The word "crystal" comes from the Greek word "crystallos" which means "clear ice." The Greeks thought that crystals were actually ice turned to stone. Crystals are formed deep within the Earth's core and they take thousands of years to form and become the beautiful stones that we know. Crystals represent the unity of the four elements. They are formed in the Earth and contain earthly minerals. They are related to water in their molecular structure. They transmit an electric charge- called a piezo-electric charge- relating them to fire. They are similar to air in that they allow light to pass through. Crystals embody the elements of the Earth, as well as the elements within us. When you possess a crystal, you possess all elements of creation. A crystal can be used to strengthen spiritual abilities, psychic abilities, help us to contact the spirit realm, become in tune with nature and the elements- their powers are endless. Just as crystals represent the elements, so do other gems found in the Earth. Different gems and stones possess different energies, and are related to different elements. Here, I have listed the gems that I work with and their correspondances. AMBER- an electromagnetic gem. It opens the solar plexus chakra and can aid in enhancing and balancing moods, obtaining mental clarity, and confidence. It can also be used to purify or detoxify. AMETHYST- can detoxify, dispel anger, help overcome food, alcohol, or other addictions, help in gaining patience and overcoming nightmares. AQUAMARINE- aids in balance, tranquility, peace, openness, innocence, creativity, imagination, self-awareness, releasing fear and anxiety. AVENTURINE- healing, especially emotional pain, balance, love, prosperity, truth, and aids in universal connection. BLOODSTONE- aids in grounding energy, calming, and increasing wealth and prosperity. CARNELIAN- aids in gaining confidence, strength, precision, ability to analyze, and helps to restore appetite. CITRINE- aids in problem solving, mental and emotional clarity, memory, confidence, discipline, reduces fear and depression, and aids in digestion. COBALT- brings love and passion, patience, emotional and mental balance, calms intense feelings. CORAL- pink: increases compassion and sensitivity black: creativity, dispels negativity white: heals, relieves stress, calms DESERT ROSE- clarity, perception, mental awareness, relieves worry and anxiety, aids in grounding energy. DIAMOND- prosperity, love, can be used in place of all other gems, spirituality, clarity, spiritual love, balance, peace, trust. . EMERALD- growth, peace, love, harmony, patience, fidelity, honesty, reduces depression and aids in sleep. GARNET- energizes, stimulates sexuality, fertility, passion, confidence- avoid if you are angry or have high blood pressure. GOLD- all purpose, prosperity, emotions of all kinds, energy, increases greed. JADE- wealth, health, longevity, wisdom, justice, courage, balance, fidelity, love, peace. JASPER- all colors of jasper aid in grounding energy and healing. LAPIS- concentration in meditation, self-expression, creativity, relieves anxiety and shyness. LODESTONE- natural magnet, grounding energy, focus, decisions, ridding of toxins. MALACHITE- stimulates concentration and psychic visions, cleanses aura and rids toxins. MARCASITE- aids in grounding energy, mental clarity, concentration, memory, sleep, confidence, willpower, helps relieve anxiety and stress. MOONSTONE- relieves stress, emotional balance, gracefulness, aids in relieving menstrual pains and helps balance female hormones. OBSIDIAN- grounding energy, absorbs anger, fear, stress, cleanses, uplifts, and absorbs negativity and converts to positivity. ONYX- balances and grounds energy, absorbs intense feelings. Clearest onyx is most effective, but generally, it is not useful in conducting energy. OPAL- love, passion, spontaneity, visualization, healing, dreams, clarifies and absorbs emotions. PERIDOT- prosperity, growth, wealth, relieves negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety, depression. QUARTZ CRYSTAL- most versatile and multi-purpose stone, clear crystal is generally most effective for an all purpose stone, but other colors, such as lavender and rose quartz can be used for all purposes also. RUBY- love, confidence, courage, vitality, passion, warms and soothes the soul, success, intensifies all emotions- not good to use if you are angry or have high blood pressure. SAPPHIRE- insight, inspiration, intuition, peace, spirituality, wisdom, cheerfulness, centering, grounding energy, protection. SILVER- connecting with the goddess, mental clarity, psychic ability, divination, emotional balance and cleansing, patience, mimics the energy of the moon- soothing and calming. SODALITE- communication, logic, new ideas, logical thought, courage, relieves fears, clears the mind, heightens endurance, encourages rational thought, clarity, truth. TANZANITE- clairvoyance, psychic visions, emotional clarity, spirituality, protection, enhances our hearing and sight. TIGER'S EYE- willpower, confidence, assurance, clear thinking, relieves anxiety. TOPAZ- golden: mental clarity, focus, confidence, mood swings, relieves worries, depression, fear, insomnia, exhastion, depression blue: focus, tranquility, creative expression TOURQUOISE- general healer, multi-purpose, relieves many negative emotions, increases psychic connections, divination, communication, creativity, serenity, uplifting, sooths and calms. ZIRCON- truth, integrity, intuition, eases depression, detoxifies. Gems and stones can be held to chakras to open them. They can be held to chakras also to release their energies. Or, you can hold them in your hands and focus on what you are using the specific stone for. If you are in need of physical healing, hold a stone in your hands and meditate on it's energies. Feel the energy of the stone, and visualize it entering your body and surrounding the body part that is in need of healing. You don't have to cast the circle to work with stones. You can work with them at any time, and can also wear them or carry them with you to continually receive benefits from their energies. As with all magick, personalize your ways of working with stones. Focus is the key, and being in tune with the energies of stones is important. Some information on this page was learned from my dear friend and teacher, Olivia WhiteOwl. I am fortunate enough to have obtained a book about crystals and gems that she began writng, but was unable to finish before she passed away in 1994. |
Gems and Crystals |