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Malcom X Title

Malcolm X 1
Malcom X 2
Malcom X 3


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Review: A review I read recently suggested, "Malcolm X was a figure whose life no other director could have tackled but someone with the rage and the intelligence of Spike Lee". I absolutely agree and I think this is Lee's masterpiece. Denzel Washington (Glory) is phenomenol in the lead role, along with an extrordinary cast. Washington received an oscar nomination that year along with Al Pacino (Scent of a Woman) and Robert Downey Jr (Chaplin). The film shows many of Malcolm X's faults as well as his many strengths. Recently film critic Roger Ebert and director Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Last Temptation of Christ, Raging Bull) sat down and each picked their top ten movies of the nineties and Malcolm X was one of only two films that appeared on both of their lists. -Review by Aaron Caldwell

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