Here, I have listed some of the witchcraft, magick, pagan, and Wiccan books I own. I have read all that are listed here and would recommend them all to everyone- many have a Wiccan slant and claim to be "witchcraft" but I think you will be able to see that for yourself.
Not all books contain decent material or are written by reliable authors. I will say that some books you will find will be crap. Just use your judgement. And, if you read everything you can, you will be able to separate the crap from the good stuff.
I also recommend magickal reading such as
The Lesser Key of Solomon, The Greater Key of Solomon, (don't read Mathers or Crowley's adaptations if you can help it- I suggest Mitch Henson's translation of Lesser) and The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. Great for those looking into high magic techniques.
Please don't limit yourself to Wiccan "how-to" books or you'll be very misinformed and you will seriously restrict yourself.
I also want to say that I usually recommend that people read everything possible- decide for yourself what is reliable and what is not. But I will mention two authors who I didn't find to be reliable- one is Edain McCoy, who wrote several books on Wicca and also
Witta: An Irish Pagan Tradition- in which she claims Witta is an ancient Celtic religion, highly similar to Wicca. This book is so historically inaccurate that I could never recommend it- complete crap. I also found The 21 Lessons of Merlyn, by Douglas Monroe to be seriously flawed- so historically inaccurate on many levels (anyone else who has researched will tell you the same thing). I do recommend it however, as it makes for a decent fantasy novel.

The following are books I have read and recommend....
Light From the Shadows: A Mythos of Modern Traditional Witchcraft- by Gwen
What is Occultism?- by Dion Fortune and Gareth Knight
The Training and Work of an Initiate- by Dion Fortune
Mystical Qabalah- by Dion Fortune
The Witch's Qabalah- by Ellen Cannon Reed
Magic of Qabalah- by Kala Trobe
Experience of the Inner Worlds- by Gareth Knight
Magical Images and the Magical Imagination- by Gareth Knight
Esoterism and Symbol- by R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz
Techniques of High Magic- by Francis King and Stephen Skinner
Herbal Alchemy- by Phillip Hurley
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft- by Raymond Buckland
Advanced Candle Magick- by Raymond Buckland
Scottish Magick- by Raymond Buckland
Liber Kaos- by Peter J. Carroll
Wicca- by Scott Cunningham
Living Wicca- by Scott Cunningham
Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews- by Scott Cunningham
Magickal Herbalism- by Scott Cunningham
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs- by Scott Cunningham
Earth Power- by Scott Cunningham
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water- by Scott Cunningham
Mythologies- by William Butler Yeats
Book of Ceremonial Magick: A Complete Grimoire- by A. E. Waite
Wiccan Magick- by Raven Grimassi
Wiccan Mysteries- by Raven Grimassi
Spell Crafts- by Cunningham and Harrington
By Oak, Ash, and Thorn- by DJ Conway
Celtic Magick- by DJ Conway
The New Pagans- by Hans Holzer
The Wicca Spellbook- by Gerina Dunwich
Everyday Wicca- by Gerinia Dunwich
Wicca A to Z- by Gerina Dunwich
Spells and How They Work- by Farrar
Green Witchcraft I, II, and III- by Ann Moura (3 books)
Magick For Beginners- by JH Brennan
Practical Candle Burning Rituals- by Raymond Buckland
Pagan Book of Days- by Nigel Pennick
Magic and Witchcraft of the Boarders- by Marion Lochhead
The Druids- by Stuart Piggot
The Truth About Witchcraft Today- by Scott Cunningham
The Excellence of Ancient Word- by Sean O'Tuathail
Goetic Evocation: The Magician's Workbook- by Steve Savedow
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions- by J. Bonwick
The Druids- by P.B. Ellis
The Book of Druidry- by R. Nichols
Celtic Mythology- by Ward Rutherford
Irish Myth, Legend, and Romance- by Daithi O'Hogan
Crime and Punishment Through Time- by Christopher Culpin
Crime, Punishment, and Protest- by Josh Brooman
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