On this page, I want to explain to you the importance of meditation, as well as some meditation techniques. Meditation is, of course, dwelling on something in thought. When we meditate, we often enter an altered state of conciousness and are able to contact and visualize the spirit realm. Meditation is important, both spiritually and magickally. Some meditate and actually have visions of their god and goddess, receive words for spells and incantations, find peace, find spiritual enlightenment of various forms. Meditation can lead us to our spirit guides, animal guides, faery folk, and even lead us to a magickal name, etc. Meditation, in my opinion, is important to successful magickal practise. Many people are aware of the importance of meditiation, but might not know exactly how to go forward with it. A friend of mine mentioned to me that she attempted to meditate each night but was unsuccessful- her thoughts aways wandered to other things. I used to have this problem as well, and really had to practise to bring myself to the point where I could shut out the mundane world and concentrate. About three years after I chose my spiritual path, I met a lady at college who was a Celtic Pagan, and she helped me develop an effective meditation technique. I had been successful with meditation but I always had a difficult time with concentration and bringing myself to a deep, altered state of conciousness. This simple technique she taught me was what I needed: |
When you are ready to meditate and have chosen a place where you will be undisturbed, either lie down on your back or sit upright with your legs crossed. If you chose to sit, make sure your back is straight so that you can breathe properly. First, begin breathing slowly, with deep, rythmic breaths. Concentrate on your breathing for a while until you are relaxed. Make sure your muscles are relaxed as well. You may want to actually focus on the relaxation of each muscle in your body- begin by concentrating on relaxing your neck, shoulders, arms, hands, waist, rear, legs, feet, etc. Then focus once again on your breathing and refrain from focusing on your body. Now, begin to visualize your "astral home." This will be the place you return to each time you meditate. Your astral home should be a place that is visually stimulating and beautiful to you. It can be a real place or one you create in your mind. Have you always been facinated with Stonehenge? Why not make that your astral home? Do you have a garden in your back yard where you love to spend time? That could be your astral home. Any place that is peaceful and beautiful to you. As you begin to visualize, concentrate on your surroundings and what they look like. What do you see? Are you walking on grass, stone, a walkway? Are there trees surrounding you? Is it day or night? Concentrate on creating details. Now, concentrate on the sounds. Do you hear birds singing, the wind blowing? Is there a creek or ocean nearby? What do you feel? Is the weather warm, cool? What does the ground feel like? Now, when your astral home is visually complete, begin to walk around and enjoy it for a moment. Look at everthing and touch everything. Next, walk to the center of your astral home and sit down. Take in the surroundings and breathe deeply. Begin to focus on the reason you are meditiating. Do you wish to find a magickal name? Are you searching for the god and goddess? Open your mind to what you want and wait for it. You might ask the god and goddess to join you in your astral home. Tell them they are welcome and that you would like to speak with them. Don't command them to appear, be polite and ask for their presence. And don't ask repeatedly, just ask once and wait. When you are ready to return to the "real" world, bid farewell to whatever entity you may have contacted, and thank them for speaking with you. Slowly begin to walk away from your astral home. Visualize your house or apartment and imagine you are walking through the front door. Visualize yourself sitting or lying down in the spot you began your meditation. Now, slowly open your eyes. |
You shouldn't expect to be successful even in your first several attempts- that is if you are intending to reach a deep, altered state of conciousness. It may take quite some time to achieve what you want. Don't be discouraged, just keep practising. You will be better focused over time. Meditation is not only for the purpose of meeting deities or finding names, spirit guides, etc. You should meditate on your goal when you cast a spell also. You most likely won't want to visit your astral home when performing a spell, but rather concentrate deeply on what you wish to achieve. You can take as much time as you need for this when you perform a spell. FOCUS is the key to successful magick. I hope this is helpful to you. I can't stress enough how important meditation is in your practise. |
Meditation |
Picture courtesy of Turtleheart at Turtleheart Designs. |