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Indian Runner Title

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Review: Inspired by a Bruce Springsteen song "Highway Patrol Man", Sean Penn (Dead Man Walking, Carlito's Way), in a stunning directoral debut, created a disturbing and honest film that I found emotionally riveting. The film is basically about a brothers attempt to understand and get closer to his troubled kid brother, who has just returned from Vietnam. Viggo Mortensen (Carlito's Way), who plays the younger brother Frank, gives one of the greatest performances I believe I've ever seen, and apparently I must be in the minority on this because he has garnered almost no attention or recognition for it. His character is complex, dark, and revealing of a sadness which has been with him throughout his life. Indian Runner also captures the emotion of the absurd and unimportant routine of the blue-collar everyman. The final scene in which Joe sees his brother Frank as a little boy and then as bloodstained madman driving into the darkness is imbedded in my head. -Review by Aaron Caldwell<

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Review: Sean Penn directs this film based on a Bruce Springsteen song titled Highway Patrolman. It involves two brothers, Frankie (Viggo Mortensen) and Johnie (David Morse), who have different ideas as to what life holds for them. The end of this movie rips me apart every time I watch it. I recommend watching this movie alone. -Reviewed by Mark Caldwell

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