I am loved. I am hated. I am joy anticipated. I am knowledge on The lips of few. I am understanding Which the diligent pursue. I am instruction To the wise. I am that which Fools despise. I am the way which Is often rejected. I am the hedge Of those protected. I am the ear that Will never close. I am the eye that Will never doze. I am strength in Times of adversity. I am peace in The midst of tragedy. I am the crooked Made straight. I am the reward Of those who wait. I am shelter In your pouring down rain. I am He who Is able to keep you sane. I am the hand On the physician’s knife. I am the very hand That saved your life. I am the wind that Encompasses your soul. I am the only one who Can make you whole. I am the Master Builder With your personal blueprint. I am the contractor with a Contract that is heaven sent. I am the river flowing Toward your drought. I am He who breaks Shackles with a thunderous shout. I am the book of Genesis through Revelation. I am THE ONLY Hope of your salvation. I am the first AND the last. I am the Father, the Son, The Holy Spirit...all in one cast. Who am I? I will tell you, even as I told Moses...I AM THAT I AM. Author:Joyce Rogers CLICK HERE for details on my upcoming book. View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook Please Send This Poem As A FREE Gift Of Thought To Someone Special CLICK HERE. Please add a personal thought of your own if you'd like. They will receive this virtual poetic gift, directly from you...in less than 60 seconds. Home | Enjoy More Poetry |About Me The Poetic Insight Forum | Web Rings Please Bookmark Now and Visit Anytime You Wish! If you wish to let me know you enjoyed the poetry, please sign the guest book...thank you. Thanks for taking the time to visit me. Please bookmark this site and return whenever you wish.