The Burning Times
I'm not offering an extensive article on "The Burning Times," basically because every other Wiccan/Pagan website seems to beat it into everyone's brains. There are quite a few good books on the history of witchcraft, so just find yourself one. Try or have a look at my Bookshelf page.
Most Pagans seem to be mislead about the "Burning Times." False information on the subject is everywhere. And some Pagans use the "Burning Times" as an excuse to hate Christians and Christianity. A stupid idea, but what you have to do.

Yes, I realize that the "Burning Times" did happen, and I know many were killed during the fiasco. As for the exact details, as for exactly why the craze happened....I can't say for certain, and I don't believe anyone can. The Pagans have their take on the situations, the Christians have their ideas, those who are neither Pagan nor Christian have their ideas.....the information is available but there are already too many opinions on the subject. I know what happened but I don't care to disect the details to find out exactly why people burned and hanged these so-called "witches" of the past. I've researched mainly Scottish history (my ancestors were from Scotland) so most of my knowledge is of the history of witchcraft in Scotland. If you do have questions, feel free to send me an email. But, just get a book, it will be much more interesting for you.
Also.....I'm not sure why Pagans refer to this craze as the
Burning Times. Most who were accused of witchcraft in the past were hanged, not burned.

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