("If it's peace you want, be prepared for war.") More on This Quote

US Navy Ammunition Ship

USS Rainier, Underway

(Thanks to Bruce Kittredge for the Photo

A Tribute to USS Rainier and Other AE's and AOE's
and Those Who Served Aboard Them

Proud To Be The

Official Historical Web Site of the

USS Rainier Reunion Association

Cool Logo Courtesy of Creative Connectivity


Click the Newspaper
To See What's NEW

On the Rainier Pages

Check in Often.
This Website has been under Constant Development for over Ten Years. New Features, Developments and Voices
From the Past are Added All the Time. The "News" Page is The Best Place to Find Out
About Them Each Time You Visit.
Thanks to Your Support, this Website has Now Expanded to a Capacity of over 500 Megs !
Send in those Pictures, Videos, Memorabilia and Stories.
Email the Webmaster at wfreeman555@hotmail.com.


The tallest peak in the Cascade Range, Mount Rainier towers at a dizzying
14,411 feet (4,392 M). The snow covered peak is blanketed by glaciers year
round. This mountain is known as Mount Tahoma to the Nisqually
Native-American tribe. It waits, dormant but not dead, unlike
USS Rainier, which lives on only in our memories..

Admiral Peter Rainier, Royal Navy (1741-1808),
After whom the mountain was named. He was a
British naval hero of the Revolutionary War-
and Captain George Vancouver's boss. He did much
of his naval career in the East Indies, appropriately enough.
He might not pass the modern Royal Navy physical fitness standards.


"I Am Loading or Unloading Explosives"

Rainier's Flaghoist Callsign : N A U D
Radio Callsign---"BOOKCASE NOVEMBER"
All About International Flag Signals and Signalmen

Ships Patch- Vietnam Era
(Thanks to Larry Matthews)

"We Deliver- You Fire..."
"The Finest in Service Since 1941"

-Ship's Motto-1941 to 1970

"What Are Your Requirements ?"

(Check the Quick Index)
Ship's History Ship's Portraits
Ship's Medals Reunion Info
Photo Album AE-5 T-Shirt/Ballcap
Unrep Videos Rainier Book
AE Links and Rainier Memories Sign the Log, Send E-Mail
About Your Host Our Awards

Email Directory of Former Rainier Sailors

Always "Under Construction" but Now "Up and Running"

Find It Fast Department

Search the Rainier Pages:
Find your shipmates, ships and so forth...

About Your Webmaster...

Bill Freeman, former Quartermaster Third Class, at your service...
I served aboard Rainier from September,1968 to February, 1970. I was a "deck ape" in Division 2 for a while and a QM in the Navigation Division for a while.
That's Me on the right, enjoying boot leave at home. On the left, left, I'm getting fantail watch-standing tips from SN Dave Sommerman in 1968. It's the same spot where Captain James R. Sanderson, himself, caught me "resting my eyes" two hours into the mid-watch after a couple of twenty-hour days of multiple unreps. He tapped me on the shoulder and said "Try to keep alert, Son." Thanks for not having me shot, Captain. After leaving Rainier, I was a member of the Nsval Reserve Center in Alexandria, VA, where I was later discharged as a QM2.

So- What am I doing now? Check out your Webmaster's unabashedly self-promotional Personal Page to see what I've been up to since leaving the Rainier almost forty years ago... I live in Beautiful Rancho Cucamonga, California (yes, there really is a Cucamonga!) on the Mother Road, Route 66, where I'm a Lawyer.

We Deliver,You Fire

is the title of a NEW BOOK about Rainier's operations in Vietnam waters, by Signalman, Artist, High School Teacher and All-Around Renaissance Man, Steven "Spanky" Temple of Vallejo, CA.
Click on the Amazon.com logo to the left and buy a copy. You'll support this website by buying the book here. Buy several copies- put them in your local libraries and give them to the grandkids. And...do some good- Half the profits are donated to the children of those American servicemen who have fallen in the Iraq war. Make Rainier live forever! Show your relatives that those Sea Stories you've told are TRUE!
Says Temple..."Thanks--and remember I am not responsible for making anyone look like a pirate, a degenerate or a war hero."
(I'd say most of us were one (or all) of the above. -Webmaster.)

The Definitive
List of AE's and AOE's

With Pictures, Histories and Stats
Find Your Ship Here
Links to AE and AOE Home Pages and
Reunion Groups

In Memoriam- To Fallen AE Sailors

The USS Mt. Hood Disaster- 1944
The Port Chicago Explosion

A Sister's Poetic Tribute to Shipmate Thomas Schlup (64-68)

"And the sea gave up the dead that were in it,
...and they were judged every man according to their works.
And Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire..."
Revelations 20:13-14

"Being in a Ship is Like Being in Jail...
With a Chance of Being Drowned."

"Every man thinks Meanly of Himself for not having
been a Soldier or not having Been at Sea."
---Dr. Samuel Johnson

(Official Navy Photo)


Rainier's mission was underway replenishment of ammunition to combat ships at sea.
Click on the picture above for an extensive description of the modern technology, signaling
procedures and rigs used in the dangerous task of transfer of ammunition and other commodities at sea.

NEW !!! Rainier Action Videos !
Click on the Name of the Video to go to Vidilife.com to view the video. Then click "back" to return to this page. It might take time to load the video, depending on the speed of your connection.
Video One- Swinging Bombs and the Camden on Approach- 1968.

Video Two- A Destroyer Unrep and an Approaching Carrier- 1968.

Video Three- Unidentified Officer and EM on the Bridge- 1968

Video Four- At Sea- The View from the Bridge- 1968

Video Five- Unrep with USS Galveston CLG-3 1968, Featuring Powder
Can Handlers and Spanky Temple doing Semaphore.

Video Six- USS Davis DD-937 on Approach for Unrep Deck Crew- 1967- Vietnam

Video Seven- Rainier Unreps USS Laws DD-558 in the Sea of Japan, 1952

Video Eight- Holiday Routine- 1968- Barbecue on the Fantail, Baseball and a South China Sea sunset.

Video Nine- Unrep with USS Los Angeles C-135- Korea- 1952

Video Ten- Stages over the Side, Unrep Flag, Sailors, Forklift Driver at Carrier Unrep

Video Eleven- Corpsman, Minesweeper MSO-508, Whaleboat crew, Cook Newman, Various Sailors

All these videos are courtesy of "VIDILIFE.COM," who hosts the videos for us.
Videos shot by Chief Long and other
contributors. Do you have any Super- Eight movies of Rainier action?
Have them converted to DVD. We'd be glad to get them.
We'll even send them back after we copy them.

If you would like to borrow the full-length DVDs, email the Webmaster.
You just have to pay for the postage and you
are free to have them copied if you want to.


For detailed info about all those bombs you handled,try this "Dumb Bomb" website
and this Mark 82 500-pound Bomb website

All About Five-Inch Guns and Projectiles
All About The Three-Inch-Fifty Gun
All About The 16-inch Gun and Projectiles
All About Cluster Bomb Units (CBUs) - (The Cases Made Great Barbecues)

Ship's Portraits-And a Few Candid Shots
1944 to 1970

Rainier Underway

A Rainier Postcard- Circa 1950's- In Need of a Paint Job?
Carrier Unrep A BIG picture- (suitable for framing)- Thanks to Ed Manion
Rainier Circa WW-2 (US Navy photo from ONI Pub. 54-A (unclassified)
Contributed to NavSource by Lou Sander)
Another BIG picture of Rainier Underway
Taken in the 60's and published by Our Navy Magazine.
At Bethlehem Steel Shipyard, SF 1969
Formerly Classified Rainier "Plan" Photos- Mare Island 1943-4 Big and Very Detailed !
Rainier's Bridge, 1968
Rainier Returns to San Francisco- From Her Last Line Trip- April 1970 (Thanx- LTjg Dennis Kelsey)

The View From Carrier USS Hancock Approaching Rainier for Unrep- 1964

Korea Era Rainier Christmas card-(Chas. Langley)
A Detailed Port Bow Shot of Rainier, circa 1962, Courtesy of Richard Ellis.
Photographer unknown.
A Magnificent Painting of Rainier Underway- by "Lloyd"- circa 1942
(Thanks to Patricia K. Anderson)
Korea- JAN 52 USS Wisconsin (BB64), USS Rainier (AE5), and USS Antietam CV36

Swim Call in Mid Pacific- 1961
Stbd Side Aft at Swim Call- 1961
Main Deck Forward, 1960
Rainier in Port- 1953- Where? by Dick Hemingway
At Sea- 1960
Rainier at Sasebo- 1953 Courtesy Bill Shelton (Over 1 mb)
Rainier At Guam- 1960 Swim Call-1961
(Thanks to GMCS Jacobs for these pictures)


For You Snipes- The Top of the Main Engine- 1952
The Engine Room- 1952by Bill Shelton
The Bottom of the Engine

The Main Boiler- 1952- Thanks to Mike Klein and Gene Chambers for The Engineering Pix
Rainier in Drydock- Closeup of the Screw by Bill Shelton

Pearl Harbor- 1969
Another shor of Pearl Harbor- 1969


The Ship's Bell has been Enshrined Aboard AOE-7. Here are some recent photos:
The AE-5's Bell
Another Shot of the Ship's Bell Aboard USNS Rainier AOE-7
The Crack in the Ship's Bell
(Thanks to BM2 Jason Echevarria, USS Rainier (AOE-7) for These Photos)
Rainier Logo Zippo Lighters
While we're Smoking... Here are some fine
1951-2 Rainier Ashtrays from Gene Chambers
A Commissioning Postmark from Rainier- 22 DEC 41
Another Rainier Postal Cachet- 1961
The Ships Plaque
AnotherPlaque from 1962

A Very Nice Large Rainier Patch
Courtesy of George Crofton, USAF
More Rainier Ship's Patch Graphics You Can Download and Use for...Whatever:
LARGE PATCH- Makes Great Wallpaper for your Computer
...Medium Patch...Small Patch
(All Courtesy of George Crofton)
Shoulder Patch- USS Rainier
Gunnery Gang Patch- 1961 Thanks to Chief Gunner Jacobs
Ship's "Turtle" Patch Circa 1965- Thanks to Rick Surran SM3

Deck-Ape Patch- Circa 1966 (Actually WORN IN PUBLIC by Frank Ushler)

Darryl Innskeep's AE Patch Collection (from the USS Vesuvius page.)

Hey, Ladies, See How the Navy Provides "Thirteen Chances to Say NO !"
Rainier's Battle Efficiency "E"
Electrical Gang Patch- 1963
(Thanks to shipmate Paul Tyson)
A VERY COOL MYSTERY PATCH- Who Made it and When ?

If you think you know, call Shipmate Deryl Hollway, (tel # 707-882-2255)
who graciously sent it to us.


Read The

USS Rainier's 30-Year History

Rainier's Captains- Photos and Bios

500-Pounders on Deck with Fins- Vietnam- 1969

The MEDALS earned by Rainier 1941 to 1970

A Description of the Medals

Rainier was Decommissioned in August, 1970 at Mare Island, California
and was Transferred to the Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility.

Rainier Logo- c. 1950

Those Old AE's weren't Pretty, but...
Keep a Civil Tongue in your Head, Matey !

"We sailors are jealous for our vessels.
Abuse us if you will, but have a care
for what you say of our ships. We alone
are entitled to call them bitches, wet brutes,
stubborn craft- but we will stand for no such
liberties from the beach."

-Sir David William Bone

A Toast to a Noble Ship !

Rainier Beer-

The "Official" Libation of the USS Rainier-

Remember the Rainier Beer Clock in the Wardroom ? We have it on "good authority" (the official "Remembrances" of the late Dr. Mel Davis,
Medical Officer of Rainier in 1943-5), that the Rainier Brewery
contributed lots of cases of beer
for the "recreation parties" of the Crew.
Here's a few of the crew drinking some of it...on some miserable unidentified atoll during WW2.

Sketch by Seaman 2c EM Parker

NEW !!!Another Account of the Rainier
Brewery's "Special" Relationship with the USS Rainier"

And...In Memory of the nearly defunct Rainier Brewery,
The History of the Rainier Brewing Company
And, Rainier Beer Sea Story sent in by a Shipmate.


This picture was taken on 14 DEC 69 at Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, when
Rainier conducted an at-anchor replenishment of the USS Henry W. Tucker (DD-875)
A previous attempt at sea had been unsuccessful.
Tucker's heavy attachment gear had been damaged during a
previous refueling. A boom was rigged out and the destroyer's
ammunition requirements were met, allowing Tucker to fulfill its
firing commitments.
More about the Tucker's Vietnam Era exploits
(That final replenishment capped a long line period characterized
by high winds and up to 20-foot seas.)
A Little Rough that day, alright...I loved it. Reminds me of a verse...

"A strong Norwester's blowing, Bill.
Hark ! Don't you hear it roar now ?
Lord, help 'em... how I pities them
Unhappy folks on shore now !"

-Read the entire poem by Charles Dibdin

Photo Album

Shipmates from all Eras...Recognize Anyone ?

Webmaster and Nav Division Cohorts Layne and Hickman-1969
Webmaster Taking the Oath to "Support and Defend..."
Webmaster- leaning on bomb fins stacked on deck.
The Webmaster- Classic Table Shot, Olongapo- 1968
Shipmate (1965-1968) Ken Urban RM3 and wife Barb, in Hawaii shortly before his passing in June 2008.
LT Robert Ryland, Ops Officer, on the Bridge- 1970 Deck Apes at Grande Island- 1968
Deck Apes Resting on Fins

LTjg Kelsey and QMSN Henke, on the Bridge
Heroic Pic of the Webmaster on Deck- 1969.
Navigator LTjg Larry Butts at the Chart Table
(Captain Sanderson in the background)-1969
A Page about Captain James Sanderson
First Lieutenant LT Goodin leaving the ship at NAS Alameda- 1969
QM3 Henke at the Wheel
A 2006 Reunion of the OPS Department featuring Aulenta, Heist, Scott, Temple, Stewart
and Erma Ragle at the Rick Ragle Memorial Bench.
Another OPS Reunion-2006 pic.
And Another
LTjg Chris Seger at Change of Command- 1965, Subic Bay
QM Jim Spence in 1952 and QM Spence in 2005
"Seventh Fleet", a former Rainier sailor, Bobby Clements, honored by Frugal Squirrels


G'Day, Mates ! The Australian destroyer HMAS Hobart, off the
coast of North Vietnam. Leading Electrical Mechanic Trevor London hands a cordite
container to Leading Seaman Fire Control Derryl Beswick,
during an unrep with the USS Rainier - 1967. Thanks to Australian Navy Archive.

Some More Aussies-

The HMAS Hobart's crew displays their Unrep Flag from the 60's.
Another shot of the Unrep Flag flying from the mast.
(Don't complain to the Webmaster- We know their flag isn't "politically correct."
Aussie sailor Signalman Dave Sutherland tells us that the flag was merely meant
to signify they came from the "Southern Part" of the planet,
and that in 1970, the CO would not let them fly the flag due to negative
connotations of the Stars and Bars design, notwithstanding
the Kangaroo in the middle.
HMAS Hobart's breakaway music was "Ghost Riders in the Sky."
(The "Stars and Bars" motif is derived from the "Southern Cross" design which
is also famous in its own right in Australia as the
"Eureka" flag, dating back to 1865 when it was the banner
of a small band of miners and their militia who were rebelling against
the British government, supported by Californians and Canadians who
went to Australia after the California Gold Rush.
There, the racial overtones of the Confederate flag are not present.

LTjg Chris Seger (bearing an uncanny resemblance to a young JFK)
with ComServPac at the 5th Consecutive Battle Efficiency "E" Presentation to Rainier- about 1965.
First Line Over- 1965
Seaman (later Radioman)Brandy and Friends- 1969 (Photo by S. Temple)

RM3 Bill Abbott and RD3 Jimmy "Colonel" Stewart, Sasebo- 1969
GMG2 Phil Collier's Pics - '67 to '70.
LTjg(SC) Jim Allan Comes Home- 1967 Mike Klein's Early 60's Photo Page
Radarman Jim Conrod's Photos- 1968 to 1970
Tom Hauser's Memories- 67-68
Memories of Jerry Easter, SK3 (1961 to 1962)

Your Webmaster as a Legal Yeoman in Boot Camp, 1968, Great Lakes

Spanky Temple and "Friends" at an Olongapo Drinking Establishment- about 1968.

Bill Huffman SK3- (1956) And another of Bill- all Shined up and Ready for Liberty at Port Chi.
Three-Inch Gunfire- 1963- A Great Shot by LTjg Bob Langston, DCA,
who took it from the after porthole
of the space where his GQ station was located,
main deck aft. Bob caught the muzzle blast
of the 3"50 cal. at the exact moment it exited the barrel. Thanks to Chris Seger.
Radioman Ed Manion's Olongapo and Grande Island Bar Tableshots- 1967 Mostly Ops Dept.
Deck Ape and GMG3 Warren Macheledt's Pics of High Times at Grande Island and Elsewhere - '67 to 68

LT Robert Ryland (with his signature coffee cup and saucer)
and LTjg Larry Butts- 1969- OPS and Navigator
The 1951 Electrical Gang
Plan of the Day- 1953

Charlie Brown, Boatswain (right)
The Mess Deck- Can You Guess the Date?
Mess Deck at Thanksgiving- 1952-by Bill Shelton
Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
The 10,000th Ton Transferred, 1968Photo by Ted Edge

Boatcrew 2nd Div. 1968) BM Smith was the boat coxswain,
Crevey was the bow line seaman. Clifford Ashley EN3 was the engineer.
The China Seas Club- Subic Bay
Sasebo, Japan Fleet Landing

SN Freeman, QMSN Layne and SN Zimmerman at the New Happy "Stand" Bar, Sasebo- February, 1969.
Downtown Olongapo- 1968
BM2 Ernie Low. 1st Division- 67-70 - Back Home and All Grown Up. Some Rainier Sailors- 1967 (From Frank Ushler BM2)
Some more Pix from Frank Ushler- mid 60's
A Filipino All-Girl Band
Rainier and USS Markab AR-23 and USS Pictor AF-54 at Alameda
Bill Shelton's Page of Korea Era Pictures
Ground Zero at Nagasaki- 1969
The Lone Ranger- on the USS Ranger.
Fantail, Ammo Pier, Subic Bay- 1968
Supply Division on Deck- 1950
A Cool Picture of an Unrep by John Simmons. Not the Rainier but it COULD have been.
Orville J. Hall and Friends- WW II Era- Who are the Pals?
Bob Merical's Pics of Dick Hemingway and Unreps
Another Page of Mike Klein's 1963 Era Pix
Oliver "Chi" Norwood's '67 to '70 Memories and Photos
Main Deck Forward Deckload
Port Side, Fwrd by Joe Lenz-'66 (Thanks, Joe)
Bridge- Port Side by Lenz
SMSN Joe Lenz- 1966"
Another Shot of a Deckload of Fins, Forward

Carrier Approach for Unrep (photo by Leonard Layne)

SN Lacey Sutherland and his wife Nita, Meet the Ship at Port Chi-April 1970(Thanks- D.Kelsey)
A Page of SN Richard Ellis' Pix From 1961-2
More of Ellis' Pics-
1961- Jimmy Pigron of Lafayette, LA and Barney Cruz, Hollister, CA
and...Richard Ellis and Ransom McLamb at Tiger Balm Gardens, Hong Kong-1962
Dick Hemingway's Korea Era Photos
RIP- Dick Hemingway's Obituary- 2007
POD from 12 MAY 1953 courtesy of Lois Hemingway and
some shots of the Mt. Fuji Lake District R&R Hotels, circa 1953, and the USS Valley Forge.
If you stayed there, tell us about it.
Dick Hemingway's Boot Camp Class at San Diego, April 1952. Hemingway is 2nd row from the back, third in from the right. (Thanks to Lois.)
SN Rudy De La Rosa- 1966 in Olongapo Courtesy of Classmates.Com
Three Deck Apes- 1968
A Scrapbook of Vietnam Era Goodies
(More coming up...soon.)
Feel free to e-mail your favorites-
We'll publish them all !

The Webmaster's Sea Stories and Shipmates-Vietnam Era

You Might Find Yourself !

Damage Control "Near-Misses"-
"Fire in the Paint Locker !!"


CHRISTMAS aboard Rainier was always an "event"...
A few holiday memories... The tree they high-lined over from the "Camden"...
they set it up in the mess decks just before the air
conditioning went down- it lost every needle seemingly
overnight. Here's a photo of that pathetic tree.
And Father Gibney's Christmas Visit to Rainier was one to Remember.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Rainier's 1969 Christmas Card. Another card from some other time.
The Christmas, 1942 card, the front
and the inside.

(Thanks to Patricia Kenney Anderson.)
And here's a "Greeting" packed along with cigarettes sold in the ship's store in the '60s.
The Christmas Menu-1968, Chief Cook Wazenkewitz and his commissary crew
served Turkey and Ham and all the trimmings...
with four kinds of pie and fruitcake.
Captain Smith popped his head in through the mess deck door and,
in the midst of the crew's Christmas party in '68,
made a Christmas "speech" we'll always remember
"...Merry Christmas...", he growled,...and he was gone.
Was that the Christmas Day we were diverted from a rendevous with the New Jersey
and a Bob Hope Show to off load the Vesuvius (AE-15)?
We did get a "so sorry you couldn't make it" note from
actressAnn-Margaret the same day !

A Sailor's Christmas, from Don Nolan


Read the Rainier "Family-Grams" from the Vietnam Era.

Monthly letters from the Captain to keep the Folks at Home informed.


One of the Great Works of Naval Literature: "THE AMMO CREW"-- A Classic Poem in Honor of the Ammo Ship Sailor written by Archie Trader, one of
the few Survivors of the USS Mt. Hood explosion in 1943, updated a bit to reflect the continuing saga of the AE sailor of today.

Happy New Year !...Read the MidWatch QM Log entry for 1 JAN 69 by QM3 Leonard Layne ?
And- Read this View of the MidWatch from Another Perspective. We Few, We Happy Few, We Band of Brothers
How Long Have you Been a Sailor?
The Old Answer to the Old Question
More Original AE Poetry-
USS Essex Sailors' view of the Life
of a Rainier Sailor- "Heaven and Hell"- c. 1951
The authors of "Heaven and Hell" highlining from Essex into "Hell" Thanks to Gene Chambers for this old pic of a rare double personnel highlining.
The "Seniors" of the WW2 Generation Have to Learn to Sacrifice ! (A commentary)
NEW ! Ode to the Blackshoe Navy- "I Like the Navy"
Ever been taken in by one of those
Errands for Landlubbers ?

NEW! Naval Terminology Test- How many do you Remember?
Did you get an Invitation to this Working Party ?

Were you a "Real Chief" ?

Do You Miss the Joys of Navy Life? Recreate it at Home With these Guidelines.

One More Masterpece of Naval Literature...
"This is My Swab" by Alan T. Peto
Apologies to the Marines for That One...

Click on the Amazon Logo to Find Your Own Naval Literature.

Try Entering -We Deliver You Fire-
to find and order Spanky Temple's book about Rainier.

Your purchases help support the Rainier Website. Or, go the our
Amazon book store for some suggested nautical books.
Speaking of Naval Literature, why not create some yourself?
Get out those word processors (or typewriters for you WW2 guys)and
write us about yopur Rainier experiences, or whatever else you want
to talk about.
Your webmaster read that 3,000 (!) World War Two
veterans die each month. Their personal stories and the history of that
time are dying with them, and ought to be preserved for upcoming generations.
This is one place to do it. Write it all down. YOU may
not think your particular story is very important, but someone, sometime,
somewhere will be glad you did. If for no other reason, write it all down
for your own family. Then- send a copy to us. Your story might make the
next edition of the book "We Deliver-You Fire."
Do you want some ideas as to how to write your story?
Check this website of the Memories of a Destroyerman in WW II
for some pointers. Just think what your memoirs
would mean to your great-grandchildren !

Bravo Zulu-- Well Done !

Another Bunch of Photos:

A Page of Chiefs and Capt Barnett -1964
Change of Command Ceremony- 1961
Passing Corregidor- 1968
Chief Gunner Neil Long in 1999- (second from the right) with his USS Roanoke shipmates.
An Interesting Page about the History of
Ltjg Dennis Kelsey, SN Willie Williams of the Frozen North and BM3 Oblinger at the China Seas Club- Grande Island- 1969
More about the Legendary Willie Williams

"Happy" Sailor Returning From Liberty- '69- Subic Bay
< A Life Magazine Cover from 1965 Cruiser OK City Shelling the Vietnam Coast
Grande Island, P.I.-'69(SN Flanagan, ENS Dave Little
of the USS Carronade (IFS-1) and QM3 Freeman
The Gentle Club, Olongapo City, PI-about '67
A Rough Unrep- The Tucker ?
Another Shot of the Gentle Club, complete with Shore Patrol and Jeepney- c.'67

Your Webmaster in Boot Camp- Great Lakes, 1968.

[We've Moved these Links from Page 2 for your Convenience. General AE Lore is still on the Links Page

The Vietnam Era: Westpac and the P.I.
Yesterday and Today

The Tonkin Gulf Incident- Some Personal Memories of the Day the War "Started"
The Greatest song of the Vietnam Era- Country Joe's "Feeling Like I'm Fixin to Die Rag". Read about it, listen to it and read the lyrics
The Ships of the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club With Links to Dozens of Ship Web Sites.
A Great Site Full of Memorabilia about Subic Bay- 1945 to 1981
So What If It's a Bit "Marine-Oriented?" It gets better all the time.

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club- Adventures on Yankee Station
Visit the China Fleet and Alliance Clubs of Hong Kong and Yokosuka, Japan- Then and Now
(Thanks to Mike Klein)
Bobby Clements' Vietnam Memories- 63-67
LT Tom Stuart's Memories- The View From the Bridge
You might not Recognize the New Subic Bay !

Subic Bay Ammo Pier
A Detailed Map of Downtown Olongapo Find your Favorite Sleazy Dive.
But- you will recognize these aerial photos of Subic Bay, circa 1965- Photo 1 and Photo 2 (from the NavSource site).
Did you Visit Pagsanjan Falls ?
If you did, check this US stamp printed in
1932 for the Philippines, that was supposed to
show Pagsanjan Falls- Instead they used a
picture of Vernal Falls in Yosemite National Park, California.
Your government at work !!

We know times have changed out there, and Fosters, Bud Light, Miller Draft,
Corona and Coors are available, but, with
apologies to the late lamented Rainier Brewing
Company, there is only one truly tropical nautical
beer - the one that John Wayne, Ward Bond
and the rest of that P.T. Boat crew drank in
that little bar on Zamboanga in the 1943 movie "They Were
Expendible." Except for the kid that had to drink
milk because he wasn't 21 yet...San Miguel ! The Mother's Milk of Downtown Olongapo City.
(Thanks to the P.R. of Diego Garcia's webpage for that observation.)
Memories of FT Al Dickerson- Aboard the "U.S.S.R."- 1967-8
Ever Wonder What Happened to Rainier's Holiday Ensign? Read Radioman Ed Manion's 66-70 Memories (A Work in Progress)
SM3 Steven Temple's Memories of Westpac- 1967 to 70
Are these the original notes for his now-famous book "We Deliver-You Fire" ?
The VietVet Page
Some "Surprising" Vietnam War/ Vietnam Vet Statistics
Charles Paige'sWESTPAC Memories- From the USS Midway-1968-72- A fine piece of literature.
The Webmaster's Nostalgic Cruise on the victory ship SS Lane Victory
The First Cav's "Hanoi Jane" Website, The Girl you Love to Hate

And, Speaking of Propaganda...

1965 Chinese Poster- "Oppose the Invasion of the Democratic Republic
of Vietnam by the Reactionary Americans."
(Think about this one next time you shop for cheap electronics.)
More Vietnamese and Chinese Vietnam Propaganda Posters

WWW.City.Net's Great Map of Vietnam
Vietnam War Stories Hundreds of First Person Memories

World War Two, Korea and "Cold War" Era Links

Click the Logo Above to Go to the KDVA Website.
Joe Appelt BM3's Photo Album- Korea - 1953
Four Circa '62 Rainier Sailors at Yokosuka, Japan
H. Berg, J. Orlando, J. Sanelli and M. Klein (and somebody on the floor)
Fred Flores' Page of BIG Korea Era Photos
Dick Hemingway (Whites)and Bob Merical(Blues) in 1953
Dick Hemingway and Friend- 1953
BMC(Ret.) Paul McDonnell's Pix from 1953-4
POD from 12 MAY 1953 courtesy of Lois Hemingway and
some shots of the Mt. Fuji Lake District R&R Hotels, circa 1953, and the USS Valley Forge.
If you stayed there, tell us about it.


Bill Shelton's Korea Pics- 1953
Rainier Rearms the Cruiser USS Los Angeles- 1950-photos by Fred Keeler, BM2
Orville Hall (Center)and Shipmates with Springfield Rifles. Who are the other guys?
A BIG Selection of WW II Memories of Rainier and her Crew
including the Sketches of Seaman 2c E.M. Parker
and the Remembrances of the late Dr. Mel Davis, Rainier's WW2 ship's surgeon-
Don't Miss this Page !
New!- Includes pictures of Dr. Davis,
courtesy of his son Rob Davis.
Map of Rainiers WW2 Cruises Courtesy of Dave Lenox
USS Mt. Baker's Fatal Collision with a Korean Navy Destroyer_ MAY 1952
Third Class Barber Pete Popoff's Rainier Experience- 1950's
Fred Flores' Korea Photos- 1952
Harold Bahr's Korea Era Pictures- War in Black and White
Memories of Rainier- 1961-63 from Chief Gunner Jake Jacobs
With Lots of Pictures from '61
Patricia Kenney Anderson's Memories of her Dad, Chief Charles Kenney- 1942
The WW2 Vet Page
The US Navy in World War Two
All About the Naval Armed Guard,
and a lot of WWII Merchant Marine
and Liberty and Victory Ship Links
Read the Fascinating History of Olongapo City During WW 2

George Sallet's Diary of a WWII Destroyer Sailor with a reference
to Rainier at Savo Island/ Guadalcanal - 12AUG42-
Were you there ?
A Fine Korean War Resources Page

Other Interesting Stuff

Your Webmaster Has Other Loyalties- I Had a Great Two Week Reserve Cruise in 1971 aboard the USS Gearing (DD-710) in Italy.
What a difference steering a destroyer at 35 knots compared to the
lumbering Rainier at 12 !
Gearing operated during the Mediterranean Sixth Fleet Cruise as a Reserve destroyer. Reservists rotated aboard every two weeks. My reserve group had a three day liberty in Rome featuring an audience with the Pope at Castelgandolfo, who gave a blessing to "officers and men of the USS Gearing." We engaged in Operations with SS-483 Sea Leopard (Guppy II class)and engaged in a mock invasion of Sardinia with amphibs, the MArines and the carrier Saratoga. Lt. Vernon E. Clark was Gearing's Engineering Officer. He eventually became Admiral Clark and became CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS in July 2000!! (I guess that Papal blessing did him loads of good.) I suppose Capt. J.R. Sanderson was in command of Saratoga in '71 as well. Small world out there in the Med.
The Greatest Navy movie of all Times- "The Sand Pebbles."
Finally, Why Do They Call Ships "She" ???

Rainier Reunion Association

Join the Rainier Reunion Association, MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL DUES still only $10.00 per crew member, each year, payable to the Treasurer of the Association. Pay your dues on or before 1st JAN of that year, but dues accepted any time. This entitles you to membership card and your copies of the ERUPTION plus any other pertinent mailing from the Association. This money helps with printing and mailing of the ERUPTION, needed help for the next Reunion & supports the bereavement fund-$50.00 sent to widow of the lost Xrainier Sailor in Good Standing. (Dues Paid.) We take membership dues anytime. ...

If you have some info/tidbits you'd like to share with the membership
in the newsletter or if you'd like to host a reunion in your area,
contact Bill Welch, president and editor, scrapped1@yahoo.com or (918)386-2449

The 2009 officers/board members of the Rainier Reunion Association are:
Bill Welch, Pres/Editor
Paul Summers, Treas.
Bill Balsley, 2009 Reunion Skipper(San Diego Oct 16-18)
Ted Smartt, 2008 Reunion Skipper
Bob Ridenour, Chaplain
Stan Miller, 2009 Reunion MAA


The 2008 Rainier Reunion was held in Chattanooga, TN.
Click for the 2009 Rainier Reunion Information

Why Attend a Reunion?


The Official 2008 Reunion Group Photo
More 2008 Reunion Pix- Thanks to Gus Bilderback and Corky Coker's Tire Company
2008 Reunion Pic #1
2008 Reunion Pic #2
2008 Reunion Pic #3

Official 2007Reunion Group Photo
The USS Rainier Memorial Plaque at the Nimitz Museum-2006.
Erected during the 2006 Reunion.
Official 2006Reunion Group Photo
Official 2005Reunion Group Photo
Official 2004Reunion Group Photo
Official 2003Reunion Group Photo
Official 2002Reunion Group Photo
Official 2001Reunion Group Photo
1985 ReunionNavigator Karl Holm, DCA Bob Langston and EOD/Gunner Chris Seger

We are informed by Gene Chambers that a good time was had by all at this year's Reunion in Chattanooga, TN. Be sure to plan to be at the next Reunion. 2009.
The scuttlebut says it'll be San Diego.

About a GENUINE USS Rainier Ball Cap?
Only Eight Bucks... cheap
(Plus $2.00 for shipping, etc) To:
Gene Chambers
IOLA, KS. 66749
Telephone: 620-365-2535
Rainier T-Shirts now Available...But not for Long
For you "little" guys, sizes Small to XL- $10.00. For XXL and above- $12.00
Just a few left, and no more in the pipeline. Add $3.00 for Shipping and Handling
Contact Joe Appelt, 117 Deer Trail, Boerne, TX 78006-8959
Tel- 830-249-8575 or E-Mail to bfajpa@boernenet.com
Email Joe to see if your size is still available.
Finally, for just about anything in the
way of apparel, cups, etc. custom
emblazoned with the Rainier image and name, check out
Naval Shopping.Com A little pricey,
but good stuff.
Also check out "Cafe Press" (Google it) for other logo stuff. Search "USS Rainier."

What? Not a Rainier sailor, but want to find YOUR AE reunion?
Check these links...
The AE Sailors Association

For "AE Sailors Assn." information, contact: Jerry King, 1018 Calle Ortega,
San Dimas, CA 91773- Ph. 626-339-9793
Email dd694@adelphia.net

Navy - Together We Served

The "Blue Water Navy" Site

Careful, Boys...Don't Drop those Shells !

"Any man who may be asked in this century what he did
to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond
with a good deal of pride and satisfaction:
'I served in the United States Navy.'"
-John F. Kennedy
(Remarks at the United States Naval Academy, August 1, 1963
Inspired? Want to Join the Fun ? Click the Golden Anchor

for More Information on a Naval Career.


Click on the Amazon Logo to Find Other Stuff
or Go to Our Amazon Book, Video and CD Store

Here's another book for your consideration- It's not by a Rainier Shipmate but
the suthor promised us a copy to raffle off at the next reunion, so check it out


Appearance of your entry may be delayed a bit as we have to screen log
entries before they're posted to avoid spam and other trash entries.
Read the Guest Log Archives... 1997 to the Present
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume6 08-09
Lots of Interesting Stories and Notes from Your Shipmates

The Mail Buoy
Send an Email to the Webmaster


All Contributions of Stories, Photos etc. are Welcomed and Will be Published
(Within the Bounds of Good Taste- Which Might be Asking a Lot from Old AE Sailors !)
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Thanks to our Friends and Critics for These Awards
Which We Dedicate to Our Fallen Shipmates.
"In ocean wastes no poppies blow,
No crosses stand in ordered row,
There young hearts sleep... beneath the wave...
The spirited, the good, the brave,
But stars a constant vigil keep,
For them who lie beneath the deep.."

We have had many inquiries as to this verse- it's origin is in the
poem "In Waters Deep" by 90-year old Eileen Maloney and it has been published in many places,
including most recently, the SS Lane Victory's newsletter the "Anchor Light" -September 2007 Click here for the full text of the poem.

"Some went down to the sea in ships, doing business on the great waters.
They saw the deeds of the Lord, His wondrous works in the deep.
For He commanded and raised the stormy wind, which lifted the waves of the sea.
They mounted up to heaven, they went down to the depths,
Their courage melted away in their evil plight.
They reeled and staggered like drunken men, and were at their wits' end.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
And He delivered them from their distress.
He made the storm be still and the waves of the sea were hushed.
And they were glad because they had quiet
And he brought them to their desired haven.
Let them thank the Lord for His steadfast love
For His wonderful works to the sons of men !
Let them extol him in the congregation of the people
And praise him in the assembly of the elders."
Psalm 107:23-32

We Hope You Enjoyed Your Visit- Come Back Soon.
Should you wish to help support this site's minimal
web hosting expenses, email the webmaster. Thanks.

Our Cool Logos and Banners are Courtesy of Creative Connectivity and Cool Text.Com
Hey Rocky! Watch Me Pull A
out of my Hat !
Oh No! Not Again!

Now Hear This! Read All the Small-Print Legal Stuff

WHEREAS, this website is (c) copyrighted to the extent anything is original. This site has been in development since January 1997, over TEN years! Everything that is not original was intentionally pirated from other sites or donated by our admirers- both of them. The stuff we did steal is usually attributed to it's owner or writer or photographer or whatever, or to whomever stole it from somebody else before we stole it from them. Otherwise, it is more or less public domain. Some content is from US Government sites, mostly the Navy. Thanks. I put up a couple of links to Navy recruiting, so I'm doing my part. Steal whatever you like, if you use it for your own non-profit website purposes. It would be nice to give a link back to this site. If you find your picture here in an embarassing pose or what you consider to be slanderous comments about you, call the Webmaster first, not your lawyer- I am very willing to make it good. I'll print any retraction you want. No animals were harmed in the making of this page. This page does not contain any Chinese lead or Chinese milk, nor was it constructed using old-growth forest products, dolphin parts or spotted owls. This site runs entirely on renewable energy sources, and generates no carbon whatsoever. All parts of this site are Kosher, Vegan and Halal. The US Government and the Navy Department don't sponsor this page and they SURE as hell don't pay for it. (Speaking of which, since you must be really interested if you've read this far, should you wish to help support this site's minimal web hosting expenses, email the webmaster. Thanks for your generous endowment. We'll even give you credit in print.) Furthermore, the US Government, the Navy, the Rainier Reunion Association, our web hosts, Yahoo and our video hosts, Vidilife, your webmaster and anyone else you can think of are not responsible for any lies, half-truths, sea stories or outright fabrications, whether by the webmaster or others who put their two cents worth in. So- don't go complaining to them or us if you rely on sources like this one without checking them against REAL history, like Spanky Temple's best-selling book, We Deliver, You Fire, (which is available on our Amazon.com bookstore page, along with a number of other specially selected Navy-oriented books, movies and music.) We former Rainier sailors are all pretty old now and memories are often a "corrupted file" at our age. If I've betrayed any "military secrets," I didn't know it because nobody ever showed me or told me anything classified that I can remember.
Fair Winds and Following Seas to You
...William Freeman, Webmaster