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Chromotheraphy – Its curative effect


Colours have deep impact and effect on human body and mental health.  Deficiency of colours or imbalance of colours gives births to many diseases.  These are seven colours that are violet, blue, indigo, green, yellow, orange and red.  Each colour has its own characteristics and impact.  Out of the seven colours only orange, blue and green colours are useful for preparation of medicines.  If we keep sugar, water, sugar candy, oil, glycerin, ghee filled 2/3 in a glass bottle of a particular colour and charge it with sunrays, it becomes a medicine.  Sun charged water, sugar or sugar candy can be taken orally.  Sun charged oil fats (ghee) and glycerin can be locally applied.  Colour breathing & radiations are other methods of its application. 

             As already mentioned above following three colours are used for treatment of diseases they are:-

  1. Orange or Red 

  2. Green

  3. Blue

Orange colour:           Orange colour has the characteristics of heating stimulating tonic & expanding.  Therefore it is good remedy for old age.  It supplements the deficiency of iodine, strengthens muscles and useful for paralysis of liver, intestine, Kidney and urinary tract.  It is also a very good for weak digestive power.  With this colour disease like gastric, acidity, indigestion, colic, vomiting, nausea, gout, rheumatism, paralysis, cold & flue bronchitis, pneumonia, cough, Tuberculosis, Eisonophillion, marasmus, anemia, bedwetting of children, sexual weakness, low blood pressure etc can be treated successfully.

 Green colour:             It is neutral, harmonizing, eliminating and blood purifier.  It is, therefore used as detoxifier.  It helps in expansion of morbid matters or toxins from the body.  This colour is good remedy for constipation.  Disease like constipation, fever, ulcers, typhoid, eczema, stone, high blood pressure, epilepsy hysteria can be treated by this colour. 

  Blue colour:               It is cooling soothing contracting and anti-septic.  It is tonic for nervous system.  It affects the mind and therefore useful for persons having mental tension.  It cures diseases like high fever, sun-stroke, headache, insomnia, epilepsy, insanity, high blood pressure and sore throat.  Sun charged blue oil is good tonic for mental fatigueness, falling of hairs etc. 

 Method of Preparation of Medicine

  1. Use clean glass/bottle/zar only.

  2. Fill 2/3 of oil water sugar, glycerins or ghee(fat) in a bottle. 

  3. The bottle should be tightly corked.

  4.  Keep the bottle where there is enough sun rays.

  5.  The bottle should not get the contact or shadow of another colour.

  6.  Water is sun charged within 6 to 8 hours whereas oil has to be charged for a minimum 40-45 days.

  7.  The sun charged water can be used for three days and thereafter it has to be charged again.      

  8. In chronic disease the dose should thrice a day.  One dose for adult could be 50 ml.  In acute cases the dose could be repeated at the interval of 2 to 3 days.

  9. Sun charged green and blue water is to be taken empty stomach before 15 minutes of meal.  The sun charged orange water is to be taken after 15 minutes of meals.


For further details please contact.


 Dr. Vincent Barla,

Diploma in Naturopathy










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