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Platoon Title

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Platoon 9Platoon 10


Movie Trailer:

Sound Bites:

1) Rhah: "Barnes been shot seven time and he ain't dead. Does that mean anything to you, huh? Barnes ain't meant to die.": Wav 87 KB

2) Taylor [narrating]: "Whats left of our lives...": Wav 148 KB

3) Taylor [narrating]: "I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy, we fought ourselves and the enemy was in us." Wav 123 KB

4)Wolfe: "Hey, don't worry about it, Sergeant. Elias won't be able to prove a thing. He's a troublemaker. Elias is..."

Barnes: "Elias is a water walker, like them politicians in Washington trying to fight this war with one hand tied around their balls." Wav 145 KB

5)Barnes: "Yo. Saddle up. Lock and load." Wav 145 KB

Memorable Quotes:

Rhah: And if there's a heaven and God I hope there is, I know he's sitting up there, drunk as a fucking monkey and smoking shit. Because he left his pains down here.

Taylor:[narrating] Maybe I finally found it, way down here in the mud. Maybe from down here I can start up again, be something I can be proud of, without having to fake it, be a fake human being.

Sgt. Barnes: Ya smoke this shit so to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this shit. I am reality. There's the way it ought to be, and there's the way it is.

Sgt. O'Neill: Bob, I got a bad feeling on this one, all right? I mean I got a bad feeling! I don't think I'm gonna make it outta here! D'ya understand what I'm sayin' to you?
Sgt. Barnes: Everybody gotta die some time, Red.

Sgt. Barnes: Stay outta this, Elias. This ain't your show.
Sgt. Elias: You ain't a firing squad, you PIECE OF SHIT!

Sgt. Elias: I love this place at night. The stars... there's no right or wrong in them. They're just there.

Sgt. Barnes: You all take a good look at this lump of shit, remember what it looks like. You fuck up in a firefight and I goddamned guarantee you a trip out of the bush - in a body bag! Out here, assholes, you keep the shit wired tight at all times. And that goes for you, shit-for-brains. You don't sleep on no fucking ambush. And the next son'bitch I catch coppin Z's in the bush, I personally am gonna take an interest in seeing them suffer. I shit you not. Doc, tag 'em and bag 'em.

Chris Taylor: Anyway you cut it, Barnes is a fucking murderer!
King: Right on.
Rhah: Taylor, I remember when you first came in here, telling me how much you admired the bastard.
Chris Taylor: I was wrong.
Rhah: Wrong? You ain't never been right, about nothing! And dig this you assholes, and dig it good. Barnes has been shot seven times and he ain't dead, does that mean anything to you, huh? Barnes ain't meant to die! The only thing that can kill Barnes is Barnes.

Sgt. Barnes: Elias was full of shit. Elias was a crusader. Now I got no problem with any man does what he's told, but when he don't, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, WE break down. And I'm not gonna allow that, from any of you. Not one.

Chris Taylor: [narrating] Well, here I am, anonymous all right. With guys nobody really cares about. They come from the end of the line, most of 'em. Small towns you never heard of: Pulaski, Tennessee; Brandon, Mississippi; Pork Van, Utah; Wampum, Pennsylvania. Two years' high school's about it, maybe if they're lucky a job waiting for them back at a factory, but most of 'em got nothing. They're poor, they're the unwanted, yet they're fighting for our society and our freedom. It's weird, isn't it? They're the bottom of the barrel and they know it. Maybe that's why they call themselves grunts, cause a grunt can take it, can take anything. They're the best I've ever seen, Grandma. The heart & soul.

Review: The first real depiction of the Vietnam war and one of the greatest war movies of all-time. It's one of only a handful of movies that has been able to realistically capture the chaotic insanity of battle. The actors spent several months prior to filming being run through a boot camp (walking miles each day with gear, digging trenches, etc.) in order to convey the fatigue, exhaustion, and the desire to return home. Charlie Sheen (Wall Street) is very well cast as the impressionable and naive young soldier. Berenger and DeFoe (The Last Temptation of Christ) are also very convincing. It's interesting how the enemy is never seen, always in shadows or always at night adding to the tension. For two hours this movie transports you into that platoon and you actually feel the fear and apprehension that they must have felt. Back in 1986, this film shocked and stunned the audience with it's realism (brutal slaughter of women and children, rape, etc.) I recall many of the vets who had served there found the film so honest, that they were unable to continue watching. Platoon launched Oliver Stone's wonderful career as a director (Wall Street, The Doors, JFK, Natural Born Killers, Talk Radio). At a time when the Reagan endorsed Rambo films were topping the box-office, along came this gem of a movie that will forever be remembered. -Review by Aaron Caldwell

*Other highly recommended Vietnam films: Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Born on the Fourth of July, The Deer Hunter

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