Elemental Magick or Enchanting? Elemental magick takes a couple different forms......literal movement of the elements is generally simply referred to as elemental magick. Movement and works with the attributes of each element (often seen as work with the spiritual forces behind the elements) is often called "enchanting." I prefer not to work actual elemental magick. I have no reason to focus fire magick and direct it to heat or burn something, focusing air to cool something, etc. There are many uses for elemental magick, but I have no use for it in my life. Enchanting, however, is essential in my works at various times. With enchanting, the elements represent differnet attributes or qualities....often referred to as "correspondances." When enchanting, the spirit, or attributes, of an element are directed toward a goal. Fire represents pure energy, strength, life, vitality. Water represents psychism, divination, spirituality, tranquility. Earth represents power, stability, strength, and endurance. Air represents magick, intelligence, psychism, and speed. These are only a few of the many attributes of the elements. Notice that Fire and Earth have a common attribute listed here.....Air and Water have a common attribute. This is true, however, the nature of these attributes will be different. Strength with fire is swift and affects a person immediately in one burst of power....gives a person strength when they possess none. Earth, on the other hand, would greatly magnify the strength a person already possesses, and is an enduring strength that lasts over a period of time. Water and Air have a common attribute listed here.....psychism. Air is more concerned with higher self, enlightenment, and power of the mind, while water is more concerned with more passive psychism, peace, and tranquility. The nature of the attributes of each element are different. For more information on attributes, visit The Library of Knowledge. The attributes of the elements are also, basically, unlimited. They are best understood in practise....meaning, work with them and understand them. Yes, read about them, know the basic correspondances, learn how to enchant. But you will understand the power of the elements best once you begin your magickal works. Learning to Direct the Elemental Attributes Directing the powers of the elements can be done in many, many different ways. I've incorporated several techniques into my practise, one being directly adapted from the works of the Golden Dawn. In this technique, the body is put in contact with an element....it's essence being felt throughout the entire body. For learning to harness the attributes of fire, you might sit or lie in the sun, or in front of a fire- near a fireplace or a bonfire. As you sit and feel fire, allow yourself to become heated to the point of perspiration. Don't burn yourself, but realize it's intensity and feel it's physical power. Hold your hands in front of you, about four inches apart, and visualize a glass bottle between your hands. Begin to inhale and exhale deeply, and as you inhale, imagine the bottle being filled with the spirit of fire.....it's attribites and abilities filling your bottle. Four deep breaths should be enough to "fill" your bottle. Hold the energies there with you for a time and focus on them. Then send them out from you, back toward the fire (or sun, if you are sitting in the sun), by visualizing the energies leaving the bottle as you exhale- four breaths, again, should be fine. This same exercise can be used for all elements.....with water, lying in a tub full of water may prove most effective, or if you have a pool or pond, this would be a great place to begin your works with water. With earth, lying out in the grass will be best, but if you can't do this, try simply placing some sod on a plate and taking it indoors, place your hands on the sod as you focus on the energies. With air, anywhere comfortable for you will do, however it often is best outdoors where you can feel the breeze blowing. You can continue with this exercise as many times as you choose. It will help you to become proficient in harnessing the elemental qualities, learning how to direct and focus the spirit of these forces. By feeling the force of the physical element, you can learn to associate it's attributes, learn and feel it's spiritual power, it's energies, and also learn to direct the energies toward a goal. While you inhale and draw the energies to your bottle, you learn to pull the energies of the elements to you. As you exhale and send the energies out, you learn to focus and direct the energies toward a goal....an object, a person, etc. This exercise, in a way, keeps you "in tune" with the elemental attributes and allows you to befriend and harness the powers of these elements. Direction and Magick Now, you've learned how to harness the energies, what do you do? Visualization is always key, as you learned in the exercise above. Now, when you have a need for a spell for any purpose and choose to be assisted with an element.....you have choices. One is to enchant an object so that you (or whoever the spell is performed for) can draw the energies from the object. Most commonly, a gemstone or piece of metal jewelry is used. Use a gem that corresponds with the element you are working with. You can focus and direct the attributes of the element into the gem and the the energies will be released from this gem over time, allowing the subject to benefit from the spell. This is a simple, yet powerful way to create change. An example.......you have been sluggish and tired lately. You would like to feel the enduring strength of earth so that you can get through your days at work, school, etc. When you are ready to work a spell, prepare yourself in a quiet and comfortable place, preferrably alone. Gather your tools.....if you wish to use a candle to keep a certain state of mind, incense for the mood, etc., then prepare this. Do you wish to have a physical representation of the element in your spell? If so, prepare this (for earth, a stone will work nicely). You do not need the physical representation, but you can have it with you if you feel it is best. Prepare the object you will enchant (gemstone, or whatever object you choose)- be sure it is clean, first of all, and focus on dispelling the negative energies that may surround it. To do this, you can simply focus on sending all negative forces out and away from the object, and holding it over your burning incense for purification is a great idea. Once this is complete, begin focus on your intentions. Focus on strength and endurance. Enchant your object with strength and endurance of earth. You can visualize the energies flowing from the stone you have with you, from your body (you will have energies of earth within you and surrounding you from works with the exercise above, and simply from contact with the earth), and also from all earth around you. Do whatever you feel necessary in your spell, according to your magickal tradition, your personal practise. If you choose to write a particular spell for this, do so before hand and memorize it. If your practise is more spontaneous, like mine, you will want to do and say whatever comes to you in the moment. Work your spell according you your needs. Once it's complete, the object you enchanted will release the energies of earth.....giving you strength and endurance. Hold the object with you, preferrably close to your skin. Wear it on a necklace, keep it in your pocket so you can touch it often, whatever you feel is best. What Can I Enchant? Anything. Corresponding gemstones or metal are excellent, however, some people have no way of obtaining them. If this is so, use a candle- this is my suggestion if gems, jewelry, or metals can't be obtained. However, after you enchant your candle and light it, you will want to be in the room with it as it burns. You will want to touch it, as well, often as it burns. This method has been debated among enchanters.....skepticism concerning its effectiveness. Is enchanting and lighting a candle as powerful and effective as using a corresponding gem? In my experience, yes it is as powerful. Keep yourself focused on drawing the energies from this candle and you will successfully work the spell. Using a candle color that corresponds with your element will also assist you. However, remember that once the candle has burned down, the energies are now gone from the candle and have been directed to your goal. The endurance of the spell may not be as powerful as if you would enchant an object, such as a piece of jewelry. This will be up to you to determine. Try it and see if you feel this method is as effective for you, if it endures or if the benefits are more temporary. Other objects, such as any stone you find outdoors, can be used to enchant with earth attributes.Using a candle seems especially effective with fire. You can use stones found outdoors to enchant with the other elements, however it will be up to you to determine if this is as effective. I have never had need to use a stone from outdoors so I cannot vouch for it's effectiveness with fire, water, and air. I have read that it is not as effective, I have heard debates.....some magicians say yes it's as effective, some say absolutely not. I believe it is up to you to determine this in your practise. Each magician has different levels of abilities, different methods work for different magicians. I believe this firmly, so experiement with your practise! You can also directly enchant a person- even yourself. Direct and focus the energies toward a person to assist them, or yourself to assist you. This is very effective, especially with ideas such as healing, stress relief, courage, anger and any other emotion, meditaion, and concentration. I have a few correspondances for you below. Remember, the attributes of the elements are limitless. You can use elemental enchanting for any purpose you feel need for. And also remember that each element has a "personality" of sorts......moves and works in different ways. Just in the way I mentioned that fire strength is much different than earth strength. As you work with them, you will learn them. Earth represents north, material things, money, health, strength, endurance, stability, power, food, fertility, agriculture, the home. Earth's corresponding colors are green and brown. Air represents east, magickal studies, intellect, education, pursuasion, psychic abilities, divination, speed. Air's corresponding color is yellow. Fire represents south, power, energy, vitality, emotions, sex, attraction, banishings, conflict, anger, protection, law, strength, good health. Fire's corresponding colors are red and orange. Water represents west, love, friendship, unions of all kinds, beauty, affection, meditation, sleep, clairvoyance, psychism, tranquility, children. Water's corresponding color is blue. The fifth element is Spirit. The spirit within all things, ourselves, and the spirits of our deities. Spirit in this view is not used to enchant, however, many magicians draw strength and other attributes from their deities, spirit guides, etc. The Guardians of the Watchtowers This is a concept most common in Wicca, as well as a few other traditions.......that an angel or "guardian" stands watch over each direction, is associated with each particular element, and can be called to assist you in your magickal rites. I do not work with these spirits, however, many do and develop relationships with them. They are often called to "protect" a magick circle and sometimes to assist with magick that corresponds with their personality, direction, and element. Fomahault is associated with north and earth, Aldebaran with east and air, Regulus with south and fire, and Anteres with west and water. Some view all four as males, some, I have found, believe Anteres to be a female entity. Some believe they are neither feminine nor masculine. There are many ideas surrounding the guardians, and since I do not work with them, I would suggest finding a book or another site if you wish to learn more. |
The Elements |