Babylonian Astrology - Moon Omens:

'Omens from Halos'




Definition: [Babylonian Omen Astrology] Omen from Halos around the Moon, from The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon: Vol II, R Cambell Thompson, London, March 1st, 1900.

Omens from Halos around the Moon: to the king of countries, my lord, they servant...

Omens from Halos around the Moon: when a halo surrounds the moon and jupiter stands within it...

Omens from Halos around the Moon: the night of the... day jupiter stood within the hao of the moon...

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Omens from Halos around the Moon: when a halo surrounds the moon and a planet stands within it, robbers will rage... Omens from Halos around the Moon: when a halo surrounds the moon and cancer stands within it, the king of akkad will prolong life...

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Links to other Babylonian-Assyrian Moon Omens:

When the Moon Appears on the First Day of the Month
II  Omens from the Horns of the Moon
III  When the Moon Appears on the Twenty-Eighth Day
IV  When the Moon Appears on the Thirtieth Day
Various Omens from the Moon
VI  Omens from Halos
VII  Omens when the Sun and the Moon are Seen With One Another

Links to "The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon":

  Descriptive List of the Astrological Reports


I - VII  Omens from the Moon
VIII  Omens from the Sun
IX  Omens from Stars
Omens from Clouds
XI  Omens from the Moon's Disappearance
XII  Omens from Storms
XIII  Omens from Thunder
XIV  Omens from Earthquakes
XV  Omens from Eclipses
XVI  Omens from Akulutum*
XVII  Omens from Births

K Lists

*Meaning unknown: possibly rust or mildew.

© Dr Shepherd Simpson, Astrological Historian


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