To many Wiccans, and even some other Pagans, initiation is important. This is a way for someone to signify the major life change he/she is experiencing, a way to bring in the new lifestyle and beliefs he or she has adopted. This page- everything below this paragraph- was originally written while I was following a Wiccan path. So it is meant to benefit anyone who is wanting to see my persepective on a solitary Wiccan self-initiation. I no longer am Wiccan and no longer feel initiation of this type is necessary, but anyone who does feel it's necessary might enjoy reading this. How do you perform an initiation? Well, this, like any ritual or spell, can be personalized and written by you. You can add so many elements to your ritual, the possibilities are endless, and the choices are all yours. But, here I will give you an example of an initiation process, similar to my own initiation ritual. My rituals and spells are usually kept simple and to the point, but you can make your initiation as complicated as you wish. As I've stated on another page, there are those who don't agree that any aspects of Wicca can be personalized- that may include initiation. Learn what you can so that you can choose what to believe. WHAT TOOLS TO USE First, you should choose what tools you will be using in your rites- both spells and rituals. Do you plan to use an athame or wand, or your hand to cast the circle? What will you use as candle holders? Will you use candles to represent the god and goddess? What will you use as your altar? What about a besom or a chalice? Gather everything you need, and choose what tools you wish to use. Remember, tools are generally a Wiccan tradition. They are also an option to you. If you choose not to use any tools, who is to say there is anything wrong with that? WHEN TO PERFORM Next, choose a time to perform it. Are you most comfortable in the nighttime or daytime? When will you be alone and undisturbed? Make sure you don't perform your ritual when there is a chance your parents will be making you do something, or your friends will stop by, or your kids or spouse will be needing you. Whatever your situation, choose your time wisely. WHAT TO INCLUDE Now, think about what you plan to say in your ritual. Will you be stating your magickal name? Or do you still need time to find one? Inviting your deity to witness is a necessity, in my personal opinion. He, she, or they should absolutely be involved in your rites. What will you say to them? Will you be dedicating your tools in their honor? Will you ask for their blessing on you and your tools? You choose what you will say and how you say it. You are beginning your relationship with them now. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO RHYME. If anyone tries to tell you that your spells and rituals must rhyme, they are wrong. The purpose of rhyming is just to help you remember your words. You say them how you wish. Something else you can do is say aloud to yourself and the deity that you are indeed declaring yourself a Wiccan, or witch. Consecrating your tools during your initiation is a great idea as well. After you say what you wish to say to the deity, you can touch all your tools to some salt that you have placed in a bowl and banish the negative energy that may surround them. Sprinkle some of the salt on your altar and consecrate (bless, dedicate) it also. Consecrate your tools for use in your rites alone. (This is my way of consecrating, you can consecrate your tools however you wish.) So, to recap: 1. You choose your tools (if you plan to use any). 2. You choose a time for the initiation. 3. Decide what you will say, think of all the elements of the initiation, whether you will be making your magickal name known to the god and goddess, speaking with the god and goddess, declaring that you are now a Wiccan. 4. Wipe your tools and make sure they are clean before you begin, then consecrate them if you wish. Also, be thinking about what actions you will perform. Will you be calling the elements, the guardians to protect your circle? Will you annoint yourself with oil- maybe by drawing a pentacle on your chest with your fingertips? There are so many things to think about and so many things you can do! Take a lot of time to write out your initiation and make sure it's perfect for you. ***NOTE: An initiation is a personal choice and not necessary unless you feel it's proper for you. HOME NEXT Your Book of Shadows |
Initiation |