A large number of visitors to my website have been inquiring about sorcery lately. It's strange because for months I never received one request for such information. I have even had friends ask me a bit about sorcery as well, which is unusual. I figured it was time for a page on the subject!

I was so happy to also receive an e-mail from an experienced sorcerer, named Randy, who was kind enough to compliment the website......I decided to write this page, based on what I've read and experienced, and e-mail it to him for his opinions and input before posting it. He was so helpful and assured me that what I had written runs "mostly" in parallel with his practise. He mentioned that each sorcerer will be different in core philosophy and practise (as with most other practises) and that the overview I offered is "perfectly acceptable and accurate."
Glad to hear it! I would like to thank Randy for his willingness to critique my article, and for his compliments.

Randy also gave me permission to include his e-mail address for you in the event you would like more indepth information....
Contact him at:
malrichia13@yahoo.com if you have serious inquiries.

Sorcery is about the manipulation of energy. Sorcery is not about power or manipulation of people. Sorcery is a neutral concept. However, each sorcerer has his or her own ideas, own beliefs, and own philosophies that will differ slightly.

Sorcery affects the material plane (or the macrocosm) and will change anything that is in its path- whether for the good or bad. Sorcery cares not what it changes.... it simply changes. This does not mean the sorcerer him/herself has no concern for other persons or things- it means this magick is potent and will create change, regardless of incident or intent.

Many sorcerers are very concerned with balance and polarity. Sorcery is often considered a dark art, however, a sorcerer is generally not concerned with negative, or black arts only. No, a sorcerer is not a white magician who never creates a change that he/she foresees as "harmful." A sorcerer is concerned with balance and with bettering his/her own life.....this may, at times, call for defensive magick. This may, at times, call for offensive magick. Magick for the "good of all" may be created, and magick for the "good of self" may be created. Sorcery is balance.

Sorcery will allow you to achieve: Peace, prosperity, success, happiness, love, and personal power.
Peace is the calm of the microcosm and the macrocosm.
Prosperity is financial comfort.....to have a comfortable enviroment to allow you to achieve all of your goals, magickal or not.
Success is success in all things, not just financial success.
Happiness is being comfortable with yourself, your environment, your life in general. Happiness includes comfort in all aspects of life.
Love is acceptance within a community, family, from a spouse or significant other, friends, co-workers, or from anyone or thing. Love is also accepting others. Kindness and refraining from manipulating others is one key to finding love.
Personal Power is not power over others, but an inner power that stems from having all other attributes described here. A powerful person acts, not reacts. A powerful person loves, not manipulates.

Sorcery is about causing change in the material plane. A person does need material comforts (to some extent) in order to find true happiness and personal power. Sorcery helps one to gain these material comforts (or comforts of your physical reality, not just gaining material items) which can then assist a person in achieving spiritual comforts as well, if one so chooses.

The intentions of a sorcerer are gererally materialistic, and normally, a sorcerer already has developed personal philosophies, spiritual philosophies, and considers oneself to be spiritually adept already. Or, a sorcerer can also be non-spiritual completely. A sorcerer can be an atheist or an agnostic and still achieve success with magick.

Sorcery is not evil, but can appear evil to some. Since it is a focus on achieving what you want (and can involve, with some, achieving what you want regardless of the effects on others) it can appear to be a "selfish" art. There really is no moral code or ethics involved in sorcery. Most sorcerers apply their own, personal ethics in their practise. However, refraining from manipulating other humans seems to be important in achieving balance and highest success. Most sorcerers seem to abide by the general "do unto others" rule, but do not accept any exact laws of Karma.

Magick can be used for any situation, according to most sorcerers. There are not limits to a sorcerer's abilities or to what he or she "can" do. If a hex is necessary, a sorcerer may perform one. If a healing is necessary, a sorcerer may perform one. A sorcerer is free to practise however he or she sees fit. However, balance of these energies is important to a sorcerer.

Mastering the elements is very important in sorcery. Enchanting is generally important....working with the physical elements is not. Elemental energies (attributes associated with each element) are a sorcerers focus, not always the physical elements. A magician may need years to master the art of elemental magick, which includes moving the elements, literally.

Sorcerers are also (generally) proficient in conjuring and/or summoning. A sorcerer can develop the abilities to call forth spiritual beings to assist in creating changes. Not all sorcerers will consider this aspect of their practise to be their main focus, but many practise this art, in some form. Some incorporate aspects of the high ceremonial magickal arts into their practises (involving conjuring, not spiritual enlightenment).

Tools are not a primary focus to a sorcerer, although most do use tools. A sorcerer's staff or sword may be used (or both), a wand, Tarot decks, altars, robes, and scrying tools are used by many sorcerers. Other tools are used by some, but these seem to most common to sorcerers I've spoken to, personally.

The study of the formula of magick is also important.....M=ICV(d).....M is magick, I is imagination (ability to create ideas or situations from nothing), C is concentration (ability to focus completely on one thing), V is visualization (seeing the end result to a situation, or seeing with the mind's eye) and (d) is desire. To a sorcerer, desire is most important of these things, but a sorcerer needs all in order to maintain balance.

Sorcerers do, most often, practise what some may consider to be ceremonial magick. A sorcerer's magick may involve meticulous planning, careful execution. Sorcerers may work candle magick, work with herbs, potions, oils, elements, they may manipulate any type of energy (but generally not people) or use any object as a focal point when performing a spell. A sorcerer may incorporate many different techniques into his/her practise.
Sorcerers usually consider magick to be sorcery. Magick
is sorcery.

Well, there it is. My very basic overview of sorcery. This page is just to help you realize if you are interested, not to teach you anything of substance. To learn the intricacies of the actual practise of sorcery, please have enough respect for yourself to invest in some books. Don't just search websites and bother sorcerers you meet online for information. Do some work yourself. Sorcery is serious, as is all magick, and if you aren't well informed, you could cause a disaster.

Here are a few useful books- for any aspiring magician, not strictly sorcerers:
Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley
The Magic Candle by Charmaine Dey
The Wizard's Bible by Louis Sikes
Spellcraft, Hexcraft, and Witchcraft by Anna Riva
Voodoo Sorcery Grimoire by Brujo Negro
The Witch's Spellcraft by Tarostar
Chaos and Sorcery by Nicholas Hall

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