Here are some Links to sites about astrology,
Jungian psychology, mythology and other interesting and fun subjects. I´m trying to add links and update, but sometimes there's not enough hours in a day! Any suggestions or comments are very welcome!
The ISIS Institute (Archetypal Astrology and Transpersonal Psychotherapy.)
Center For Psychological Astrology (Liz Greene, et. al.)
Zodiacal Zephyr (Several nice tools)
Project Hindsight (Robert Hand and others.)
Astrodienst (atlas and timezone database online)
Elemental Astrology (Astrology and the Elements)
Michael McLay´s page on Archetypal Astrology (A favorite!)
AstrologyWorld (an interesting page by Deborah Houlding)
Astrology Weekly (Vivian Weaver has a good page here)
Astrology Alive ( very good page by Barbara Schermer)
Astrology, Dreams, Art, Alchemy
The Planets and Their Children (Medieval astrology)
M-Comp Home Page, I Ching, Alchemy, Astrology and Kabbala
Astrology @ Planet Zodiac: The Lost Horoscope
Zodiac aphesis astrology software and free birth chart analysis tips based on
the lost horoscope x-files from Greek, medieval and renaissance sources.
Green Street (Archetypal Psychology)
Online Psychological Services-JungWeb
C.G. Jung, Analytical Psychology and Culture
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
PSYCHE: an interdisciplinary journal of research on consciousness
Prima Materia(a very good interdisciplinary page on Depth Psychology, Philosophy, Mysticism)
Fundación C.G. Jung de Psicología Analítica de la República Argentina (The first Jung foundation in Argentina, in Spanish)
The Encyclopedia Mythica(most of what you might want to search for in the world of mythology)
The Net of Gems (Joseph Campbell page)
Labyrinth Home Page (medieval page)
Alchemy on the web(Interesting page with a fine collection of alchemical images)
Friends of Ficino(a tribute to Marsilio Ficino, the Italian Renaissance Philosopher.)
The Oracle of Oxias (answers most of your questions on the Ancient World)
All kinds of history, myth, the occult, the paranormal... what ever...!
Upload your own articles or read others.
For those with an interest in the paranormal, unexplainable, occult, but also myth, history and much more.
People ask from time to time for books on this subject. Here are some suggestions for further reading. There is a plethora of books on C.G. Jung and on Astrology. I´m only stating a very few here, which I favor myself. These are not lightweight, but anyhow not the most demanding literature on the topic:
Jungian Psychology:
Jolande Jacobi - Die Psychologie von C.G. Jung. Walter Verlag,1971.
Jolande Jacobi - Complex/Archetype/Symbol in the psychology of C.G. Jung. Bollingen series LVII, 1959, Pantheon Books.
C.G. Jung - Aspects of the Feminine
C.G. Jung - Erinnerungen Traume Gedanken von C.G. Jung. Aufgezeichnet und herausgegeben von Aniela Jaffé.
C.G. Jung - Zur Frage der Psychologishen Typen, Walter Verlag, 1972.
Ester Harding - Woman's Mysteries; ancient and modern, a psychological interpretation of the feminine principle as portrayed in myth, story and dreams. London 1933; 1970; 1986.
Edward C Whitmont - The Symbolic Quest: Basic Concepts of Analytical Psychology.
Robert Hand - Horoscope Symbols, Whitford Press 1981.
Liz Greene - The Astrology of Fate, Samuel Weiser inc, 1984.
Liz Greene & Howard Sasportas - The Development of the Personality, Routledge & Kegan Paul 1987.
Liz Greene & Howard Sasportas - Dynamics of the Unconscious, Routledge & Kegan Paul 1988.
Howard Sasportas - The Twelwe Houses, The Aquarian Press 1985.
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