On this page, I want to give you some concepts of energy- dealing mostly with perception. What is energy, what are the different types of energy, how is energy used in magickal practise?.....these are common questions I hear. Maybe this will shed some light on this subject. These are my personal views, some scientific views, and some ideas I've read, mainly through my studies of Egyptian and high magicks. Just remember that there are literally thousands of views of energy within magick and I am trying to give you more than one view on this page. I'm not sticking strictly to my own personal views, but am presenting some of my own along with other common views I've found true to some magickal practitioners. Internal Energy Electrical- this type of energy cannot pass outside a physical being or object. Touch is necessary for a person to transmit electrical energies. Magnetic- this energy is present in a detectable magnetic field and is able to flow outside the body in a certain, limited range. Some believe this range varies greatly from person to person- one who is adept or gifted may be able to project this type of energy more effectively and at a wider range. This is is how some practitioners of low magicks view and use energy when projecting and creating a change- projectable magnetic energies leaving the body and being focused into an object or toward a goal. Electromagnetic- forms when electrical and magnetic energies are present. Can be directed from the body, does not require physical touch to transmit. Is seen as the etheric layer that forms the aura and surrounds the body- usually hugging the body. This also, is how practitioners of low magicks might view and use personal, projectable energies- as existing in and around the body and can be directed toward a goal to create some type of change. Life Force- seen in different views by different people. Has no exact scientific view, as there is no exact proof it exists. Usually, the life force is viewed as the soul and also the aura itself. Many believe the soul and the aura contain and emit specific energies that can be projected outward- ultimately directed toward a goal. Others believe this type of energy is used personally for spiritual enlightenment or development. And most believe that the life force itself is the energy within humans that allows us ability to reason and elevate the mind. Some believe our life force contains energies that can be projected outward, some do not. External Energies Earth or World- these energies exist in and around all that is within the biosphere, including the elements- fire, earth, air, water, and spirit. Some believe each energy within the different elements is distinct and some believe all contain the same energies. Cosmic or Universal- energies not associated with the biosphere- energies outside the earth and all that is within the earth. Some see earth energies as being the energies that created all that exists, some believe cosmic energies created all that exists. Some believe both created all that exists. Some see the cosmic and earth energies as being interconnected, some as separate. Most believe that both the internal and external energies can be manipulated, moved, projected, directed, etc. Some believe energies can be moved when asked or commanded. Some believe simply in willed manipulation of all energy- the mind, body, spirit, and soul collectively (or separately) will an energy type to move, and it does (this is my view). This willed manipulation of energies, to most, is magick. Frequency, scientifically speaking, is the distance or time before patterns of energies repeat. Energy types vibrate at different frequencies, and it is believed that the higher the frequency, the closer to spirit, and the lower the frequency, the closer to matter or the physical. The repeating patterns are referred to as cycles. Within magicks and metaphysics, there are five frequencies, or states, of energy. Spirit is seen as pure force (or the highest frequency), fire is transformative, air is transportive, water is conductive, and earth is usually seen as stable (lowest). This concept is one reason many traditions see fire as being closest to spirit- referring to the level of frequency. This concept also gives way to elemental correspondances of all types. There are many other existing concepts dealing with energies, much more indepth knowlege to gain- both magickally and scientifically. But this brief overview can at least help beginners to get a firm grasp of what energy is, where it is, how it can be used, how it can be viewed, etc. |
Understanding Energy |