An Al-Anon Member's Concept V Appeal

PART 2 - Deliberate Mistakes in "Lois Remembers" 

Unfortunately, I can't quote from page 8 of "Lois Remembers" as, at the moment, I am unable to contact WSO to obtain permission to quote from this book.  It is the practise of WSO to sue if prior permission is not obtained for the quoting of Al-Anon Conference-Approved Literature (CAL).

The Executive Director of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc (WSO) took an executive decision to ban me from contacting any of the staff at WSO.  This was appealed to the Executive Committee who upheld the decision of the Executive Director.  An appeal was lodged with the Board of Trustees reminding them of the fact that WSO's sole reason for existence is to help Al-Anon members and that their staff's highly-paid salaries are funded by the contributions of Al-Anon members.  The Board of Trustees met in July 2001 and a reply is expected by September 2001.  I await the outcome of their decision.

In the meantime you can purchase "Lois Remembers" if you like (WSO were unsuccessful in suppressing printing of that book) and you can read page 8 for yourself.  If you do not believe my assertion that the description on page 8 is deliberately false you can consult medical literature or medical staff you may know, if you wish, to verify that what I have written is true.

I would like to state that it is medically impossible to graft skin from one person's body to another because the body's immune system will reject the skin.  It would have been medically impossible for Lois' father to graft skin from the back of his leg onto his daughter's face.  That is a grossly false account of what happened and Lois deliberately wrote it FOR A REASON.

You also cannot cut skin from the back of your leg without anaesthetic as it is an extremely painful procedure and you would become unconscious with the pain.

Go to Part 3

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