I can't keep up with the volume of e-mail I receive regarding resource suggestions. People always ask me, "Can you suggest other websites?" or, "Can you suggest any great books?" etc. I've never noticed another website that offered advice on finding good resources, so I'm going to offer that for you here. ONLINE I don't get to surf the web often, so it's hard for me to suggest a ton of excellent websites. Anyhow, it's best if you do a search yourself. This way, you can modify your search and find exactly what you want instead of just looking at sites other people think are worthwhile. First, try a search on the major search engines. Try Msn.com, Aol.com, Webcrawler.com, AltaVista.com, Google.com, etc. These engines will find a lot of pages for you. Search for magic (or magick), witchcraft, Pagan, Wicca, wizardry, Druids, Celts, spirit, elemental magick, candle magick, gems, crystals, auras, occult, esoteric or esoterism, and anything else you can think of. Don't restrict your searches to only Paganism or witchcraft. Broaden your ideas- each word you use will pull up new results. Next, visit AvatarSearch.com. Many occult sites list with them, so you'll find plenty here. Do the same with your searches- try different words each time you search. Yes, go with the usual "magic" or "magick" and "paganism." But try words like guardian, sorcery, astral travel, mage, meditation, occult, invoking, conjuring, ritual, ceremonial, green witchcraft, natural, sun, moon, sabbat, traditional, enochian, grimoire, spell, element, herb, athame, and any other word that might relate to any form of magick or Paganism. Be creative with your searches.....and you will find creative results. The Pagan web has become a bit stagnet, in my opinion. A lot of the pages you find will be old and you'll notice they haven't been updated in months or years. A lot will offer the same information you've already seen a thousand times. It's also difficult to find a magickal site that's well put together. Many are so graphically intense that your computer will seem pissed at you for making it load so much garbage. It might freeze up if you don't have cable hook-up. Take your time with your searches. You should find some interesting pages. BOOKS Books......well, for one thing, I have a bookshelf page that offers some of my basic book suggestions. It's not a complete list of everything I've read, but it's a list of some of the most interesting writings. If you want others, try visiting Amazon.com and search for whatever topic you are interested in. Modify your searches here like you do with the search engines. You will find thousands of books. They even offer reviews from people who have read the books- this can be helpful to you. Now, if you are someone who can't purchase books online, go to Amazon.com anyway. Write down titles and authors of the books you think you might want. This way, you can go to your local library or bookstore and find them. No, not all books you find on Amazon will be found in your local stores or libraries, but some will. If you live out in the boonies or in hickville somewhere and have a local library with some 20 books to choose from, then it looks like you might have to take a drive. A pain in the ass, yes, but don't you think it's worth it? If you have to take a day to travel 100 or 150 miles to a large bookstore, it will be worth it if you end up finding a book that can change your life and your spirituality. It's not always easy to find good resources. If you live in an area of your country that is a bit out of touch with what's going on at the moment, then you'll have to work around that. If you're a teenager and your parents will think you're smacked if they find out about your interests.....be sneaky. I know it sounds disrespectful, but since when have teenagers been known to be respecful? If your spirituality is that important to you, then find a way to get some resources. No, I don't recommend sneaking everything, but being "quiet" about a positive spiritual walk won't cause any real damage. A COUPLE WEBSITES If you are interested in classic grimoires and high magick.....check out The Classics of Magick. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, and then you'll have the Lemegeton, Greater Key of Solomon, Abramelin, Armadel, The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, and more, at your fingertips. And for some interesting reading on topics from Christianity to Freemasory, from Islam to Ordo Templi Orientis, from Paganism to Atheism......try these Textfiles. Some will teach you a thing or two, some are interesting reading, some are inaccurate and goofy, and some just suck. It's just something I found interesting and thought I'd share. Be creative and think about it. You'll find plenty of resources without having to ask others for help constantly. Yes, e-mail me if you feel the need to ask for resources. But I don't always respond to questions that are clearly answered on my site. HOME NEXT Christophobia |
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