(The music on this page is "I Had The Time Of My Life"
That other was getting REALLY old...laughing !)

Lookie !! More people liked my stuff !!

"Congratulations! ...You have shown great creativity and excellence in page design and it is easy to navigate through your site. Keep up that great work !"

Thank you, Cecilia !!

"...I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your home page! You've done an excellent job, have great information, & added lots of humor throughout the site. Your tribute pages show how much you care for those you love! I enjoyed your gardening pictures (my favorite is that side yard pic with the before & after shots!) & you have some wonderful links on your links page! I would be pleased to offer you Sassy's & Misty's Purr-ty Neat Site award."

Thank you, Smokey !!

"...I love your site and would be honored for you to have my award. I love the big cats and noticed you did too, thanks for inviting me over. ....if you send virtual cards, please use this site: http://www.care-mail.com because every time you use this site, they make a donation to help save the wildlife. Keep up the good work....your friend, Breeze"

Thank you, Breeze !!

"...I am proud to give you my Safari Charly Award. I like what you've done with your site. Especially the endangered friends pages. You've definitely got your eyes on the bigger picture. Keep up the good work! A fellow friend to nature, Safari Charly"

Thank you, Curlybear !!

"...You have done a great job with your pages.. it shows that you care. I can appreciate the love for endangered animals.. I will do what I can for the Wolf.. as my pages will show..Thank you for a nice tour around.."

Thank you, Spirit Wolf !!

"... Congratulations! You have won the Cristall Award! *smile*"

Thank you, Morion !!

Paws R Us Award

"...Congratulations Gigi! ....You've done a GREAT job on your homepage and we're giving you the Paws R US award!...your graphics are great and your content very interesting. You've put a lot of time and effort into your hompage and it shows! Thanks for inviting us to sniff around...we enjoyed our visit...Woofs! and Meows!"

;Too Cool!

Thank you, Paws R Us Gang and Jan !!

"... We are proud to have the SilverSurfer on such a page as yours...It not only reflects your taste...But also ours..We thank you..."

No, I thank YOU, ShadowRun !!

"....you've done pretty daggone good yourself. Nice site...You've earned the award ! ! !"

Thank you, Sandy & Bill !!

".....Webster's New World Dictionary Describes Humaneness as: having what are considered the best qualities of human beings; kind, tender, merciful, sympathetic, civilizing humanizing, etc"

Thank you, Sacred Memories !!

More awards !!!!!


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