This web page includes links to all the celebrities listed by alphabet. Celebrities listed more than once have links to other sites. Included are photos that were personally taken by Ron Newcomer during the past 30 years, plus many pictures that are personally autographed.

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Eva Gabor
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Monique Gabrielle
Dave Gagner
Jenny Gago
Max Gail
Bob Gainey
Denise Galik-Furey
Gina Gallego
Joe Gallison
Don Galloway
Perry Ganchar
Steve Ganelli
Gina Gangale
Elaine Ganick
Harry Gant
Ronnie Gant
Teresa Ganzel
Joe Garagiola
Terri Garber
Andy Garcia
Kiko Garcia
Paul Gardner
Randy Gardner
Danny Gare
Beverly Garland
Hank Garland
Kecia S. Garland
Kristin Garner
Phil Garner
Teri Garr
Betty Garrett
Joy Garrett
Kelly Garrison
Gregg Garrity
Mike Gartner
Cyndi Garvey
Steve Garvey
Jimmy Gateley
The Gatlin Brothers
Steve Gatzos
Dick Gautier
Crystal Gayle
Crystal Gayle & Gary Morris
Ben Gazzara
Bryan Genesse
Gil Gerard
Jay Gerber
Roy Gerela
Galen Gering
Estelle Getty
Alice Ghostley
Linda Gibboney
Leeza Gibbons
Terri Gibbs
The Gibson/Miller Band
Amy Gibson
Dave Gibson
Deborah Gibson
Don Gibson
Kirk Gibson
The Gibson (Gunner & Dana)
Frank Gifford
Glori-Anne Gilbert
Curt Giles
Randy Gilhen
Jennifer Gill
Vince Gill
Vince Gill & Janis Gill
Mickey Gilley
Clark Gillies
Billy Gilman
Al Gionfriddo
The Girls Next Door
Carole Gist
Kelly Lynn Gitter
Robin Givens
Jim Glaser
Bill Glasson
Tom Glavine
Sharon Gless
Danny Glover
George Gobel
Arthur Godfrey
Tawny Godin
Whoopi Goldberg
Bobby Goldsboro
Bill Goldsworthy
Bob Golic
Paul Gonzales
Denny Gonzalez
Diana Goodman
Don Goodman
Vestal Goodman
Carly Goodwin
Charlene Gordon
Marianne Gordon
Scott Gordon
Berry Gordy
Marilee Gorman
Vern Gosdin
Rich Gossage
Guy Gosselin
Cyndi James Gossett
Louis Gossett, Jr.
Steve Gotaas
Preston Gothard
Jim Gott
Sandra Gould & Liam Sullivan
Wayne Grady
Tawni Graf
Otto Graham
Pat Graham
Tammy Graham
Billy Grammer
Tony Granato
Amy Grant
Amy Grant & Vince Gill
Johnny Grant
The Grascals
Dave Gray & The Bakersfield Brass
Dobie Gray
Jan Gray
Linda Gray
Mark Gray
Susan Gray
Kathryn Grayson
Fred Green
Jack Greene
Jack Greene & Jeannie Seely
Joe Greene
Kim Morgan Greene
Michele Greene
Lee Greenwood
Ricky Lynn Gregg
Tommy Gregg
Adam Gregory
Clinton Gregory
James Michael Gregory
Terry Gregory
Ron Greschner
Janet Jones Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky
Rosey Grier
Bob Griese
Ray Griff
Ken Griffey
Kathy Griffin
Melanie Griffith
Florence Griffith-Joyner
Andy Griggs
Scott Grimes
David Groh
Michael Gross
Randy Grossman
Lou Groza
Mona Grudt
Cecilio Guante
Bill Guerin
Carla Gugino
Robert Guillaume
Bill Gullickson
Randy Gurley
Wylie Gustafson (Wylie & The Wild West)
Frank Gustine
Jennifer Guthrie
Ivan G'Vera

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