In order to infiltrate the X-Men and capture Bishop,
McCoy kidnapped Beast and altered his own form to
resemble Beast. McCoy was uncovered as an impostor
by the entity known as Onslaught when the latter
attacked the X-Men, and McCoy escaped. McCoy was eventually driven off by
X-Factor, who had found and rescued the "real" Beast.
McCoy was found and rescued by Havok, who had
since escaped McCoy's control, and recruited McCoy
into the reformed Brotherhood of Mutants, which is also now defunct. His current whereabouts are unknown although it is suspected that he is responsible for kidnapping Callisto from her deathbed recently.
Strength level: McCoy possesses superhuman strength
which allows him to lift (press) 1 ton under optimum
Known superhuman powers: McCoy is a mutant
possessing enhanced strength, agility, stamina, and
resistance to injury, similar to those of the X-Man Beast.
Abilities: McCoy is a skilled geneticist capable of
numerous experimental techniques of genetic alteration,
mutation, and combination.