This site has been created to glorify the name of Jesus...~~Este sitio ha sido creado para exaltar el nombre de Jesucristo~~

Hello, I am Bettye
and I want to tell you more about this person also known as Beebee, and about where I live when I'm not at my home on the web. So, join me for a walk in my garden while I tell you more about myself. I was born and bred on beautiful Sand Mountain
in the NE part of Alabama which is known as The Heart of Dixie. Many of you may be familiar with the area.  If not, I'm sure most of you have heard of our famous band"Alabama".  All of their members live in the same county where I live.  The county seat is Fort Payne and that is where their band headquarters is located.  Well, like I said I was born here and have lived here for all except about 15 years  when I lived in Northwest, Alabama and East Tennessee.  I was brought up in the country on a farm which is the way we made our living. I've plowed the tractor, hoed and picked cotton, hauled cattle to the sale for my Dad, and all  that goes with being a country girl and working on a farm. I finished High School here,
then Jr.College
and Alabama University. Go Tide Go!!

I am a born-again Christian, a mother of two children, one of which I lost, and a career woman.
My one living child, a son, is married and the father of my only grandchild, beautiful Caitlyn, who is 10 years of age.
  I have worked most of my adult life and recently retired from Alabama State Parks Division where I worked as an accountant at one of our beautiful State Park Lodge and Convention Centers located nearby

in adjacent Marshall County.  I am, in fact, surrounded by several of our many State Parks:Lake Guntersville, Buck's Pocket (you read it right  *GRIN*), and Cathedral Caverns are North of me; Desota is East of me, and Cheaha lies to the South.  The mountains here are as pretty in the Springtime and Fall as any you will see. We have some beautiful gardens also.  You will find those right here on Sand Mountain. Yup, we aren't the State that some may have painted us to be; we have a mighty lot for which we are thankful, and we are proud to be called Southerners!

I've been back "Home" now to this part of Alabama for a little more than 30 years. I returned due to a very traumatic event in my life.  My parents, brothers, grandparents, and many, many relatives all lived here.  Many have passed away now, including a daughter, my parents and a brother. I took an early retirement from the work force because of health problems and was very concerned about what I was then going to do.  My son had now finished High School, college, married and on his own.  All of you know we can stay busy forever with just everyday chores in the home, but that's not much fun!  I have always been a very active person and like some really mind challenging things to do.  Well, I found it!

The internet and access to it became available here a few years back...I personally have only been on for a little less than two years.... January 1999 to be exact.  I didn't get into building pages at that time however.  I DID start trying it in late April, 2000 (this year), and if you want to exercise your thinking and learning faculties, just try it!  I have found it very interesting--so much so that I'd almost rather do it than eat!  And I "ain't seen nothing yet" because I have scads yet to try and learn!  I HAVE managed to get several pages going here....I hope you will peruse them and find something that interests you.  If so, take a second and leave me a note in my Guestbook telling me about it.  I'd like to know you've been blessed and inspired in some small just makes my day!  You also might want to vote for my site or rate it; please do!  I add something new here almost daily, get involved in yet another Christian ministry--I belong to several--and continue my studies at the "University" here.
So come back to see me really soon.... and thanks for visiting with me in my Garden!  God bless you!

Proud to be a Southerner!
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