoma
Just a SOARING EAGLE dropping by for a look see and to leave you wishes
of GOOD LUCK in the fights. Here are a couple of SPIRIT STICKS for you to
pass on to others you will meet.
04/10/98 18:04:34
Name: Lady La Petite Fe'erique
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
City: Near The Saco River!
State: The Site Fights
Country: USA
Favorite River: The Saco River !
Favorite Campsite: too many to say.... between N.H. & Me.
You see this little fairy