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Breeding Babies For Satan
Draconis Blackthorne


he Prince of Darkness has spread His mighty wings; He gathers the children of the world in His black embrace. The daemon seeds are spawned in their fertile minds, creating new generations of infernal earthly legions. The brilliant black light beams forth from their eyes, melting away the hardened crust of unnatural programming, thus preserving & stimulating the almighty imagination, allowing for the widest spechtrum of expressions. They develop in purity, continually evolving unto their own individualistic, daemonic splendour.

The spirit of SATAN haunts across the airwaves, infiltrating occultly form the shadows, conjuring gothic spechtres from the second dimension. The morbid phantoms prepare the way from Hell, for the Dark Lord's resurrection, & His eternal rule. His words have already been spoken; He has shown Himself in many forms. The internal altars have been molded, & the carnal temples built. Now, He steps forth in utter glory. The cries of the damned have turned into sounds of indulgence & joy. The Children of Darkness are reborn...

Goliath of Gargoyles

Every day, tens of thousands of children tune in to such Satanimations as Gargoyles, X-Men, Batman, & Deathstalkers, among others.

In each one of these programs, the heroes are all of the traditionally villainous {Satanic} aesthetic, & Lex Talionis reigns supreme. The wider acceptance of Satanic artistry & philosophy is really picking up steam these days. Not to mention some of the fantastic movies "spawned" from comic books & novels. Batman, The Crow, Interview With The Vampire, The Shadow, X-Men, The Addams Family.........

People from all walks of life have become avid viewers. Cartoons have reached a higher maturity level, which both catches the attention of younger audiences, while teaching the Lex Satanicus doctrine. I.e., the Darwinian battle for life & survival. Most of the best TV stuff is animated.

Satanimation is repleat with Gothic images, trapezoidal angles, diabolical heroes, with just as much an understanding of love & nobility, as vengeance, hatred, & ruthlessness. The villain & the hero have merged into one entity, & serves as a more realistic reflection of ourselves. Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde have found a resolution. Bruce Banner has meged with the Hulk. The bestial & the divine, the animal & the civilized - the devil in a top hat. Satan the gentleman. Perhaps the character that best exeplifies this balance is "Goliath" of the Gothic Satanic masterpiece Gargoyles. Another example of this, is the charming "Beast" of The X-Men, & Batman has always been a Satanic archetype. Sometime in the near future, I predict that The X-Men will be made into a movie, & a modernized Green Hornet will make a comeback. There certainly is no shortage of past orthodoxies in Satanimation! All time is now, as scenes frequently flash between the past & the present, in a futuristic, architectural amalgam of Gothic, Rennaissance, Mideival, Noir, modern, & futuristic eras, Most detailed in the Gotham City skyline, & the residents' homes.

The female characters are bringing about the TRUE spirit of Feminism, with Satanic Witchery slinking across the screen, instead of the femasculist nihilism subgendered by the androgenoid faddists these confused days. Satanimation is the last sanctuary for many little girls who watch & learn, & conduct herself to look like a REAL Lady. The characters personalities are strong & assertive, yet graceful, & truly beautiful, forming an aesthetic impression that becomes intigrated in the psyche, that will reap her great rewards, providing she develops to her highest Satanic potential, by observing these images, & eventually reading THE SATANIC WITCH by Anton Szandor LaVey, when she reaches maturity.

Merchandising for Satanimation is tremendous. Toys, seemingly fashioned by many little imps, are frequently sold-out in stores, especially the "Spawn" line, from which a movie was made, with a soundtrack that included Reverand Marilyn Manson.

The machiavellian world of Satanimation lends the Satanic aesthetic to both "good" & "evil". The day of the sheep is over.

Now, to more dramatic extents, the truth that has always been, is shattering the false hopes of the rotten righteous. True life is in the fact that We are predators, & the characters' actions, speech, & visuals exemplify this. Here are some brief reviews of some of the more prominant shows:

Goliath of Gargoyles


Alienated mutants brought under the guidance & care of Professor Xavier. In the mansion, these special individuals learn to access, control, & direct their mighty abilities. A code of nobility is adhered to by these prototype Satanic characters. The simularities between Dr. LaVey, The Church Of Satan, & Satanists, is obvious.

Non-stop action, high quality animation, very interesting characters, stimulating storylines, & ethical relativity contained therein.

Goliath of Gargoyles


The classic vigilante who lurks in the shadows, in the form of a bat-like phantom continues to crush the rotten. He always carries the psychological advantage, as the criminals are caught off-guard by the shock of his appearance. Sound familiar? Gotham is a prime example of a total environment. Batman is the personification of the Satanist in many ways. Although personally, I think he spends too much time on saving worthless enemies & stupid people.

Bruce Wayne, the wealthy gigglo, preys on females when not preying on foes. He utilizes his eccentricity & resources to enforce Lex Talionis & Diabolic Justice. Gothic imagery abounds. Superb theme by Danny Elfman.

Goliath of Gargoyles


"It was a time of darkness... it was the age of gargoyles!" ever wonder what gargoyles did after dark? This is the main premise behind this marvellous Satanimation. The ancient gargoylesawakened by Sorcery into the modern world. With them, comes chivalry & nobility. But also, a host of enemies to contend against. A beautiful femal detective aids Goliath, & his band of fellow gargoyles, to fight Xanatos, their major nemesis.

Endlessly entertaining. Excellent animation. Repleat with Satanic aesthetics. There is power & majesty here, & many inspirational triumphs & adventures.

Yes, the future looks glorious! Satanimation plays a wonderful part in bringing the Age Of Satan to full swing. With a noble philosphy like Satanism being taught through gothic-type animation, new generations can observe examples such as these that will maximize their potential. With a lack of worthwhile mentors these irresponsible days, when sports ignoramuses are being idolized over geniuses, these characters serve as more valuable life-formations than most people do.

The popularity of Satanimation continues to grow, & continue to spawn its influence through its portrayals of philosphy, justice, respect, love-hate balance, & the appreciation for the arts.

As the Satanimations become more popular, the environment & social climate will improve. Persons of the neo-pagan persuation are accepted now, more than ever. But as Satanists, we will always represent "evil" to the ignorant peasantry. We are the masters, they are the slaves. We use our superior talents & intellect to dominate, & keep them in their place, as stratification increases. We are called tyrants because of it. So be it.

Right now, multitudes of little tyrants are being raised all over the world. And by their children. And their children's children. & beyond, the successive ancestry shall continue what has been birthed in these transitional times. As a result, civilization will progress at the fastest pace ever. In the giant playground that is the world, people will behave themselves, OR ELSE! The problem with today's "leaders", is they are too weak-minded, & the laws are virtually ineffectual. An iron hand is needed to rectify the rampant rottenness. To force "civilization" back on the path to progress & glory. In short, a tyrant is needed. Or more appropriately, named, a political/military catalyst/hero. Much like Vlad Tepes, without the xianity garbage. He must embody the conciousness of all other tyrants in their fields of endeavour.

Yes indeed, Satan incarmate is coming to town, & if needs be, blood will flow!

Part II: Role-Playing Games

ne of the "warning signs" that your child may be into the occult, according to xian Satanophobes, is a "change or improvement in vocabulary". Another, is a "preference for being alone". {source: "Exposing Satan's Underground" program (1988).}

It is definitely true, that when one becomes involved in role-playing games, one's eloquence does indeed elevate. By submerging oneself into the fantasy world, arcane of olde, with all its spells, battles, monsters, & adventures, one's Imagination is exercised, the left hemisphere of the cerebrum. The right hemisphere becomes stimulated when the more technical aspects are considered, such as the hitpoints & the battle strategies. Overall, the whole brain is activated. Plus, the vocabulary used in the games, are above average, at least. These games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, Masquerade, Ravensloft, Werewolf, Magic: The Gathering, among others, are all educational tools that should be utilized for a sharper & more improved intellect.

The games also provide a ventation for stress. Perhaps the player met with a nerve-racking day at school or at work. The game can provide a healthy dose of escapism, & a marvellous technique of meditation, where the mind & body become relaxed, then activated in a controlled, positive manner, acording to one's own Will & wit.

It is essentially, a psychodrama, where the player may substitute a character in the game for that of his boss, or some annoying co-worker or student, & perhaps even a desired lady {there are sensual role-playing games too}. The games may provide likened scenarios in a fantasy format, that can be most gratifying. The game itself may serve as a ritual to gain a desires situation in real life. For example, when one' character encounters another from the game, you may choose to name it appropriately, If you encounter some malevolent creature, that could be the boss, or an enemy represented in proxy form; then the battle would be waged, & victory obtained. If you lose, however, that may provide a learning experience & may help to place things into perspective, which then provides self-analysis, & an improved plan of engagement can be developed, after fully recognizing your weaknesses & strengths. Then you can strengthen those weaknesses, striving for invincibility, as well as empowering one's already potent strengths.

When one has successfully dominated the game, by gaining many victories, & many pleasure-filled nights with a fantasy lover; this expertise always manifests somehow in real life. There is where the line between neurosis & complimantary accentuation of one's personality is revealed.

The games sometimes have been a stratifier between the weak & the strong. The intelligent & the stupid. The stable & the unstable. One can either utilize the EGO-intensifiers derived from the game as an accentuation of one's persona, as with the development of charisma, wit, & overall intelligence, & utilizing the fantastic episodes therein to a practical extent; or, the unstable may use their game characters to define the value & totality of themselves, filling their empty existance, & thereby lapse into dementia.

It is healthy to play the games, so long as you do not prevent yourself from excelling in life. Recreation is the key word, not self-destructive obsession. Use the game, don't let it use you {Draconian Dictum #7: Use Or Be Used}. Use it as a mental workout, a learning process, & as recreational entertainment. And if the games motivate you, or someone you know, to become involved with the occult, recommend some appropriate bibliography: THE SATANIC BIBLE by Anton Szandor LaVey, which explains the theories & applications of Satanic Magic. This may lead them to discover their inherant Satanic potential. Otherwise, they can just blend into the mass of mediocrity & self-deceit of the realms of the blindlight, & the recycled "new age" garbage.

Interactive role-playing games, like "Vampire: The Masquerade", where the participants don elegant costumes, assume pseudonyms, & transform their surroundings into magnificent gothic total-environments, then proceed to create situations & events that take the players to the darkest recesses of the mind. They may select a graveyard, an abandoned church, an attic, a basement, the beach at night, the woods, a backyard, or in one's own decorated room. Wherever it may be, that place undergoes a virtual metamorphosis & timewarp, where the dark dimensions of the Imagination are opened, & many daemons crawl forth...

It is the humanimal's instinct to adorn themselves. To assume alternate identities, if only for a time, once in awhile, to pretend. Pretending is an important element in Magic, that causes a reaction in realtime. It enriches every aspect of one's life. It adds that precious magical touch to whatever one does, or wherever one may go.

Role-playing games extend Halloween, that most wonderful of holidays, to whatever part of the year you desire - every night, if you choose. The humanimal may reconnect with one's Satanimal by reconnecting to one's tender, primal nature, thus, achieving balance & self-realization, ergo, actualization. And these interactive games are an excellent method to bring about the Satanimal, the lycanthrope.

Right now, technology has progressed to the point where players can engage in VR {virtual reality} role-playing, interactive programs with anyone on earth, where surroundings can be to one's specifications. One day soon, full-body stimulus will be incorperated, as part of the VR experience. One player on their PC will effectively "touch" the other, as well as all the other sensory manipulations. Indeed, an entirely new level of Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, Vampire: The Masquerade, Ravensloft, Warhammer, Werewolf, Diablo, etc. Where one will be completely surrounded in those worlds.

I must say, however, as a commentary & suggestion to any technomancers out there, that I would love to see more games created in which the player has the option to be the villain, monster, demon, etc.

In conclusion, role-playing games, interactive role-playing games, & VR interactive role-playing games are highly recommended for the progressive, evolving, Satanic Technomancer.

It has been scientifically proven, that these games tend to improve I.Q.'s, as well as classical music, some of the more complex Heavy Metal, & strobing & flickering lights stimulates the cerebrum.

Arrange at least one "Masquerade Night" a month, where you can commisserate with friends to indulge in the "Halloween Spirit". Granted, many of us preserve that "spirit" all year 'round, but it would be fun to acknowledge such a formal social activity. Arrange your own "Masquerade Ball" with class & deportment, but above all, preserve the fun.

So, get out that manual, character sheets, figurines, & light the incense, don your costumes, & prepare to cast spells, wage war, & indulge entertainment with a few good comrades, while listening to Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, Wagner, Bach, Mozart, to King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Leatherstrip, Glenn Danzig's Black Aria, London After Midnight, Christian Death, Morbid Angel, Manowar, Iron Maiden, & whatever else possesses your fancy, by the moon & candlelight, deep into the night...

{c} Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXII Anno Satanas. All Rights Reserved.


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