BEFORE YOU GET STARTED: Please know that these links are not listed by their importance. They all have worth or else they would not be on this page...so enjoy. Be enlightened...Be blessed.
I have found The Daughters Of
Eve (doenetwork.com) to be the most resourceful website on the net for women of
color. Ty is the author of this site. She was given inspiration from the blessed
Holy Spirit and thus this site was created February 21, 1998. I love this place
because there is always fresh content which helps you bring an overall balance
of your spiritual and natural walk in life. Click on the banner and go there
now. I guarantee you, no matter what color you are...you are bound to be bless
appreciate the literary works of African Americans? Of course, you do
or else you would not be here. Well let me tell you about Timbooktu. TimBookTu
has as its goal to become THE online resource and repository for African American writing
and poetry where writers and readers alike can find various types
of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, essays, and other written forms, especially that
of new and up-and-coming writers. For those of you who want
to get a deeper understanding of (no matter your race) African American culture,
you have got to pay this site a visit. You will find a huge resource
of African American literary arts here so plan on enjoying Timbooktu for hours. In my
opinion it is the best resource of it's kind on the net. If you
treasure poetry, fiction, non-fiction, essays and other types of literary art, you
will appreciate this place on the net as I do.
HEARTBEAT If you enjoy gleaming
"factual" information as well as opinions from those who have been around
the bush a few times, then you should visit this site. It's about
communicating effectively with the opposite sex and gaining a better
insight. This site focuses on helping to ease the stress that
sometimes exist between African American men & women by answering
questions put forth by their visitors. However, that is not the
focal point. There are so many resources and informative articles on this site. Take for instance, Lee Tyler's (a born again christian with unusal insight) three part series on the demise of the African American family...here's a tidbit of it..."The most obvious victim of this crisis is the Af-Am woman, especially the single mom. Surrounded by lethal dangers, she does her best to aspire to her dreams in a society that doesn't seem to care what is happening: the disappearing Af-Am father; the isolated single Af-Am who wants to marry a man who will realistically commit to a shared life with her but finds such men very hard to find; the struggling and isolated single mother who has so much responsibility and so little help or wise guidance; and their young sons who have so many negative role models and so few positive ones." Please go by and read the rest of it, right there at AskHeartBeat.com. Lee is just one of several at this site. I
enjoy visiting and I know you will too.
In one sentence...I love my "good black man".com. This is a resourceful place in praise of the black man. You won't find any sistahs dissing here. I am really impressed with all the work that has gone (a good looking brotha greets you and disappears before you get a chance to say...hi) into this beautifully laid out site. In fact, I have not seen a site on the net, this dedicated in presenting black men with tools to enhance his life. It's so good to know that more sistahs (yes, this site is authored by a sistah) are removing the Smeared Portrait for our brothas. I don't know how this site got me these past two years I've been on the net, but I'm making sure it doesn't get by you...please go by and check this site out www.agoodblackman.com.
Good advice from others is alright, but when it comes from a person who loves the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul, it really pays to sit up and listen. Toyin Olakanpo, for me, is just such a person. The devotionals speak to the heart of man...connecting him with God in a powerfully passionate way. If you desire to really KNOW God rather than know about him, please don't neglect to visit here. If you are away from God right now and really need to know He still loves you...please visit and read one of the devotionals...right now. This place on the net has really been very refreshing for me. I strongly recommend TheKingsDaughter weekly devotionals. These are devotionals that have helped people all over the world to get and maintain a strong intimate relationship with God thru His Son...Jesus Christ.
Margie Epps
I can't tell you how blessed I am to have met this young lady. Her insightfulness (is dat a word?) into the things of God has been a blessing to soul in the short time that I have known her. Thru sharing with each other via the Poetic Insight Board as well as email, I have gotten to know her on a personal basis. When you visit her site...you will feel that way too. The site is beautifully laid out and easy to navigate. Please enjoy her poetic works and get her newsletter. The letter is packed with so much of God's wisdom. The entire mission of this site is to encourage every believer to arise to the moment and hear what the Spirit of God is saying and know what He is doing, so that every unbeliever will feel the pull of the Holy Spirit and confess Jesus Christ to be Lord to the glory of God the Father. Be sure and read one of my favorite poems by Margie entitled: Where Peaceful Waters Flow.
Sister Friends
This is one of the most inspiring places on the net for the sistahs. At this site you will find all things helpful. The site is vast in it's variety of subject matter. Here are a few titles to peak your curiosity..."Sisters In The Kitchen"...Sista Poets (photos and poetry)...Taking Care Of SisterFriend...Spiritual Sisterfriends...Carla Nix (A loving sister in the Lord)...and more and more and more. I am a proud member of SisterFriends...they are sistahs with a sincere passion to see all sistahs aspire to live life to it's fullest. The site is beautiful to behold. Whoever the webmaster is, they really know their stuff. The resources there are vast...there's no way to tell it all here, so what are you waiting for? Git!
A WOMAN'S NIA ON THE NET If you are a sistah with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, this is the place for you. It will take numberous visits to absorb the massive resources here. In one sentence...it's a powerful computing, cultural and christian resource avenue on the net for women. There's a wealth of featured articles and links. Sistahs, I'm telling you! You will not have one boring moments at this easy to navigate site.
Please enjoy!
This site is another "wealth of info" site plus a powerful search engine for those who are looking to visit African American sites. If you enjoy reading short articles on various subjects pertaining to African Americans, you will find them here. If you have the skillz for writing good articles that build character and enrich life, then you should submit your works here. The site is simply laid out and EZ to navigate.
Destee's Design & Publishing Many webmasters boast about their low, low prices, but within that low price, say $125, you get hardly nothing. But if you want a beautiful website for a fair price, let Destee handle the job. She handles the total package for website design and maintaince. When viewing her own site, you will quickly see that she has set a standard of excellence. CLICK on her beautiful picture and visit her website. It's first class. Take note of MY banner for my book. Destee did my banner for me. I paid less than $80 for it and I am very proud of it. Even though I design and maintain my own sites, I will not touch the animated banners...only the static ones. Please visit her and see why she is so gifted. Her site is interactive and she happens to have a great love for poetry. Visit the forum.
Please enjoy!