The History of Candle Magick |
We often seem to assume and imagine that witches and other pagans of the past used many different color candles for their different magickal intentions, and maybe even made their own candles, using beeswax. But is this an accurate assumtion? And is it absolutely necessary to use a corresponding color in your spells or rituals? Is it also necessary to use beeswax candles in order to have the "best" results? Candles of the past were generally only available in white. The dyes that are used to color candles must be oil soluble, and oil soluble dyes were hard to come by in the past- plant based dyes were rare and usually were not able to create colors such as blue, green and indigo, and pigment dyes were not available because the technology needed to utilize them was not available in the past. And there are other dyes that didn't become available until the 19th and 20th centuries. With that in mind, it is safe to say that witches and pagans of the past were not using colored candles in their practises. Something else to keep in mind is that beeswax may not have been widely used to make candles in the past. Huge amounts of honey had to be sacrificed when taking wax for candles, so it isn't likely that many people were making their own beeswax candles. Buying beeswax candles was also costly, so the regular and less fortunate people in communities weren't able to afford them. Generally the wealthier folks used them, and it isn't likely that the witches of the villages were buying beeswax candles. Many people did use animal fat (tallow) to make candles, but beeswax candles were not widely used in the past. As far as the mass production of candles and the availablility of affordable candles in stores, it didn't happen until the twentieth century. Many other developments in candle making didn't become available even until the nineteenth century- development of stearin and paraffin, mordanting and braiding of wicks, etc. As far as pre-electicity lighting, most people used oil lamps for light, which were much less expensive. So, candle magick may indeed be an old art- but the use of colored candles is not an ancient art. Candles were available and used in the past, yes. But, if someone tells you that the Celts were using colored candles in their religious practises, they are not feeding you with accurate information. Or if you read a book that suggests that witches in the sixteenth century were using red, green, and purple candles in their magickal practises, this is likely to be information you won't want to trust. Magicians of the past were successful without the use of colored candles. Using a "proper" color is obviously not a necessity. They were also successful without the use of beeswax- many did not have it available to them. My point? Color is just an aid for YOU. It doesn't necessarily hold it's own powers. Using a color that you feel corresponds with your intention can aid you in obtaining the proper state of mind, focus, and direct your energy properly. The color, on it's own, is not lending power to your work. The color is an aid in setting your "mood," so to speak. If you plan to practise candle magick, beeswax and "appropriate" color does not have to be an issue. |