The Tonkin Gulf Incident- Some Personal Memories of the Day the War "Started"
The Greatest song of the Vietnam Era- Country Joe's "Feeling Like I'm Fixin to Die Rag". Read about it, listen to it and read the lyrics
Old bluejacket- A Great Site with Accounts of Boot Camp and Seagoing Life in the Vietnam Era
Ships of the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club With Links to Dozens of Ship Web Sites.
A Great Site Full of Memorabilia about Subic Bay- 1945 to 1981
So What If It's a Bit "Marine-Oriented?" It gets better all the time.
Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club- Adventures on Yankee Station
Visit the China Fleet and Alliance Clubs of Hong Kong and Yokosuka, Japan- Then and Now
(Thanks to Mike Klein)
Bobby Clements' Vietnam Memories- 63-67
LT Tom Stuart's Memories- The View From the Bridge
You might not Recognize the New Subic Bay !
Subic Bay Ammo Pier
A Detailed Map of Downtown Olongapo Find your Favorite Sleazy Dive.
But- you will recognize these aerial photos of Subic Bay, circa 1965- Photo 1 and Photo 2 (from the NavSource site).
Did you Visit Pagsanjan Falls ?
If you did, check this US stamp printed in
1932 for the Philippines, that was supposed to
show Pagsanjan Falls- Instead they used a
picture of Vernal Falls in Yosemite National Park, California.
Your government at work !!
We know times have changed out there, and Fosters, Bud Light, Miller Draft,
Corona and Coors are available, but, with
apologies to the late lamented Rainier Brewing
Company, there is only one truly tropical nautical
beer - the one that John Wayne, Ward Bond
and the rest of that P.T. Boat crew drank in
that little bar on Zamboanga in the 1943 movie "They Were
Expendible." Except for the kid that had to drink
milk because he wasn't 21 yet...San Miguel ! The Mother's Milk of Downtown Olongapo City.
(Thanks to the P.R. of Diego Garcia's webpage for that observation.)
Memories of FT Al Dickerson- Aboard the "U.S.S.R."- 1967-8
Ever Wonder What Happened to Rainier's Holiday Ensign? Read Radioman Ed Manion's 66-70 Memories (A Work in Progress)
SM3 Steven Temple's Memories of Westpac- 1967 to 70
Are these the original notes for his now-famous book "We Deliver-You Fire" ?
The VietVet Page
Some "Surprising" Vietnam War/ Vietnam Vet Statistics
Charles Paige'sWESTPAC Memories- From the USS Midway-1968-72- A fine piece of literature.
The Webmaster's Nostalgic Cruise on the victory ship SS Lane Victory
The First Cav's "Hanoi Jane" Website, The Girl you Love to Hate
And, Speaking of Propaganda...
1965 Chinese Poster- "Oppose the Invasion of the Democratic Republic
of Vietnam by the Reactionary Americans."
(Think about this one next time you shop for cheap electronics.)
More Vietnamese and Chinese Vietnam Propaganda Posters
WWW.City.Net's Great Map of Vietnam
Vietnam War Stories Hundreds of First Person Memories
World War Two, Korea and "Cold War" Era Links
Click the Logo Above to Go to the KDVA Website.
Joe Appelt BM3's Photo Album- Korea - 1953
Four Circa '62 Rainier Sailors at Yokosuka, Japan
H. Berg, J. Orlando, J. Sanelli and M. Klein (and somebody on the floor)
Fred Flores' Page of BIG Korea Era Photos
Dick Hemingway (Whites)and Bob Merical(Blues) in 1953
Dick Hemingway and Friend- 1953
BMC(Ret.) Paul McDonnell's Pix from 1953-4
POD from 12 MAY 1953 courtesy of Lois Hemingway and
some shots of the Mt. Fuji Lake District R&R Hotels, circa 1953, and the USS Valley Forge.
If you stayed there, tell us about it.
Bill Shelton's Korea Pics- 1953
Rainier Rearms the Cruiser USS Los Angeles- 1950-photos by Fred Keeler, BM2
Orville Hall (Center)and Shipmates with Springfield Rifles. Who are the other guys?
A BIG Selection of WW II Memories of Rainier and her Crew
including the Sketches of Seaman 2c E.M. Parker
and the Remembrances of the late Dr. Mel Davis, Rainier's WW2 ship's surgeon-
Don't Miss this Page !
New!- Includes pictures of Dr. Davis,
courtesy of his son Rob Davis.
Map of Rainiers WW2 Cruises Courtesy of Dave Lenox
USS Mt. Baker's Fatal Collision with a Korean Navy Destroyer_ MAY 1952
Third Class Barber Pete Popoff's Rainier Experience- 1950's
Fred Flores' Korea Photos- 1952
Harold Bahr's Korea Era Pictures- War in Black and White
Memories of Rainier- 1961-63 from Chief Gunner Jake Jacobs
With Lots of Pictures from '61
Patricia Kenney Anderson's Memories of her Dad, Chief Charles Kenney- 1942
The WW2 Vet Page
The US Navy in World War Two
All About the Naval Armed Guard,
and a lot of WWII Merchant Marine
and Liberty and Victory Ship Links
Read the Fascinating History of Olongapo City During WW 2
George Sallet's Diary of a WWII Destroyer Sailor
with a reference
to Rainier at Savo Island/ Guadalcanal - 12AUG42-
Were you there ?
A Fine Korean War Resources Page
Other Interesting Stuff
Your Webmaster Has Other Loyalties- I Had a Great Two Week Reserve Cruise in 1971 aboard the USS Gearing (DD-710) in Italy.
What a difference steering a destroyer at 35 knots compared to the
lumbering Rainier at 12 !
Gearing> operated during the Mediterranean Sixth Fleet Cruise as a Reserve destroyer. Reservists rotated aboard every two weeks. My reserve group had a three day liberty in Rome featuring an audience with the Pope at Castelgandolfo, who gave a blessing to "officers and men of the USS Gearing." We engaged in Operations with SS-483 Sea Leopard (Guppy II class)and engaged in a mock invasion of Sardinia with amphibs, the MArines and the carrier Saratoga. Lt. Vernon E. Clark was Gearing's Engineering Officer. He eventually became Admiral Clark and became
CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS in July 2000!! (I guess that Papal blessing did him loads of good.) I suppose Capt. J.R. Sanderson was in command of Saratoga in '71 as well. Small world out there in the Med.
The Greatest Navy movie of all Times- "The Sand Pebbles."
Finally, Why Do They Call Ships "She" ???
Rainier Reunion Association
Join the Rainier Reunion Association, MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL DUES still only $10.00 per crew member, each year, payable to the Treasurer of the Association. Pay your dues on or before 1st JAN of that year, but dues accepted any time. This entitles you to membership card and your copies of the ERUPTION plus any other pertinent mailing from the Association. This money helps with printing and mailing of the ERUPTION, needed help for the next Reunion & supports the bereavement fund-$50.00 sent to widow of the lost Xrainier Sailor in Good Standing. (Dues Paid.) We take membership dues anytime. ...
If you have some info/tidbits you'd like to share with the membership
in the newsletter or if you'd like to host a reunion in your area,
contact Bill Welch, president and editor, or (918)386-2449
The 2009 officers/board members of the Rainier Reunion Association are:
Bill Welch, Pres/Editor
Paul Summers, Treas.
Bill Balsley, 2009 Reunion Skipper(San Diego Oct 16-18)
Ted Smartt, 2008 Reunion Skipper
Bob Ridenour, Chaplain
Stan Miller, 2009 Reunion MAA
Why Attend a Reunion?
The Official 2008 Reunion Group Photo
More 2008 Reunion Pix- Thanks to Gus Bilderback and
Corky Coker's Tire Company
2008 Reunion Pic #1
2008 Reunion Pic #2
2008 Reunion Pic #3
Official 2007Reunion Group Photo
The USS Rainier Memorial Plaque at the Nimitz Museum-2006.
Erected during the 2006 Reunion.
Official 2006Reunion Group Photo
Official 2005Reunion Group Photo
Official 2004Reunion Group Photo
Official 2003Reunion Group Photo
Official 2002Reunion Group Photo
Official 2001Reunion Group Photo
1985 ReunionNavigator Karl Holm, DCA Bob Langston and EOD/Gunner Chris Seger
We are informed by Gene Chambers that a good time was had by all at this year's Reunion in Chattanooga, TN. Be sure to plan to be at the next Reunion. 2009.
The scuttlebut says it'll be San Diego.
How About a GENUINE USS Rainier Ball Cap?
Only Eight Bucks... cheap
(Plus $2.00 for shipping, etc) To:
Gene Chambers
IOLA, KS. 66749
Telephone: 620-365-2535
Rainier T-Shirts now Available...But not for Long
For you "little" guys, sizes Small to XL- $10.00. For XXL and above- $12.00
Just a few left, and no more in the pipeline. Add $3.00 for Shipping and Handling
Contact Joe Appelt, 117 Deer Trail, Boerne, TX 78006-8959
Tel- 830-249-8575 or E-Mail to
Email Joe to see if your size is still available.
Finally, for just about anything in the
way of apparel, cups, etc. custom
emblazoned with the Rainier image and name, check out
Naval Shopping.Com A little pricey,
but good stuff.
Also check out "Cafe Press" (Google it) for other logo stuff. Search "USS Rainier."
What? Not a Rainier sailor, but want to find YOUR AE reunion?
Check these links...
The AE Sailors Association
For "AE Sailors Assn." information, contact: Jerry King, 1018 Calle Ortega,
San Dimas, CA 91773- Ph. 626-339-9793
The "Blue Water Navy" Site
Careful, Boys...Don't Drop those Shells !
"Any man who may be asked in this century what he did
to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond
with a good deal of pride and satisfaction:
'I served in the United States Navy.'"
-John F. Kennedy
(Remarks at the United States Naval Academy, August 1, 1963
Inspired? Want to Join the Fun ? Click the Golden Anchor
for More Information on a Naval Career.
Click on the Amazon Logo to Find Other Stuff
or Go to Our Amazon Book, Video and CD Store
Here's another book for your consideration- It's not by a Rainier Shipmate but
the suthor promised us a copy to raffle off at the next reunion, so check it out
Appearance of your entry may be delayed a bit as we have to screen log
entries before they're posted to avoid spam and other trash entries.
Read the Guest Log Archives... 1997 to the Present
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume6 08-09
Lots of Interesting Stories and Notes from Your Shipmates
All Contributions of Stories, Photos etc. are Welcomed and Will be Published
(Within the Bounds of Good Taste- Which Might be Asking a Lot from Old AE Sailors !)
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Thanks to our Friends and Critics for These Awards
Which We Dedicate to Our Fallen Shipmates.
"In ocean wastes no poppies blow,
No crosses stand in ordered row,
There young hearts sleep... beneath the wave...
The spirited, the good, the brave,
But stars a constant vigil keep,
For them who lie beneath the deep.."
We have had many inquiries as to this verse- it's origin is in the
poem "In Waters Deep" by 90-year old Eileen Maloney and it has been published in many places,
including most recently, the SS Lane Victory's newsletter the "Anchor Light" -September 2007 Click here for the full text of the poem.
"Some went down to the sea in ships, doing business on the great waters.
They saw the deeds of the Lord, His wondrous works in the deep.
For He commanded and raised the stormy wind, which lifted the waves of the sea.
They mounted up to heaven, they went down to the depths,
Their courage melted away in their evil plight.
They reeled and staggered like drunken men, and were at their wits' end.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
And He delivered them from their distress.
He made the storm be still and the waves of the sea were hushed.
And they were glad because they had quiet
And he brought them to their desired haven.
Let them thank the Lord for His steadfast love
For His wonderful works to the sons of men !
Let them extol him in the congregation of the people
And praise him in the assembly of the elders."
Psalm 107:23-32
We Hope You Enjoyed Your Visit- Come Back Soon.
Should you wish to help support this site's minimal
web hosting expenses, email the webmaster. Thanks.
Our Cool Logos and Banners are Courtesy of Creative Connectivity and Cool Text.Com
Hey Rocky! Watch Me Pull A
out of my Hat !
Oh No! Not Again!
Now Hear This! Read All the Small-Print Legal Stuff
WHEREAS, this website is (c) copyrighted to the extent anything is original. This site has been in development since January 1997, over TEN years! Everything that is not original was intentionally pirated from other sites or donated by our admirers- both of them. The stuff we did steal is usually attributed to it's owner or writer or photographer or whatever, or to whomever stole it from somebody else before we stole it from them. Otherwise, it is more or less public domain. Some content is from US Government sites, mostly the Navy. Thanks. I put up a couple of links to Navy recruiting, so I'm doing my part. Steal whatever you like, if you use it for your own non-profit website purposes. It would be nice to give a link back to this site. If you find your picture here in an embarassing pose or what you consider to be slanderous comments about you, call the Webmaster first, not your lawyer- I am very willing to make it good. I'll print any retraction you want. No animals were harmed in the making of this page. This page does not contain any Chinese lead or Chinese milk, nor was it constructed using old-growth forest products, dolphin parts or spotted owls. This site runs entirely on renewable energy sources, and generates no carbon whatsoever. All parts of this site are Kosher, Vegan and Halal. The US Government and the Navy Department don't sponsor this page and they SURE as hell don't pay for it. (Speaking of which, since you must be really interested if you've read this far, should you wish to help support this site's minimal web hosting expenses, email the webmaster. Thanks for your generous endowment. We'll even give you credit in print.) Furthermore, the US Government, the Navy, the Rainier Reunion Association, our web hosts, Yahoo and our video hosts, Vidilife, your webmaster and anyone else you can think of are not responsible for any lies, half-truths, sea stories or outright fabrications, whether by the webmaster or others who put their two cents worth in. So- don't go complaining to them or us if you rely on sources like this one without checking them against REAL history, like Spanky Temple's best-selling book, We Deliver, You Fire, (which is available on our bookstore page, along with a number of other specially selected Navy-oriented books, movies and music.) We former Rainier sailors are all pretty old now and memories are often a "corrupted file" at our age. If I've betrayed any "military secrets," I didn't know it because nobody ever showed me or told me anything classified that I can remember.
Fair Winds and Following Seas to You
...William Freeman, Webmaster